J-birds place

Don't worry. The link didn't work. I'm bummed too. Really wanted to see that slip and slide!!!!
I added some screen captures off my phone of the video....not the best but you get the idea.
Looks fun j-bird. I'm too old for that kind of fun, so I just get to laugh at others.

OK Bill - your turn for slip N slide pictures. Go!
Looks fun j-bird. I'm too old for that kind of fun, so I just get to laugh at others.

OK Bill - your turn for slip N slide pictures. Go!

Age is all in your head! I'm too old for it technically, but when Roger did it first and set the bar by sliding to the end.....I knew I could beat that distance!!!! Oh really Roger??? Hold my beer, and watch this!!!! Was sort of how that went down. It was probably a good thing I was drinking some already at that point....if I tried it totally sober I more than likely would have hurt myself!
I think I see a viral YouTube vid in the making :)
If anything goes "viral" it's because Roger put some chemical on his yard and it caused a rash!!!!!
Well I did get a little work done and checked on a few things as well.

I took a pic of my bean/corn plot in the SW as well. Seems to be doing OK - I will be adding cereal grains and brassica for diversity into this plot shortly.


J-Bird ... what cereal grains are you broadcasting?

I have had success with winter rye germinating with broadcasting. What others do you think will surface germinate?

What ratio do you mix your corn & beans at?

J-Bird ... what cereal grains are you broadcasting?

I have had success with winter rye germinating with broadcasting. What others do you think will surface germinate?

What ratio do you mix your corn & beans at?

This was my first attempt at this - in this manner so I just tossed some stuff together and gave it a shot. I mixed 70 lbs fresh soybean seed with 30 lbs of older corn seed. I applied 100 lbs of the mix to an acre. I'm sure the corn didn't all germinate and I know in the larger plot I have a bunch of volunteer corn from last year as well as some sunflowers as well. I just add the corn for some "cover" so to speak and have no intention of it actually producing much in the way of grain is concerned. I will overseed some turnips for sure and wheat if I can. Rye is great, but man it can be a bear come the following spring. My experience is that the rye will be twice as tall as the wheat come spring and I have wheat survive the winter here. Rye will germinate almost on wet concrete, but a good rain should get the wheat to germinate enough for my purposes. Rye becomes real tough on rotary equipment when it comes time to terminate it in the spring if you don't spray to kill it. I'm just adding diversity....my deer won't eat everything I have planted and that allows me to experiment some without risking the health of my deer. I mean I panted a 1/4 acre plot of soybeans with no protection of any form and you see the results I have at the moment. Some guys struggle with planting acres of beans and the deer wiping them out before season starts. I don't have that problem.
Well I got out some today and took some pics of some progress.
My MG project is progressing. All 29 cuttings have sprouted leaves and seem to be doing fine. They really seem to like the heat and humidity we have been having......I have been watering them every other day if it doesn't rain. I have one that's a little "slow" but it's still doing it's thing!

I went out to check on my SW bean/corn plot as well as my SW bow plot to see how things looked as well.
SW bean/corn plot. Deer tracks in the plot. Plots of bare dirt for my brassica/cereal grain addition (about labor day) and the bean in the plot are flowering.

The bow plot has some germination and some of the clover from last season is coming in after the mowing as well. I'm glad I over seeded this plot as it needed it as it had lots of bare spots. I will have a stand overlooking this plot come fall......the stand location is from where I shot my buck last year.

The deer are moving between the bean/corn plot and my bow plot. I mowed a trail to access the bow plot and to mow it and the mower scalped the ground and made a nice "track trap" and it seems to be getting some traffic.

I also took a few pics of just some of the different flowers I noticed while I was out.....not sure what they all are, but just noticed the splashes of color while I was out.

The apples on my one apples tree seem to be developing OK. They are not quite the size of my fist, but this one tree has maybe 2 dozen apples on it. None of my other trees have apples to speak of.....this tree has the worst form of all of them, but it produced a handful of apples last year and doubled or tripled it's production this year.....so poor form or not at least it's showing some promise. Apples are not real pretty, but they are for the critters and not for me so big deal!

I went to spray some Remedy on my switchgrass planting and apparently I interrupted someones dinner plans. I like to spray in the evening in the summer because I feel it reduces the chance of burning the non-target plants. She was much closer than the pic looks....maybe 100 yards or so. She watched me pull up, get off the tractor swing the booms out and get back and before she realized maybe she needed to wander off. As I was finishing up, she came back out to resume her dinner I guess.

Did have a little SNAFU. Damn cheap bracket design on my FIMCO sprayer failed! The boom is supported by two little formed tabs and the weight of the boom tends to make the tabs bend some while in use. Well when I was done spraying I hopped off and noticed the tabs where bent again so I "adjusted" the boom and....tink! All of the sudden I was holding the entire boom assembly in my hands!! All these brackets need are some little gussets and it will make all the difference in the world....but I'm sure someone decided to save a few pennies in the design. I'll screw with it tomorrow and see what I can do to fix it. I'm not a welder, but I'll figure something out. At least it waited until I was done with that tank.....but I got more to do tomorrow. Maybe a lot more cause I am not sure how soon Remedy is rain fast. I'm not sure how long I was back at the house and then mother nature decided that we needed a pop-up rain shower.

Home to pull the card on my cam at the waterhole tomorrow.....if I find anything interesting I'll post those up as well.
It's always something. But besides that everything looks great..
Pulled the cam card - just a couple of does.....nothing exciting so I moved the cam to the food plot. We have been getting enough rain that I don't think they are being forced to look for water. The frogs have moved in though so I have created a different type of habitat, but many of our deer project help other critters as well.

I fixed the sprayer. A piece off angled aluminum and some bolts and I was back in business and far better than new.....take notice FIMCO....this is how you design stuff the ISU way - simple, but effective!!!! Maybe another patent pending idea!!!! Works great and even more stout than the original design.

So I set out to go finish spraying my switchgrass planting. Applying a product called Remedy at 2 pints/acre (their recommendation on the label for switchgrass seeding application). I get 1/2 way thru filling up the sprayer and......rain! So I took shelter in the garage. You can see it wouldn't last long because the sun was still out, but it was enough to halt progress on a temporary basis.

The rain broke, and moved off and I headed out to spray. Took some pics along the way. This is facing south over my bean field....you can see the rain still falling as it moves off in the left hand side of the pic.

These are pics I took facing west. It wasn't as dark as the pics show, facing the sun the phone/cam makes some adjustments on it's own.


So I hit the rest of my switchgrass planting with the remedy and then took what was left in the sprayer and sprayed a small area I have that is mostly fescue, but have an ongoing canada thistle problem. I had mowed the area 2 weeks ago or so and decided to hit it with what was left in the tank. We will see how that works as well. I realize some of this stuff and the details are "trivial" to you guys, but it helps me document the how and when of different things I have done, so I can go back as reference later....because otherwise, I take terrible notes.
Looking good..
Did you spray into Newley planted switch or is this an area you will plant later?
I've heard of remedy but don't know it's use in switch?
Looking good..
Did you spray into Newley planted switch or is this an area you will plant later?
I've heard of remedy but don't know it's use in switch?
It's newly planted. I sprayed gly to kill everything and then broadcast the switch this summer. The broadleaf weeds got to a foot tall or so (I was a little late with spraying) and I had to do something and was afraid mowing would smother any young switchgrass plants. Remedy is a broadleaf specific herbicide and in it's directions it specifically calls out application rates for young switchgrass at a rate of .5 to 2 pints/acre. I have never used the product before but did my best to try to use it as the label directed. In a week or so I will hopefully see if it is effective or not. If the area doesn't do well, I may plan on frost seeding this winter/spring as well. Switchgrass is always a struggle the first year or two, but once you have it, you golden. The last time I did this it was drilled and it was easy to find the rows and monitor progress. With this being broadcast - it's far more difficult to see how well things are going.
Damn cheap bracket design on my FIMCO sprayer failed! The boom is supported by two little formed tabs and the weight of the boom tends to make the tabs bend some while in use. Well when I was done spraying I hopped off and noticed the tabs where bent again so I "adjusted" the boom and....tink! All of the sudden I was holding the entire boom assembly in my hands!!

Funny thing is, my Fimco is doing the exact same thing. Time to beef it up a little.

Funny thing is, my Fimco is doing the exact same thing. Time to beef it up a little.

Just keep in mind....what I did is patent pending......so you better not copy!!!! I probably have enough material left to make another set of my patent pending brackets, so for the low, low introductory offer of $59.95 +applicable taxes and shipping and handling charges...... You don't get one, you get 2 of these, space-age, light weight aluminium brackets so they will NEVER rust. We will even include, not one, not 2, not 3 but all 4 nuts and bolt sets for mounting and installation....for absolutely FREE!!!! You too can have this wonderful marvel of technology for your sprayer too!!!!
You too can have this wonderful marvel of technology for your sprayer too!!!!

Do you take PayPal? :emoji_hushed:

I have some aluminum angle laying around the farm just waiting to copy your patented idea. Thanks!

Do you take PayPal? :emoji_hushed:

I have some aluminum angle laying around the farm just waiting to copy your patented idea. Thanks!


Wait, you can't do that.....it's my idea.....patent pending......I said PATENT PENDING!!!!!! That's like calling "Dibs" but in, like, the legal world!!!!

Ok, ok, ok.......for just $39.95 I'll send you the drawings and build sheet of how to make these yourself......is that a better deal????? I'll even toss in shipping and handling for FREE!!!! Act now and I'll throw in a second set of drawings and build sheet for Free.....that's 2 sets for the price of one AND free shipping and handling!!!! Order within the next hour and use promo code "YOUGOTBENT" and I'll take 50% off your next order as well!!!!!! Did I mention this product is made in America?

Man....where is Billy Mays when you need him? Oh, oh.....oh..... Never mind......that won't work.
Man....where is Billy Mays when you need him? Oh, oh.....oh..... Never mind......that won't work.[/QUOTE]

Too soon? Nah!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Got an unexpected visitor today....... This is right off the front porch of the house.....literally maybe 100 yards away. We have had neighbors fields crop dusted before with planes. Never our fields and a chopper is a first.

Told my kids it was the DEA looking for drugs. Kids asked, "Are you worried?" I said, "NO, why should I care.....as long as they don't look in the basement!"
Man....where is Billy Mays when you need him? Oh, oh.....oh..... Never mind......that won't work.

Doin' blow :emoji_triumph:

Sorry I couldn't resist.
