PDF files are available at the bottom of Dbltree's post showing the pictures he posted
Native Warm Season Grass we planted 3 years ago and we will burn it next spring under CRP MCM (mid contract management) which means we get paid to enhance our habitat ;)

If you are seeding prairie grass this winter or spring you should be in the process of killing existing CSG (cool season grass ). Hopefully you mowed it 3-4 weeks ago and spraying right about now.

We use 2 quarts glyphosate (roundup )and 1 quart of crop oil per acre. Depending on the grasses being sown there are a few option's to add to get some pre-emergant control the following spring

Plateau/Panoramic can be used to get additional control of fescue in mixed NWSG such as Big Bluestem and Indiangrass. Check label for compatible species, fall spraying will allow sufficient time for many species yet give some control into spring.

Switchgrass preparation is essentially the same but we can add 1 to 2 ounces Oust XP/SFM75 per acre to the glyphosate. Do NOT use this combination in the spring the seeding year.

Native prairie grass makes outstanding whitetail buck habitat, especially on hilly ground. Ideally highly erodible crop land can be enrolled in CRP but any fields not required for feeding areas would be better off in native grass on farms managed for whitetails.
Many thanks to chickenlittle for rescuing Pauls pictures.
Native Warm Season Grass we planted 3 years ago and we will burn it next spring under CRP MCM (mid contract management) which means we get paid to enhance our habitat ;)

If you are seeding prairie grass this winter or spring you should be in the process of killing existing CSG (cool season grass ). Hopefully you mowed it 3-4 weeks ago and spraying right about now.

We use 2 quarts glyphosate (roundup )and 1 quart of crop oil per acre. Depending on the grasses being sown there are a few option's to add to get some pre-emergant control the following spring

Plateau/Panoramic can be used to get additional control of fescue in mixed NWSG such as Big Bluestem and Indiangrass. Check label for compatible species, fall spraying will allow sufficient time for many species yet give some control into spring.

Switchgrass preparation is essentially the same but we can add 1 to 2 ounces Oust XP/SFM75 per acre to the glyphosate. Do NOT use this combination in the spring the seeding year.

Native prairie grass makes outstanding whitetail buck habitat, especially on hilly ground. Ideally highly erodible crop land can be enrolled in CRP but any fields not required for feeding areas would be better off in native grass on farms managed for whitetails.
Many thanks to chickenlittle for rescuing Pauls pictures.
PDF's of the this thread with Dlbtree's photobucket images included.
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