Listen to that little voice!
OK, so, since I have a plan review in an hour and wouldn't mind eating lunch before it, I may as well not begin a new project until after the phone review (see how well I can procrastinate when I want too? I don't mean to brag, but it can be a real strength of mine).
So, as J wrote, feel free to think I'm a "nut job," just please don't take this as me preaching somehow. I firmly believe that faith or lack there of is a personal thing and I'd NEVER try to tell anyone what they should believe. this is just how things unfolded for me.
Back when gas was at it's highest, I was driving from Marshfield to around Houston MN to hunt. It cost a small fortune to drive there and back in the Suburban for an afternoon hunt, but I had more short people still living at home and being able to be there when they woke up made it worth it.
So, as I always did, I checked that morning to make sure the aft hunt was still a go. I wasn't dropping a $100 on gas and 4 hrs driving if it was going to be crappy...things looked good.
When I got there that aft, the winds were howling. I dang near turned around and went back home, but I just couldn't see throwing away $100 and 4 hrs on absolutely nothing. So, I instead headed for a stand I had in a huge oak in a valley, figuring that there was no way the huge oak would sway, the valley would help shelter the wind and the wind would likely die down that last 30 mins, as it almost always does.
The stand was an honest 30' up, as I used 6 ladder stick sections to get to the platform. I put it that high because I was covering activity below me, as well as a side hill trail. Even at 30', I was only about 15' above the side hill trail.
As guessed, the oak wasn't swaying. It was a 2 strapper, meaning I had to double up each climbing stick strap to get it around the tree and the stand strap barely made it. That said, I was still a smudge uncomfortable, as the gusts were very strong.
Finally, there's about 30 mins left of light when I realized I hadn't prayed yet. I'll be honest. I almost never go to church anymore and don't pray nearly as much as I believe I should in daily life, but I almost always pray when hunting. No, I'm never asking for a buck. It's just a couple Our Fathers and Hail Maries, and then thanking Him for all he has given me/loved ones and asking for Him to keep an eye over them for me, as well as help me be a better person/father/husband/friend. I realized I hadn't done that yet. So, I begin.
I'm not even half way into the 1st Our Father when a voice in my head tells me to get down and go home to see my family. As I'm praying, I'm actually arguing with myself at how ridiculous that is. The wind is just starting to die, I'm nearing the only time I stand a chance of seeing deer and 30 mins either way isn't going to matter, but the other voice in my head insists. Finally, I relent, but I insist on finishing the prayers first (I argue with myself in my mind all the's very much like real life arguments).
So, I finish, get my stuff together and climb down. My foot sincerely no more than hits the ground, one foot still on the last step when I hear a loud smash. I look up in time to see a branch about the size of my thigh teetering on the platform of the stand and come falling to the ground, landing a couple feet away from me.
Though I have since then, I wasn't wearing a safety harness. I can't remember any other time getting out of a stand on a PM hunt before dark, unless I shot a deer. conclude whatever you want, but I've learned many times over to listen to those voices in my head. The only time I regret it is when I don't.