MO just approved Xbows.

Sure it's true! Just like Bob Mercier is the "pioneer" of the "Dominance is Everything" deer hunting "system"...........:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
people that are really into habitat improvement seem to love him or hate him. If he wasn't the very first to do the "buck bed" stuff, someone tell me who it was, cause no one ever has. I have no clue if he was the first person to ever do this or not. I'll concede that may have been a pour choice of words there. He sure was the source that most everyone heard about it from, though. I know he wasn't the first to cut trails. Barry Wensel showed doing it in a video a very, very long time ago. No one I'm aware of tried to get bucks to follow it in a maze to waste their time on a specific piece of ground before I heard if tony doing that. Know one I'm aware of was talking about hinge cut bedding areas for does.

I'm NOT suggesting that no one had ever done any portions of any of this before. What I can say is that I've done a lot of photo evals over the years. Within the ones I've done, more than a few have had work previously done on them by other consultants over the years, either hands on or supplied the clients with drawings of what they should do. The oldest of that group is Tony's work. Everything I've ever seen or heard points to him being the first to tie a lot of these improvements together and many of today's plans sure seem to be heavily influenced by it. A person can say/think whatever they want about him and I won't be offended in the least, just as I sure am not trying to offend anyone myself. If there's someone that tried to tie improvements together in a plan before using those techniques before LaPratt did, I've never seen their work or heard anyone say they hired someone to do similar plans/work before he started his business.

Whip, regardless of what one may think of Bob Mercier, and I have VERY strong thoughts on him, he is the "pioneer" of the "Dominance Is Everything" deer hunting "system."
Ken Norberg was making deer trails many years ago,also. I got started from his series of books.
Whip, regardless of what one may think of Bob Mercier, and I have VERY strong thoughts on him, he is the "pioneer" of the "Dominance Is Everything" deer hunting "system."
Yes, yes he is.....that is the one point no one can argue.
For more clicks lets add baiting, expandables, ozonics, politics, religion and the packers in as well.:)

We should take them one at a time. :)

UP Powers,
It's funny what you describe is exactly why I went to his boot camp. I had no clue who the guy was years ago. After always reading all the fuss I had to go for myself to see what all the hub bub was about. I don't feel robbed like some but there was no way I was going to do to my timber what he suggests. No doubt I learned things from him.

I've walked property with Jeff S and I have a plan that Steve created for me. Like I said, if someone is making a living at this stuff, they have something to teach me.