How Will Gov Walker's Proposals Effect Sportsman

This will effectively de-nut any and all authority that any entity in the state has/had regarding anything to do with our natural resources, even the DNR. It will all be in the hands of the legislature/governor's office now. Power like that, once seized, is not given back. Sportsmen for Walker?!? How's that work again?
I always get a chuckle when I see the Sportsmen for so and so signs. Like the president of the US gives a darn about deer hunting or fishing. Oh well it's always fun to hear how the governors 2 hour hunting or fishing opener trip goes when they are dressed up like Eddy Bauer trying to fit in. At least in MN Jesse Ventura looked the part a little with a huge cigar hanging out of his mouth while fishing for walleye.
Actually, I think it's best that I just backspaced over what I wrote and keep my mouth shut on this one...I'll just say this, we're heading further and further down an extremely dangerous road. The question isn't if we will ditch the truck. It's when and how bad we'll be hurt.
Don't spare any of our feelings Steve, if it's a "naughty" response that is one thing(PM if you want), but I think comments from someone "in the business", like yourself, may be the voices of reason that our politicians need to hear on things like this. The state legislature will be powerless to stop any of this unless some of the GOP legislators turn against the party line. Which means you are absolutely correct and we may just be in trouble here.
Scooter has potus dreams and without a degree they will remain dreams. He could go idaho on wolves but wont due to potus dreams. The cc, cdac and now nrb members are pawns. Dont get me started on ventura who sued chris kyles widow. He is a tool deluxe.
I believe Scooter is making a big mistake by running for POTUS. He should be happy with Gov at this time.
If he runs for POTUS, he will be shot down and exposed for the hack that he truly is. He isn't even the best candidate from WI, Paul Ryan runs circles around that clown.
Whip, it isn't "naughty," it's just that I fear it would turn into a political debate and no one ever wins those, unless the person you are debating already agrees with you.

The thing is, I don't see this as a Dems vrs GOP issue. I see it as being sooooooooooooooooooo incredibly short sighted. When either side makes power grabs, those on that side always cheer, but they always forget that it's only a matter of time before the other side will be in power again. None of us should stand for politics playing a substantial role in our courts (and our state supreme court is as partisanly (just made up that word myself) perverted as it can get) or in the stewardship of any of our natural resources. Even if we agree with what the politicians ("our" party, which ever that may be) want to accomplish by injecting increased political control/influence, never forget that the other party will eventually have their swing at it. Also, even if you believe a politician is the second coming, they BETTER NOT know how best to manage our natural resources, or we have some horrifically unqualified individuals in key roles within the DNR, and I've yet to talk to a key WI DNR member that I left the conversation believing they were unqualified or incompetent....Disagree with them on issues, but that sure doesn't mean I'm right/they're wrong or that they don't know what they're talking about. Last I checked, we don't have a single governor, member of the house or the senate in WI with a masters or doctorate in natural resources. Call me cynical, but I don't believe for a second that this wasn't inspired by business interests....BIG fan of capitalism, but it has no place in our courts or in managing our natural resources, just as a couple examples.
Scooter has potus dreams and without a degree they will remain dreams.

Didn't he finish it? I know he was working on that last year, at least...and I don't have a shred of doubt in my mind that "potus dreams" was what inspired him to reenroll in college.
Last I heard he is a Marquette dropout.

He is/was, but he reenrolled last yr to finish (which I saw as a sure sign that he was going to run for potus). IIRC, he dropped out the 1st time with less than a year remaining.
Totally see where your going with that Steve and we have other forums for that kind of conversation. As hunters and wildlife stewards, the question still remains, how do we wrest this power back from the far reaching arms of capitalist politicos from all "parties" and get it back to science based management by folks who do hold those credentials/degrees. I'm afraid there is no easy answer to that question, as far too many "favors" are owed politically in this day and age, and the easy way to repay them is to remove that power from any who would oppose it and loosen the reins and let the "favors" be repaid through exploitation of our system and our resources.
Saw this on another forum. I spit soda out when I saw it, got a good chuckle out of it.puppet-flat2_zps21dkh6nr.jpg If some one finds offensive I will remove picture.
^^^Truest statement about politics I've heard in a while. BTW TT, that's d*mn funny!
Whip, I'm dumb enough to think I know how to solve the biggest issues with politics, but also fear the solution is unattainable in this society. In my opinion, WE are the problem with politics. If we are Dems, we bash any and everything the GOP does, yet cheer when the Dems do the exact same thing. If we are Reps, we bash everything the Dems do and cheer when we do the same thing. If we are conservative, we bash the Dems and most of the Reps, while cheering when we do the same things.

Our system has become rigged by the El Rushbos, Fox Newses and MSNBCs of the country. They have taught us to embrace being lied to by "our" side, hate everything there is about the other side and show blind loyalty to "our" side pretty much no matter what they do. Doing that gives the politicians a free ride, as we are going to vote for "our side" pretty much no matter what they do. We will defend "our" side for doing the exact same thing we climbed to the top of the tallest building and screamed as loud as we could when damning the "other" side for doing the exact same thing the week before. If you ever doubt that, spend a week reading the comments on all the political stories the Milwaukee JS publishes. You'll see the overwhelming majority of posters divided along political lines, doing nothing but defending everything "their" side does and bashing everything the "other" side does, even if they just bashed the other side for doing it the day before.

IMO, what we need to do is stop worrying about what the "other" side does and focus on holding those we DID vote for accountable for their actions and sins. For example, when Walker appoints the completely unqualified son of a big donor to a key position, it shouldn't be the Dems that are screaming about it. It should be those that voted for Walker that scream, as he just betrayed your trust and he should lose your vote because of it. When the next Dem becomes Gov and does the same thing, those that voted for him/her should be the ones screaming and they shouldn't vote for them again.

If that occurred, I believe that most of the biggest problems with politics would be solved within 10 years, as the politicians would be forced to represent the best interest of those that voted for them, not those that funnel them $$$$$$$$ for their election runs. After all, if we held those we vote for accountable, they won't get the votes no matter how much $$$$$$$$ they spent if they didn't watch out for their voters' best interests. As it sits now, virtually none of the politicians on either side gives a pinch of feces what we want/think, as we're bashing the "other" side and ignoring what those we trusted enough to actually vote for are doing. The Rep voters are too focused on if Obama really is a radical Muslim, hell bent on destroying America by turning us into socialist utopia and trying to find his birth certificate to notice that the Rep House is doing all they can to block anything he was trying to do to help get our economy turned back in the right direction. At the same time, the Dem voters are so focused on how the Rep House is willing to throw the entire country under the bus, just to get a Rep in the white house, that they ignore that part of Obama's stimulus package was used by schools to buy computers from Canada (and that's exactly what the school my brother teaches at did) and forget to ask where all this hope and change we were promised is.

If we all held those we voted for accountable, it'd be short sighted to use our natural resources as chips to give away to our "friends." If we don't, it's almost as if we are giving the politicians our permission to ignore what's in our best interests, as they pay no price for doing so at all.
Very disappointing to read this happened. This is the exact reason why I will never join a political party.
P.S. As I wrote earlier, I don't see this or most every other political problem as being a Dem vrs Rep issue. In my mind, it's us voters that are the problem/allow the politicians to continually play us as suckers, often cheering them as they do it.
"Since he helped establish the University of Wisconsin System's Flexible Option program, he has told reporters of plans to finish his degree "maybe in the next few years."

The Flex Option program awards degree credits to adults for prior education and work experience in certain fields. A spokeswoman for the governor told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel in April that he would like to finish his degree once the offerings are expanded to include the right program for him."
Well, unless Walker is running for potus primarily as a means of building his name, he may as well not run, then. Love him, hate him or fall in between, you have to realize that in a presidential election, super pacs are going to be running a ton commercials about/like "Scott Walker was banned from elections in college for cheating and couldn't even finish his degree. Is it any surprise that he is under investigation in WI or that ## of his staff and close allies have already been charged? Can someone like this really be trusted to be potus?!" You have to know that if he won the Rep nomination, he'll be asked directly in at least one debate why he didn't finish his degree, about the investigations and about being banned from college elections. If the Dems have any brains at all, they'll have Hillary play Mrs Nice and not touch the subject, while her camp works around the clock behind the scenes to make that a major focal point of the media. Heck, with the way the Reps eat their own during the nomination process, he'll probably get so damaged that the Hillary camp won't even have to do the leg work to get it going.
Polarizing figures do not seem to do well in national elections so maybe he wants a name so he can cash in with a new book or tv deal in the aftermath.
Stuff like this is why I've said on several threads that politicians are NOT looking out for the avg. citizen or the best interests of the country / state. BIG money buys political clout anywhere you look. And for those who have a million or two ( $$ ) , you're still SMALL POTATOES. It takes serious money like the Koch Bros. have - $$ BILLIONS $$ - to pay for ads all around the country to convince people to vote against their own best interests. Until money is out of politics, the guy (s) with the biggest piles of $$$ will always get what they want. Anyone smell the Roman Empire? Et tu Brute!!