MO just approved Xbows.

Good point steve but in wisconsin its now a constitutional right to hunt/fish. Imo wisconsin hunter #'s are dropping due to a) historically low dpsm in the northern public lands area b) more and more lack of private land access due to insane land cost and leased lands. A wooded 40 in waupaca is now 170-240k! A lease runs $40/acre.Can the neighbor kid now hunt squierrel in the farmers woods? Nope its leased or its his sanctuary. How many adults wake up one day and decide to start hunting? We all started with s bb gun plinking birds as kids back in the simple times before 3 hunting channels , 250k sf cabelas stores and hornporn.

I think you're 100% right on every point in that post, 100%. I sure don't think Xbows are doing much to bring in new hunters, for all the reasons you listed and more. I'm sure a few have picked hunting because of ne xbow laws, but I suspect it's a fairly insignificant number in the grand scheme. Here's what I do feel is significant, though. A lot of people that grew up with BB guns in their hands are either unwilling to put the time into practicing w a bow or are unable to (working downtown NY City and a sadly high number of other places, it's far from easy to shoot bow.). Xbows allow them to keep "bow" hunting once or twice a year, where they otherwise wouldn't. I see Xbows as more a force for slowing our declining hunter numbers far more than building them. I can't help believe that hunter numbers will continue declining. We may as well slow the decline as much as we can.
Over 30 years of xgun bt's. Exit holes are rare. The last ten years were with a $1600 tenpoint xgun. Use a fb only, expandables are turrbull in an xgun. Most xgun users dont practice and take shots well beyond thier unknown effective range.

Never had one NOT blast through. Exit holes rare? I would say based upon my experience with them that they are very effective and they do exactly what they are supposed to do. I don't believe that expandables are bad at all. i use swackers and they are perfect. I completely disagree with your findings and in my own personal use they shoot a bolt through a deer.

I use both long bows and crossbows. I also remember the old guard bitching about the use of compound bows. People still bitch about let off at 85%. People bitch about sights that light up. Let's hunt with long bows, hand spun arrows, real feathers and steel broadheads. The old guard will never be happy, no matter what.
My arrows, they are not bolts, weigh in at 425gr each. Neither I, nor anyone in my group has ever lost a deer shot with a xbow. It's the shooter, not the bow. I use a RDT, reverse draw technology, bow. They balance as well as almost any rifle. I use a red dot scope on it and can easily shoot 3" groups at 100 yards but will not shoot a deer beyond 50. I am beginning to sense some real animosity towards xbow hunters in this thread so that is all I am going to say.

Not me!! Love my XBOW. LOVE hunting. Love my long bow. I think if it was up to the OLD guard. They would use their bifocuals with a long bow. I love modern technology. Hence why I love modern sporting rifles. I suppose those are bad too??
I've seen two deer shot with crossbows, both were under 25 yards, and both crashed and died within sound distance. One was with a slick trick fixed blade, the other was with a swacker expandable. FWIW there was NO blood trail with the slick trick, double lung but on the high side.

The multi-reticle scopes on many crossbows will cause people fits who don't practice with their broadheads at different distances. The instructions that came with mine would make you believe that once you sighted in the top crosshair, I believe at 15 yards, that the others would fall in line at the specified distances. I found this NOT to be true. In fact it was off enough that I'd likely have a complete miss on a deer at 40 yards if I hadn't sighted in out to that range.

I will likely never take a shot with my crossbow at a deer further than 50 yards and even that may be stretching it. First, most of my stands are in the woods and taking a 40+ yard shot without striking brush would be quite an accomplishment. Second, to me 40+ yards is a long way to confidently shoot without a rest. Third, the shot is loud (at least mine is) and I don't want to risk having a deer react to the shot before the shot gets to them.

Ok I'm done rambling :). IMO, compound bow vs cross bow, with the same amount of practice and same shot selection, the cross bow is a superior weapon for the average hunter. Problems with crossbows surface when the hunter takes a shot behind the weapons practical distance. And that can be said for ANY weapon.
Not me!! Love my XBOW. LOVE hunting. Love my long bow. I think if it was up to the OLD guard. They would use their bifocuals with a long bow. I love modern technology. Hence why I love modern sporting rifles. I suppose those are bad too??

Me too.
I still have my nifty newvo flip phone in a drawer somewhere. But I use a smart phone these days.
Crossbows aren't my thing, and if I ruled the world they would only be legal in archery season for disabled, elderly and children hunters. Having said that, I appreciate the opportunities they provide people to enjoy hunting. I will say, though, that if crossbow hunters are not achieving a pass-through with modern equipment, it is the shooter, not the equipment. Of all the seasoned hunters I know that use crossbows (including my dad, who can't use a compound due to shoulder issues), they achieve pass-throughs almost 100% of the time. My dad shot one head-on (close range, unsuspecting deer- one of the rare head-on shots that was ethical, IMO) and the bolt almost came out the corn chute; the deer was dead in less than 50 yards. They pack a wallop out to a reasonable range with a reasonable bolt weight and good broadhead.
Take the scopes off and reduce their range and I wouldn't have an issue.In Kansas it was just like the NR issue someone threatened lawsuit,same as with using a scope on ML another lawsuit threatened.Even though anyone with a medical or over 65 or I believe it was under 15 you could get a permit.I doubt that any state will release or track the inform using xbows
I would love a survey on some of the people on her against the xbows have for let off's on their bows. I would bet anything a lot of people are at 75% or ABOVE. I would love to see these old timers pull back 70 pounds with a long bow and become even REMOTELY accurate. OH wait.. It's perfectly fine to have a 85% let off bow, with a machined riser, that is harmonically balanced, with one cam technology, arrows made of something not from this planet. Grab a long bow at 70lbs and start flinging arrows at 30 yards and tell me where they land. When you shoot arrow 24 let me know how that shoulder feels and if you even hit the paper, I would love to know the score.

I am personally HEALTHY and strong like a horse! I have no reason to use a crossbow other than the fact that I LOVE IT!!! It's a blast!! They are so accurate!

Oh.. These same chuckleheads that are against Xguns are the same blowhards that use an inline muzzleloader, with 209 primers, saboted bullets, yardage compensated scopes, and pellets for powder. You want to hunt with a muzzleloader??? Grab a flintlock and a lead ball.

Oh.. same boneheads that still walkout to their deer blinds with a Winchester model 1892 chambered in 25-20 with an iron peep. Wait? Scratch that.. That's still pretty modern and that could be me!!! How many of these blowhards use optics that are coated with materials not from this planet with 50MM bells with all the light gathering abilities and belted magnum calibers like the .338 Lapua.

I have absolutely zero use for anyone that is against hunting. Join PETA! I don't care what people use. Are you hunting?? PERFECT!!!
I would love a survey on some of the people on her against the xbows have for let off's on their bows. I would bet anything a lot of people are at 75% or ABOVE. I would love to see these old timers pull back 70 pounds with a long bow and become even REMOTELY accurate. OH wait.. It's perfectly fine to have a 85% let off bow, with a machined riser, that is harmonically balanced, with one cam technology, arrows made of something not from this planet. Grab a long bow at 70lbs and start flinging arrows at 30 yards and tell me where they land. When you shoot arrow 24 let me know how that shoulder feels and if you even hit the paper, I would love to know the score.

I am personally HEALTHY and strong like a horse! I have no reason to use a crossbow other than the fact that I LOVE IT!!! It's a blast!! They are so accurate!

Oh.. These same chuckleheads that are against Xguns are the same blowhards that use an inline muzzleloader, with 209 primers, saboted bullets, yardage compensated scopes, and pellets for powder. You want to hunt with a muzzleloader??? Grab a flintlock and a lead ball.

Oh.. same boneheads that still walkout to their deer blinds with a Winchester model 1892 chambered in 25-20 with an iron peep. Wait? Scratch that.. That's still pretty modern and that could be me!!! How many of these blowhards use optics that are coated with materials not from this planet with 50MM bells with all the light gathering abilities and belted magnum calibers like the .338 Lapua.

I have absolutely zero use for anyone that is against hunting. Join PETA! I don't care what people use. Are you hunting?? PERFECT!!!
I'm not that Ruffled. Been walking the planet long enough to know and love some die hards that have passed. But those same die hards would have been happy killing a spike.

Can't ever change a fudd. But God bless em. Cause I wouldn't have ever hunted without em.

I kinda fish and knew enough to take my son . Today My son is nut. Someday he'll be an advocate for artificial reef and limited commercial fishing.

I'll still use a bobber and say he's over thinking it. :).
From the allowed weapons for each season, I choose what I hunt with based on my interests, goals, cost, difficulty, challenge, weather, location, etc. If the rules change, I reserve the right to change too.
No pass thru with an xbow tells me arrows are very likely way too light as others said. I shoot 476 grain arrows tipped with fixed blades slicks and vpa's out of a 305fps rated bow that is probably only doing 280fps or less. I only shoot 40 yards and less, bolt is always sticking in ground after pass thru. My friend tried to cheat time by lowering vertical bow poundage and lightening up arrow to compensate for speed when his shoulder was was a disaster , he wounded too many before he figured it out and we got him to switch to an xbow
people are completely delirious if they think Xbows don't have complete pass through capabilities. It's comical to read about things that people say when they have never used one. Like I said, I have never NOT had a pass through. EVER! The fricking targets you have to buy at Cabelas are designed for Xbows because conventional targets won't stop them. Why does Block make a special target just for XBOWS?? Oh that is because they don't do pass throughs and they are EXTRA soft so when the arrow hits it, it won't bounce off. I totally forgot!! I heard that Block is making the target of liquefied butter wrapped in saran wrap so they have any sort of penetration.

I would like to see some of the OLD and i mean OLD guard pull some bolts out of my Block target. Good luck and you better take an extra dose of your Geritol in the am and your Metamucil. Because they are BURIED in the target.
My kids have shot a few deer with the xbow and I will say there has been no issue with pass through, it's more how far into the ground the bolt is going to be. Xbows are not easy to shoot if you have to do it free hand, the way they are weighted a slight wiggle will through the shot off and that is easy to do. My kids don't shoot over 25yds even with them but they still managed to miss two deer this year pulling high. On the plus side kids are so busy with sports and personally my family had commitments that kept practice time down with the compound so this was an alternative to keep them hunting because it doesn't require much practice time to shoot out to 25-30yds.

My kids do not enjoy lugging the xbow around and do plan to go back to the vertical bow.
My kids have shot a few deer with the xbow and I will say there has been no issue with pass through, it's more how far into the ground the bolt is going to be. Xbows are not easy to shoot if you have to do it free hand, the way they are weighted a slight wiggle will through the shot off and that is easy to do. My kids don't shoot over 25yds even with them but they still managed to miss two deer this year pulling high. On the plus side kids are so busy with sports and personally my family had commitments that kept practice time down with the compound so this was an alternative to keep them hunting because it doesn't require much practice time to shoot out to 25-30yds.

My kids do not enjoy lugging the xbow around and do plan to go back to the vertical bow.

what a wonderful post. Kids hunting. I LOVE IT!!! I bet you had some great experiences with them hunting! If a crossbow keeps kids involved in hunting GREAT!!! They are a blast to shoot. Totally agree how far is that bolt going to be buried in the dirt after you shoot. Never had one not blast through to the other side. I have hit them quartering away and it's literally shot out like someone put a laser through the deer. Anyone that thinks you don't have incredible speed and pass through ability has never been around them.

Like I said.. OLD and I mean OLD guard, pick up some recurves at 70lbs and set down those 85% let off machined riser bows that are harmonically balanced. Show me the targets after 24 arrows and than after a 100. I don't think you will make the early bird specials at Perkins. Everyone likes to complain about the Xbows, but no one remembers where they came from in Archery.

People are hunting, don't like crossbows, Call Ingrid Newkirk, maybe you can take her out to lunch for a veggie sandwich with all the other greenies.
I would love a survey on some of the people on her against the xbows have for let off's on their bows. I would bet anything a lot of people are at 75% or ABOVE. I would love to see these old timers pull back 70 pounds with a long bow and become even REMOTELY accurate. OH wait.. It's perfectly fine to have a 85% let off bow, with a machined riser, that is harmonically balanced, with one cam technology, arrows made of something not from this planet. Grab a long bow at 70lbs and start flinging arrows at 30 yards and tell me where they land. When you shoot arrow 24 let me know how that shoulder feels and if you even hit the paper, I would love to know the score.

I am personally HEALTHY and strong like a horse! I have no reason to use a crossbow other than the fact that I LOVE IT!!! It's a blast!! They are so accurate!

Oh.. These same chuckleheads that are against Xguns are the same blowhards that use an inline muzzleloader, with 209 primers, saboted bullets, yardage compensated scopes, and pellets for powder. You want to hunt with a muzzleloader??? Grab a flintlock and a lead ball.

Oh.. same boneheads that still walkout to their deer blinds with a Winchester model 1892 chambered in 25-20 with an iron peep. Wait? Scratch that.. That's still pretty modern and that could be me!!! How many of these blowhards use optics that are coated with materials not from this planet with 50MM bells with all the light gathering abilities and belted magnum calibers like the .338 Lapua.

I have absolutely zero use for anyone that is against hunting. Join PETA! I don't care what people use. Are you hunting?? PERFECT!!!

That's a terrible argument. Let's just go gun/rifle then all year, shoot em up. It's hunting !!
That's a terrible argument. Let's just go gun/rifle then all year, shoot em up. It's hunting !!

I agree than lets go back to stick bows with wooden arrows with steel tips. I am totally down with that method. Oh.. mechanical sights are not allowed, instinctive only. I wonder what the let off is on your bow????

I don't think it's a terrible argument one bit. The governing state where I hunt deemed a season for crossbows. It's legal. It's fun!!! It's a great tool. what is a terrible argument is a hunter against another hunter because of the weapon they choose. I have zero use for people that think that way. Seriously.. join PETA. They need more people that are against hunting.
I would like to ask this; should there be a boundary between any of the seasons (rifle, bow, muzzleloader)? Or should some weapons be restricted based on the rut and ease of targeting mature bucks? Before you attack me or think you know my stance on this understand that my boy and I have both shot deer with a crossbow and I live in a state that recently made them legal during bow season.
I agree than lets go back to stick bows with wooden arrows with steel tips. I am totally down with that method. Oh.. mechanical sights are not allowed, instinctive only. I wonder what the let off is on your bow????

I don't think it's a terrible argument one bit. The governing state where I hunt deemed a season for crossbows. It's legal. It's fun!!! It's a great tool. what is a terrible argument is a hunter against another hunter because of the weapon they choose. I have zero use for people that think that way. Seriously.. join PETA. They need more people that are against hunting.

So you would support the use of firearms (gun, pistol, etc in traditional bow season) from Sept to January for deer hunting if it were to be made legal?

Pull out the PETA card. I hear that on various sites. Push an agenda and if someone doesn't agree they should Join PETA.

Keep it legal in your state, hope it never is legal here. We have too many long seasons and too many hunters already.

Disability and over age 60 no issues, if you want to hunt with a bow, buy a bow.
So you would support the use of firearms (gun, pistol, etc in traditional bow season) from Sept to January for deer hunting if it were to be made legal?


I support hunting. I like the seasons they way they are now and I don't think a change is needed in Wisconsin. In Michigan I hope they reduce the firearm season by a week. If the state said..spear season is valid now for deer from August 1st to August 2nd. I would be in a tree with a spear. I love hunting! I am quite sure that the amount of xbows I see in the local shops, Cabelas, Dicks Sporting Goods, Scheels, and any other sport shop makes it a clear indication that they are here to stay for a long time!

I love how people call a Xbow a Xgun. It's hilarious! A rifle projectile going 2700 fps and the energy to match it with an effective range of 300 yards plus with a good shooter is even compared to a crossbow. I mean.. there aren't people on this forum hunting with rifles with peep sights. No one has optics with 50mm bells and zoom powered to 15X and belted magnum calibers. That is absurd! I agree. Everyone is hunting with their marlin lever action rifle chambered in 30.30 with iron sights.

Come on guys.. let's hear about those let off's on those compound bows. I am sure all of you are using the old bear compound that you got as a teenager 35 years ago. I am sure no one is using mechanical releases, light up sights, drop away arrow rests, yardage compensated laser range finder sights, single cam technology, machined risers, harmonically balanced. . I mean every bow I see it's the old school long bows at 70lbs and you hand tuned your arrows from sticks you whittled in your back yard. Why?? Because most people are using all that. and it's ok!! Guess what the Old Guard says.. They don't like it. That not bow hunting! Trust me.. I am old enough to remember the OLD guard complaining. I said it then. and I will say it now. Are you hunting??? Great!! Sounds good to me!! Love fellow hunters! If you don't like hunters?? Yes... Join PETA.