New ATV sprayer suggestions

Not a boom sprayer, but I got a Moultrie 25 gallon boom less several years ago (4-5) and have not had a single issue with it other than when I dropped it and broke the pressure gauge that I repaired. I have used it on a hitch haul behind my truck and on our ATV with no issues. Think I got it on clearance for $120 shipped and have been extremely happy with it.
I too have the Moultrie 25 gallon boomless. Based on pictures, this is similar to the FIMCO (same valves, tank, but a somewhat different layout of controls). Downsides: The nozzle does not provide even coverage; the boomless unit works only at max pressure; it only provides 10' coverage with the 2.2 GPM pump. Upside: Relatively cost effective; easy to use; wand works well with good 20' reach.

I would recommend going with a higher quality sprayer and wince once, buy once. Prior to the Moultrie I had a 15 gallon FIMCO with an aftermarket pump and boom that worked OK, but the parts (seals, hoses, pump) just don't seem to last. I would also rather than a 30-40' reach on a boomless that could be adjusted down rather than make extra passes with an undersized pump unit such as the Moultrie.
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Went to spray today. Guess what was messed up…my fimco sprayer number 2. What a horrible product.
As embarrassing as it is, I was nearly one of those statistics. I was going up a steep incline on my property that I've never gone up before due to unusual standing water in the drainage.

The tank was about half full and I didn't think much of it even though it was pretty steep. My front tires climbed a pocket gopher mound and it was enough to shift extra weight back off the front tires. I was sitting in a normal seated, riding position which was a huge mistake. By the time I realized it was about to roll over on me, gravity had me glued to the seat, I couldn't get off the machine. It rolled back over on top of me two different times as we went down the hill. The handle bars of my wheeler crushed my chest/sternum with so much force it bent the frame through the steering column. When we came to a stop the air was completely out of my lungs and as I struggled to breathe, I was sure they were my last breaths.. I was incredibly fortunate that throughout the incident I didn't hit my head on anything. Fortunately I was able to walk home about 500 yards even though something (not sure what) punctured my shin down to the bone. Wound up with 3 cracked ribs, a cracked sternum, and a broken back. I was off of work for almost 3 months. That's not the worst of it though. At the time of the accident (about 18 months ago) I had a one year old daughter and 3 year old boy at home.

God was watching over me that afternoon and I'm so very thankful he spared my life despite my carelessness. Incredibly scary stuff. I'm a very safety conscious person too with my career and the training I've had. Believe me when I say, I never thought this would happen to me.

with ATV's tire pressure is very important. check them before using them on heavy loads. One soft tire and it's noticeable more tippy. Huge difference 1lb makes in a 4-6psi ATV tire.... Also, folks generally dont adjust their shock preloads at all. I didn't until I notice what it does to a snowmobile. Turn them up one or two notches.

Tanks partially filled with water are more dangerous than full one. That water rolling in the tank pushes against the side acts just like someone try to push your atv over. Seen a heating oil delivery truck on it's side a mile away from my home at an intersection. Fuel slosh against the tank knocked him over. Be as careful regardless of tank level.
whats a good spare spray pump to buy. I have a spare 1gpm or so for my fimco, but want to increase the pressure to spray mature spruce trees. something 2.5 gpm. shurflo I think is a good one, atleast from boat washdown pump experience.
Loved our tow behind 31 gallon from northern tool before it was stolen. With the Hills on our property I'm not keen on using an ATV rack mounted one but that's what it was replaced with.
Only good thing to say about that Mills FF has repair parts on the shelves for them.

I have learned to give some TLC to the plastic parts and to keep some spare parts on my shelves. Rinse and blow it out at the end of season....or you will pay in spring.
^^^^^^^^^ is why i use 55 gallon 3 pt PTO on my tractor when I spray


Me too....only mine is 110 gallon. I got by for many years with my 25 gallon ATV sprayer but I always felt like I was going to tip over on my hilly plots. It took a long time and I had limited capacity. When I got up to 16 acres of food plots plus a few miles of trails/travel corridors I decided to just take the plunge and get the 3 Pt model. Can't tell you how much faster it is and I love having the ability to select between 1, 2 or 3 sections of boom to get anywhere from about 8 feet and up to 20 feet of coverage depending upon where I am spraying.


IMG_0207 (3).jpeg
I only have room for a 1 acre food plot so this will be used more for watering plantings.
What wheeler speed and PSI are you guys running at to spray?

I only have room for a 1 acre food plot so this will be used more for watering plantings.
What wheeler speed and PSI are you guys running at to spray?

View attachment 42743

The only way to know for sure is to calibrate your sprayer....

Here is the data that I arrived at when calibrating the tractor mounted sprayer on my tractor. After calibration, it is a good idea to mark down the data on your sprayer so you don't forget.

IMG_2808 (3).jpeg
My fimco 25 gallon ATV sprayer when full will spray about 2 acres at a speed of about 6-7 mph. I plan my chemical concentration accordingly.
I have a 25 gallon Fimco boomless sprayer. I always figure 12 gallons to an acre at 4 mph.....which is a good application speed for most everything. Seems to work for me.
What PSI do you guys have the sprayer set at the regulator? The manual for my sprayer gives 4 spray settings 10,20,30 and 40 PSI.
Obviously the higher the PSI the more product you are applying, my concern is drift effecting the plantings just outside the plot, so lower PSI is preferred. I actually have a wheeler with a digital speedometer and expect some drift burn but want to keep it minimal is all.

Thank you for the replies, good input guys!
My fimco boomless doesn't have enough pressure coming out the nozzles unless I'm running >40psi. I keep my pressure pretty high.
My fimco boomless doesn't have enough pressure coming out the nozzles unless I'm running >40psi. I keep my pressure pretty high.
Ditto I've not had too much problem with drift and I spray on calm days. (well there was that time with a few apple trees......grin)
Been using that one four years. No problems with it. I run a gallon or two of RV antifreeze thru it in the fall.
Thanks Gene!
Compared to North Star and Fimco, our sprayers at Frost Inc will outlast any of those options. You get what you pay for.

Frost is located in St. Croix Falls, WI but offers shipping all over the US. We currently have 25/50/100 gallon for ATV/UTV/3pt/Trailer. Made in our local shop, with only the parts that are proven to outlast. Be sure to reach out to Frost Inc if you have any questions, we are always here to help. 800-621-79210
Check out the forum rules posted in the sticky section of General Discussion. Mentioning ones product now and then is OK. Every post, not so much. So far you're 7 for 7.
Don't want to run you off, you're welcome to join the discussion but we don't have advertisers on purpose.
Is that the 26 Gallon 2.2 GPM model shown here by chance? I have hovered over buying an ATV sprayer for long enough and just pulled the trigger (pun intended) on the model below, it should be at my house before May 1st.

26 gallon

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