bat man


As you may know, The Institute for White-tailed Deer Management & Research conducted the first R&D work on trail cameras, much of which led to the huge variety of these devices now available to the public. Our published research led to the use of trail cameras in census and demographics studies by managers and scientists. Our studies have shown these devices not only are a critical component to hunting, studying and managing deer, but also have tremendous potential for obtaining more accurate information on a geographic level. Hence, in 2014 the Institute will implement a national database which collects standardized information from cooperators in each state. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BECOMING A LONG-TERM PARTICIPANT/VOLUNTEER IN THIS STUDY, PLEASE CONTACT US.


Scientists at the Institute are convinced a Nationwide annual inventory using trail cameras could help management decisions, as well as assess the state of the national deer herd. The new research program will incorporate standardized methods and data from volunteers across the nation.

Your contact information will be placed in our email database and you then will receive a cooperators data collection protocol document and agreement.
So all pics submitted have to be bigger than him?

Does anything smaller really matter? My 11 year old thinks he will be a good one when he gets his first car.
Does anything smaller really matter? My 11 year old thinks he will be a good one when he gets his first car.
You better train him to use a rifle or a bow. Getting a deer with a car is expensive.
I can send you my spreadsheet. Lot cheaper to total out a $3,000 car than what I am doing.
You southerners do not figger things out very well. Southerner is from the south half of Mn.

My northern buddies just weld a deer catcher on any old pickup and never have to worry about insurance, buying an expensive $3000 car, or buying a deer license again.
It's best if the pickup still runs. Stu met one of these guys two falls back and he can verify what I posted.
Deer hunters need to start collecting more data them selves to use in discussion and debate. Crap I see presented as data by our DNR pisses me off, and they own the spin machine.
Deer hunters need to start collecting more data them selves to use in discussion and debate. Crap I see presented as data by our DNR pisses me off, and they own the spin machine.
I was thinking the same thing today.So my area is son schedule for a 50% increase above 2014 numbers. Is thatbaseine the 2014 aerial survey of 5.7 deer per square mile or the estimate from the harvest data?
When the stakeholder teams voted, did they know it was on 2014 numbers? Did you have numerical data in front of you with goals from the last stakeholder meetings?