Starting Apples from Seed Indoors - How To

I am currently trying this process. My seeds have been inside a paper towel in the crisp drawer since 12/31/24. I have not seen any tap root yet. Should I wait to see any tap root or can I just plant the seeds directly into soil indoors at this point and hope to see growth? Any advice is greatly appreciated!
No need to wait for a radicle or signs of germination. Stratification should be complete by now (plant when you're ready). Note that Jack is no longer here.
No need to wait for a radicle or signs of germination. Stratification should be complete by now (plant when you're ready). Note that Jack is no longer here.
That was my fear, planting them with no radicle emerging yet. I have 200 seeds. Do you recommend I plant in an Individual pot? Or can plant them and then transplant new seedlings into their own pot?
Watching this thread as well. Planting 100 seeds of the forbidden fruit, cosmic crisp.

The more successful guys plant the seeds in a pot on the porch with a layer of sand ontop. Maybe 1/4 inch or so. LEt nature take her time and dont give it too hard or a sun this summer.

Buying a few rootstocks, then tip them on their side in a layer or mulch or loose soil. As roots emerge from the main trunk, you got new rootstocks. Seen a video where a guy gets about a dozen a year from each one.

Growing mine to find a nice crabapple from the enterprise / honeycrisp parents. Drop time and disease resistance should be good parent genes.
That was my fear, planting them with no radicle emerging yet. I have 200 seeds. Do you recommend I plant in an Individual pot? Or can plant them and then transplant new seedlings into their own pot?
You can put a seed or two in each pot, and keep the rest to replace those that don't germinate and also to starting some outside. The best growth I've had on seedling where the ones planted in a protected bed outside once growing season begins.
Watching this thread as well. Planting 100 seeds of the forbidden fruit, cosmic crisp.

The more successful guys plant the seeds in a pot on the porch with a layer of sand ontop. Maybe 1/4 inch or so. LEt nature take her time and dont give it too hard or a sun this summer.

Buying a few rootstocks, then tip them on their side in a layer or mulch or loose soil. As roots emerge from the main trunk, you got new rootstocks. Seen a video where a guy gets about a dozen a year from each one.

Growing mine to find a nice crabapple from the enterprise / honeycrisp parents. Drop time and disease resistance should be good parent genes.
I actually experimented and did a trench stool bed as well as I cut 1 to the base and sent up new rootstock. Hopefully can harvest them this spring and plant them out. A few I might give an extra year but if it fails it was a free experiment. Seedlings I like to get a bunch and use for wildlife so don’t care for the height characteristics. I’m just worried if I take them out of the refrigerator too early they won’t grow in soil.
Just planted a bunch of dolgo seeds using the milk jug method. Planted way later then what I wanted to so we will see what happens. Looks like winter is not leaving here anytime soon in mid Michigan. I have no garden at my house and have no desire to start one since we plan on moving within the next 2 years. So I will have to move them to pots once they sprout and put on a little growth. Will 2 gallons pots be big enough to grow them in just for this summer??
I actually experimented and did a trench stool bed as well as I cut 1 to the base and sent up new rootstock. Hopefully can harvest them this spring and plant them out. A few I might give an extra year but if it fails it was a free experiment. Seedlings I like to get a bunch and use for wildlife so don’t care for the height characteristics. I’m just worried if I take them out of the refrigerator too early they won’t grow in soil.
Old orchard folks used to dig up roots and graft them to scions when they couldn't get rootstock, or were out.

Might try if I go deeper down the johny appleseed rabbit hole. If 2025 goes well, I am happy with what I have for variety and numbers. I am part of a hunting club in the adirondacks that get logged. All my trees are on borrowed time. The year they show up, I'll just buy some rootstock and start again. Hopefully the bird crabs take and start seeding crabapples here n there on their own.
Just planted a bunch of dolgo seeds using the milk jug method. Planted way later then what I wanted to so we will see what happens. Looks like winter is not leaving here anytime soon in mid Michigan. I have no garden at my house and have no desire to start one since we plan on moving within the next 2 years. So I will have to move them to pots once they sprout and put on a little growth. Will 2 gallons pots be big enough to grow them in just for this summer??
I got 4 feet of growth on m111 rootstocks grafted in 3 gallon rootmaker pots. From seed 1 gallon would be plenty.

I started toringo crabapple in 2017. In 2018 i put rooting hormone on cuttings. Most made it to june with a little shade. If i kept sone insidecin AC and afternoon light, pretty sure they would of survived. Had them in the fridge for a month.
Anybody got pics of 1st year growth? Debating whether to top work a antonovka with droptine on it now, or buy 10. B41 rootstock this spring and do a trellis setup for the graft.

Would like to see something in 3 years. Maybe use the trellis for a few local prospective crab apple.
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