I enjoyed that portion of the post.
I can tell you that the DNR officials I have spoken to over the years regarding the NRB sure don't view them as a "rubber stamp." In fact, I got the distinct impression that the NRB often really frustrates the DNR, as it should be, IMO. If anything, it seems like the NRB is more attune to "public opinion and economic impact" than the DNR. IMO, Tom Tiffany either has no clue what he is talking about or is banking on you not having a clue. Either way, it is my opinion that he is merely blowing smoke and hoping it gives you a warm fuzzy feeling inside.
Unfortunately, I tend to agree that this looks like it will be a party line vote. All the Dems I contacted returned replies about how vigorously they will be fighting this "power grab," while all the Reps responded with letters similar to EOBs. I then did my best to counter their points and explain that if they do indeed support this that they will no longer stand any chance of me supporting them.
I hate to continue beating a dead horse on this, but it is 100% up to we voters to make sure this doesn't happen. Without us, it's a given in my mind that this latest power grab is achieved. Frankly, I shouldn't say this, but feel it's a long shot that we can stop it with anything short of buying a bunch of billboards proclaiming this as a sell out/power grab, and organizing those types of efforts is not a strong suit of mine (though I'm sure QDMA/whatever the name of their new PAC group is, is already all over this like stink on rotten fish :oops: ).
That said, IF this goes through and IF we don't make them pay for it with our votes, we have no one to blame but ourselves for us being played as fools again and again and again and, well, you get the point.