J-birds place

Shedding winter coat. Your stump looks like the ones I've put mineral on. Deer chew the wood and lick it. Some of our stumps were pretty smooth from licking.

Good seed choices.
I have seen the deer eat the stumps as well, but the hair thing was a new one for me. I had seen tufts of it in the woods before, but just not that much in one spot. I prefer to use a stump vs getting a hole in the ground, but whatever works. I have had folks tell me that the deer won't utilize a solid block like that before.....because of the bitter taste and that a mineral has to be worked into the soil. Well I have pics of deer (adult and fawns) licking a block just like that like a popsicle! That block will last me 6 months or so. I'll get a cam on it and hopefully get something to post about.
Just in case anybody cares here is the tech sheet for the Endure Chicory I planted.
The world is full of irony......and I got a good does of it this morning.

I received a notification from Fedex that my trees (6 crab-apples) from Turkey Creek are on their way.....and I woke up to this! About 3 or 4 inches of wet heavy snow! What great tree planting weather! If you don't like the weather in Indiana, don't worry - it will change quickly! I was out moving straw bales Sunday afternoon and evening in a T-shirt!!!!!
I feel for ya J-bird. ^^^^^^ We just got 10 1/2" of heavy wet snow here yesterday. Sun's out and 43 degrees today. Melt, baby, melt !!!
I feel for ya J-bird. ^^^^^^ We just got 10 1/2" of heavy wet snow here yesterday. Sun's out and 43 degrees today. Melt, baby, melt !!!
The snow in the picture is gone already. But they are forecasting another 5 to 8 inches of snow Saturday....we will see. They forecast 4 and we either get nothing or a foot! I am just SO ready for spring!
The snow in the picture is gone already. But they are forecasting another 5 to 8 inches of snow Saturday....we will see. They forecast 4 and we either get nothing or a foot! I am just SO ready for spring!

Me to mentally, I'm just so backed up with "to do's" I'm not ready for planting season....
Me to mentally, I'm just so backed up with "to do's" I'm not ready for planting season....
I agree. I still have stands to get down and other habitat work to do. I don't want planting season just yet, I just need some decent 50 degree weather to do some more grafting, tree transplanting/planting and hinging and the like. I won't plant my row crops in my plots until memorial day weekend or so...... April/early May is when I do most of my stuff, but being able to get started sooner tends to help give me some "wiggle room" on when things have to be done. I never seem to get it all done.....
Got some trees planted today...... Had some help. I got to give some props to Turkey Creek Nursery as the root mass on my trees I was pretty impressed with. I planted 3 dolgo crabs in my south bottom and 3 chestnut crabs in my SW area as well. The creek was up due to all the recent rain or I would have covered the weed barrier in creek gravel......I will do that once the creek level drops back to normal. Now I just need some warmer temps and some sunshine to see just how well they do.
Help is a good thing. I'm still behind the 8 ball on getting ready. May be a repeat of last year, fewer plots and less habitat work.
Someone made a comment on another thread about a $5 tree and a $50 dollar hole.....and got me to thinking so I thought I would put some numbers to my little crab apple planting. I thought a pic would help.
Cage diagram.jpg

Tree price included shipping so you can see the actual "investment" if you will. This was a bare root tree and many 3 gallon container type trees will cost in the ballpark of $30 or even more sometimes.

The exterior cage is used to keep the deer and larger critters from destroying the tree. You can use old woven wire fence, concrete wire or whatever is cheap and easy that will retain it's shape. I use 5 feet tall because this prevents the deer from being able to easily reach down into it and getting to the tree. I also use roughly a 8 to 9 feet of linear length. Keep in mind the diameter you seek is a function of the linear length....the diameter is roughly 1/3 of the linear length just to keep things simple. My 8 foot length gives me a diameter of about 2 1/2 feet.

The post U used is called a "U" post and is a lightweight type post. You can use a common "T" post as well or any other post you wish to use. Just remember that wood will rot over time.

You don't have to use ground staples, I just did in this case because I was not able to immediately cover the weed barrier.

Weed barrier in my opinion is required. This is a fabric and NOT plastic. This allows the air and water to pass but not allow weeds to grow to compete with your tree. I use a 36" wide x 50 feet roll and have plenty for many trees. I simply cut a slit from the very center to an edge and install similar to an old school X-mas tree skirt. Just make sure it's at least the size of your exterior cage.

Interior cage is a requirement as well. The purpose it to prevent small rodents from chewing on the bark of the tree and killing it. It only needs to be larger than the trunk of your tree, however it needs to be tall enough to protect the trunk considering your typical snow fall level if at all possible. I use 2 or 3 feet tall x 5 feet rolls of 1/2" x 1/2" hardware cloth. Many use metal window screen as well and it works just fine.

I use bailing wire to fasten/wire the exterior cage closed if needed as well as the interior cage and to attach and hold the exterior cage to the post as well. It's cheap and it works and will last longer than something like a zip-tie.

I prefer to use gravel of some sort to cover the weed barrier. I get mine from a creek on my property....just takes some work. Some use wood mulch, but I have had issues with that so I switched to gravel and have not had an issue. The gravel allows the water to pass as well.

As you can see you will make an investment in the protection of the tree.....but do it right the first time and you only have to do it once. I don't know about a $5 tree or a $50 hole......but you should consider the cost and time of the protection materials in your projects to ensure you don't over extend yourself which tends to lead to cutting corners and frustration down the road.
Help is a good thing. I'm still behind the 8 ball on getting ready. May be a repeat of last year, fewer plots and less habitat work.
I have been sort of forcing my hand as of late and I figure it's going to bite me......but I am at least trying. I still have Elderberry cuttings to plant, sawtooth oaks to tube and SWO oaks to direct seed on top of the normal planting on my spring annual plots. I figure I have only a handful of weekends left before I run out of time......Some of the stuff I can do after work in the evenings but I just never know when. Between the weather, the kids activities and their homework and the like it seems like I just run out of days. Then summer hits and if you ain't planted by then, your just SOL until fall. It really amazes me what some of you guys get done being away from your properties like you are. Mine is 3 steps away and I still struggle!
I have been sort of forcing my hand as of late and I figure it's going to bite me......but I am at least trying. I still have Elderberry cuttings to plant, sawtooth oaks to tube and SWO oaks to direct seed on top of the normal planting on my spring annual plots. I figure I have only a handful of weekends left before I run out of time......Some of the stuff I can do after work in the evenings but I just never know when. Between the weather, the kids activities and their homework and the like it seems like I just run out of days. Then summer hits and if you ain't planted by then, your just SOL until fall. It really amazes me what some of you guys get done being away from your properties like you are. Mine is 3 steps away and I still struggle!

Well it's 10:20 and I'm just finally sitting down. Can't even keep up around here lately. This may be another slim year at the farm. I'll get some food in but I'm not setting any records on habitat work.
Well it's 10:20 and I'm just finally sitting down. Can't even keep up around here lately. This may be another slim year at the farm. I'll get some food in but I'm not setting any records on habitat work.
Sometimes....less IS more!
^^^^^ You're not new at this, are you J-bird ??? Veteran of marriage, are ya ?? !! :emoji_stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::emoji_stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Jbird, you don't look a day over 50!
Well I was able to get between rain showers and get some pics for some updates on how things are progress around my place.

April showers and all of that...... I was actually looking for shrooms, shed and deer beds!

Found some other signs of spring.....some good....some bad. The Bad....the Jap bush honeysuckle is wide awake....however this helps me find it to further work towards getting rid of it. My switchgrass is even waking up!

My new crabapples are waking up as well.....just concerned about what this cold front is going to do to them.....

And finally a grafting update......I fear I have failed but we will wait and see I guess..... The tree is waking up and the apples that the scions are waking up as well...... But for some reason my scions seem to not be responding......may have tried to graft too soon.
Jbird, you don't look a day over 50!
Thanks a lot.....didn't realize it had gotten that bad!!!!! Hahahahahaha...... I can still shave my face and look younger than the wife....and boy does that piss her off!!!!