OK - it only took until september to get the data......but here it is for my county. There are some things that I am not sure I fully understand.....

I guess I don't understand - How can we have a record county harvest of 831 deer in 2014 and the DVC (Deer/Vehicle Cases) of 93 and we have seen the harvest drop over the past 3 years....due to a declining population.....to 730 deer and we still have the same number of DVC's? We average ONE damage report per year for the last DECADE! I also do NOT agree with the buck:doe ration or the fawn:doe ration the state is sighting for my area. I see several does for every buck - while hunting and per trail cam. I also see multiple fawns per doe as a norm.

I guess I don't understand - How can we have a record county harvest of 831 deer in 2014 and the DVC (Deer/Vehicle Cases) of 93 and we have seen the harvest drop over the past 3 years....due to a declining population.....to 730 deer and we still have the same number of DVC's? We average ONE damage report per year for the last DECADE! I also do NOT agree with the buck:doe ration or the fawn:doe ration the state is sighting for my area. I see several does for every buck - while hunting and per trail cam. I also see multiple fawns per doe as a norm.