With lots of folks eyeing the planting season I see lots of posts about ...."what should I plant?" The biggest thing I have learned over my time doing this is that....there is no one right answer. You have to plant what works for you and what meets your needs, budget , and equipment needs.
I keep my plots small because I am in heavy ag country and as such food is NOT an issue. I do still try to make sure that the deer do have what they need however....and after the harvest is complete these plots do help narrow down the deer movement.
I plant small plots of soybeans. Some people claim that "it can't be done".....I assure you it can. Just maybe not in 99.9% of the country. Beans as cheaper than corn, easier to grow than corn, provide both a forage and grain so it covers a longer period of time it is of use to the deer as well. Beans also stay mostly above what little snow we do get here as well.
Here is some pics of my 1/4 acre bean plot. No fence, no hot-wire..... I still have beans in the pods as of this past weekend. And you can see there is some greens stuff in there as well.....mostly an overseeding of winter wheat, turnips and some clover......to help ad diversity AND carry over well into spring. If this does what it did last year....The greens will be knee high by the time I'm ready to re-plant. I plant RR ag beans for those that care....I get 2 or 3 5 gallon buckets of seed from a local farmer for free and plant them with my 2 row plate planter (you know...click, click, click...old school) I split 30" rows. The corn was mixed in just for some cover and to see what happened. It didn't do much....but I didn't expect it to.
Add some turnips for some more late season food. My deer are not particularly fond of them...but its there is they need it...and again...it's cheap and easy. That's me.....Mr,. Cheap and Easy!!!
Another thing I see people asking about is grasses for cover..... Again, I know I don't get the snow that many others do (18" avg/yr).....but this is very typical of my switchgrass here....and it's mid Feb! Many say "plant it and they will come" in regards to plots. In my case.....cover is king. And food without cover is worthless for hunting. The more I expand and improve my cover the more deer I see and the better the hunting gets. I can't justify turning 100 acres of field into grass (not at $250+/acre in rent), but I do where it makes more sense.