How Will Gov Walker's Proposals Effect Sportsman

One other thing for everyone to remember, this type of politically-driven natural resource management is starting to catch momentum all over the country. You could be next. Don't think so? Think your immune? Don't kid yourself! Do some research into how things have changed in your own state, dig around, I bet you find some things. If Scooter gets elected POTUS, or even gets the nomination, other politicians will be looking at the things he did to get him there, and this will be on the list.
Agreed with the fact that the NRB has been pretty good balance for the state. I am looking for common sense approach to natural resource management and I think a person's degree has little to do with common sense decision making.

In fact there is a case to be made that the Ivy league degrees that seem that seem to be common place in Washington could be the reason nothing works. People with high intellect may not have good communication skills and ultimately view themselves as smarter than the rest of us "non ivy league" people. I work with Ivy league grads and they are a different breed and I would not rank common sense at the top of their skill set.

Gov Walker has had success in his career without a college degree? Is that possible? Maybe people can relate to him better - maybe he is more normal? I think a potus without a degree or with a non ivy league degree with some common sense would be a great shakeup to the status quo. Remember there are a ton of very very successful people in this world who never went to college and there is very substantial debate going on today about the value of degree when the average student comes out of college with debt payments close in size to a mortgage.
He's not a charmer like Slick Willy, he won't be able to overcome this baggage to be POTUS.
Walker leads all opponents in GOP POTUS candidate polls by a landslide at this point. It is not even close. Google "Drudge Report Scott Walker" to see the results.
early polling really never indicates the nominee. you know how often Rick Santorum has led in all sorts of polls early on....never panned out. I'm not nearly as familiar with Walker as you guys are...never has had to be on my radar.....but from what i gather he seems like a pretty long shot for 2016.
In the 2012 cycle every GOP candidate had about 2 weeks at the top, and then scandalgate or gaffegate hit each one and they fell like dominos. Huntsman may have been the only one that didn't get the crown for a week.
In the 2012 cycle every GOP candidate had about 2 weeks at the top, and then scandalgate or gaffegate hit each one and they fell like dominos. Huntsman may have been the only one that didn't get the crown for a week.
Yep...happens on both sides. As the candidates make speeches in front of various power brokerage money groups and party functions their stock climbs or falls.....and the media has the ability to reinforce or corrode their standings for the week/month/year.
People in every state want accountability for various agency functions. But look at who cuts the budgets or un-funds those watchdog agencies or groups. Big business doesn't want any watchdog agencies or advocacy groups so they can do whatever they want. So they fund people's campaigns who'll write legislation that gets rid of the watchdogs / consumer advocates. ( Do any of us see a groundswell of avg. citizens screaming for de-funding or eliminating watchdog groups or agencies ? ) Guys complain about the tainted water in certain locales. WHO weakened the clean air / water acts?? IMO - don't complain when the folks you vote in stick it to you and you then have a mess to clean up & PAY for. Because the BIG boys with the $$$ won't be paying for the clean-up / fix-up. Us regular taxpayers will. That goes for ANY state. Look around the country - did avg. citizens pollute and contaminate the lakes, rivers, groundwater, air - by tossing a drink cup out the car window?? If we're all hunters and supposedly can " read the signs ", can we really ignore the obvious?? You CANNOT trust people with big profit concerns to " do the right thing " when it comes to the needs and concerns of the majority of folks. Without watchdog agencies and consumer advocates, the " bottom line " is the only thing that matters to them. Like Leona Helmsley said ( famously ) " the little people pay the taxes. " It's the majority of us that will pay for the clean-up / fix-ups of the greedy few. ( corporate farming vs. the smaller family farmer - who's winning that battle?? ) I truly feel bad for smaller farmers getting run out of business. I'm not against a business making a profit - just not at any & all costs. Right is right - and wrong is wrong.

Question - if I come to your locality and open a business and as part of that means of making money I dump chemicals into your soil and it gets into the ground water and makes wells unfit to drink from - who should pay for that clean-up?? What if all the local folks had to hook up to city water supplies to get safe water ?? Should the local taxpayers shoulder the burden of clean-up processes and the costs of city water hook-ups, possibly - or probably - by a tax increase?? Sound fair to you?? Or GOD FORBID - the polluter has to pay for the clean-up!!??

Then WHY do we continue to support people that allow / write legislation allowing / these kinds of things to happen ??? I see no logic in this kind of thing.
You bring up good points BnB, but when they are ALL as crooked as a corkscrew willow, what the he!! do you do then? Support no one? Not vote and let the idiots pick our leaders? We have enough of that already. The 2 party system prevalent in this country does not allow for any(or very, very little) "outside" common sense influences in our government. Maybe if you found a way to do away with that, you might have a snowballs chance of getting the "right" people in office. Until then, I fear it is the lesser of 2 evils or nothing.
Common sense is the key Whip. There CAN be a balance struck - I really believe - but the wrong voices get the inside track. I really don't think there's a heck of a lot of difference in the serious concerns of most folks in this country, right or left. We have basically the same needs for our families. The nut jobs on the far edges divide us and focus too much attention on things MOST people are not screaming for. Then folks get angry and " tune out " to things that truly matter. Who wins there?? What changes?? It's the same old - same old. As long as people become insanely angry as soon as a topic is brought up, things will never change. ( I really liked Steve B.'s opinions in posts # 10 & 18. ) If we don't settle down and weed things out together, like adults without screaming & name-calling ( childish by any standard ), I think we're looking at a violent, suffering future.
I agree, Walker is a long shot for POTUS.

He was also a long shot to defeat the public unions.

He was also a long shot to fend off a recall election when he ticked off all state union members (except police and fire).

To think that "big money" (usually a loose reference to republicans) is evil, implies the other side is innocent.

How much do you think Al Gore (after he invented the internet) has made on carbon credits? How many hours a week does the average college professor teach?

They are dirty on both sides. I'm embarrassed to be considered a supporter of either side. I support the guys that do what they say, and say what they do. There aren't many of them out there, that's for sure.

As for a college education. I'm living proof college isn't for everyone :)

Whether you love, hate or fall anywhere in-between on Walker, I believe it is in every WI sportsman's best interests (heck, every WI resident that drinks from wells or occasionally goes outside for any reason's best interest) to email all your state electeds and inform them you will be withdrawing your support from them if they support this in any way. After digging deeper into this, absolutely nothing good can come from turning the NRB into a powerless entity, handing that power to our woefully unqualified politicians, and an endless laundry list of bad can/no doubt in my mind WILL come from it. IMO, it isn't a question of "if" anything bad will come from this blatant power play. The only question is when. Even if you believe Walker can do absolutely no wrong and is driven by pureness in his every act, as NoFo has alluded to serval times, there will be the anti-Walker as Gov eventually and the house and senate will eventually flip as well. Do you really want totally unqualified politicians being able to decide what happens with our natural resources, minus and checks and balances? I sure don't. By far the best thing WI has going for us as a state is our natural resources, and this would place them in serious jeopardy....As I wrote, it isn't an "if" situations. It's a "when" and how catastrophic will it be.
I can see all sorts of short term gain potential, but I don't see that gain coming to the DNR. Remember, Steep (believe that is how you spell her name) is appointed by the Gov. Just that quick, it's our political system that controls our natural resources and the entire DNR is neutered (I've always considered the NRB part of the DNR, even though they are not). With this, the DNR becomes the political enforcers/beat cops, instead of the policy makers. Talk about a system rigged for paying back a subset of big donors, be they big business or special interest groups. The obvious are large mining or construction companies that want lands opened up or some pesky regulations go away, but what about the PETA's of the world?! You really think if this happens that they won't start funneling $$$$$$$ into our elections at levels we haven't seen before?! You take hunting down a couple notches in WI, a state that it's soooooo deeply rooted, that would be the largest feather they've ever put in their cap (and the donations from the PETA supporters would go through the roof).

I know most of us here lean right or are down right conservative, but this is a situation where we have to put partisanship aside. If this was "that lefty bike chick" (paraphrasing), we wouldn't be questioning why she was doing it. We'd KNOW why. Just because it's a conservative, with "bold ideas" is no reason to stick our head in the sand on this one. After all, even if I'm completely wrong on what the motives behind this are screaming to me, it's only a matter of time before we swing back left, and at that point it will be way too late to do anything about it. This situation calls for a big picture view, NOT a short sighted one, or, mark my words, we WILL regret this power shift.
Whether you love, hate or fall anywhere in-between on Walker, I believe it is in every WI sportsman's best interests (heck, every WI resident that drinks from wells or occasionally goes outside for any reason's best interest) to email all your state electeds and inform them you will be withdrawing your support from them if they support this in any way. After digging deeper into this, absolutely nothing good can come from turning the NRB into a powerless entity, handing that power to our woefully unqualified politicians, and an endless laundry list of bad can/no doubt in my mind WILL come from it. IMO, it isn't a question of "if" anything bad will come from this blatant power play. The only question is when. Even if you believe Walker can do absolutely no wrong and is driven by pureness in his every act, as NoFo has alluded to serval times, there will be the anti-Walker as Gov eventually and the house and senate will eventually flip as well. Do you really want totally unqualified politicians being able to decide what happens with our natural resources, minus and checks and balances? I sure don't. By far the best thing WI has going for us as a state is our natural resources, and this would place them in serious jeopardy....As I wrote, it isn't an "if" situations. It's a "when" and how catastrophic will it be.
This is what I had said from the outset. I already did this last week Steve, and I am planning to keep sending emails until this thing goes to vote. Marklein(R) and Brooks(R) both got emails, because they are from the area I deer hunt in, and Schilling(D), Nerison(R), and Billings(D) all got them because they are from the area I turkey hunt and trout fish in. Nerison is the Majority Caucus Vice-Chair and a member of the Committee on Natural Resources and Sporting Heritage, and a Republican. I see him as a key player in my part of the state. The Democrats have no power to stop this on their own, everyone must lean heavily on their Republican reps to "do what's right for Wisconsin and not tow the party line for once". Brooks(R) may be an issue, he is on a mining committee and my be in someone's back pocket to get this thing passed.
Not that it matters but the Madison trek bike gal who lost picked her Lt. Gov. who was a convicted felon draft dodger who was pardoned by G. Ford.
But NoFo, I'm sure he was fully rehabilitated and repentant for his past transgressions through our fine penal sysytem, so that makes everything ok!:rolleyes:
When you deregulate everything, you can create many more job opportunities but at what long-term cost??? Just another wolf in sheep's clothing.
As Shawn said in post#67, when you deregulate the wrong things, the long term cost can be devastating. Remember the Wall Street / big banks / mortgage fraud debacle just 8 or 9 years ago?? How many people lost their life savings / retirement money in that piece of crap?? ( both R & D folks ) When big money - from either side - is involved - look out !!
Unless human greed has suddenly disappeared from the earth, we ALL need watchdogs and a system of checks and balances in any level of government. If common sense is relegated to " pesky, ball-and-chain " status, then we allow it at our own peril. ( in many situations, nationwide )
Just got an email from my uncle on this. He contacted his state reps(who are Republicans BTW) and he said they pretty much told him they are fully on board with this whole deal. They claim that the "people" are not getting what they want from the DNR and this is the(ir) best way to remedy that situation. :rolleyes:I fear we are in for some changes in the near future, and not for the better.:mad: If you read the Spring Hearing Questionnaire, you can plainly see why Scooter wants the NRB out of the picture. With the NRB getting involved with the investigation and regulation of the frac sand mining industry, Walker knows if they try to regulate this now, he will feel the heat for sure.
This is what I had said from the outset. I already did this last week Steve, and I am planning to keep sending emails until this thing goes to vote. Marklein(R) and Brooks(R) both got emails, because they are from the area I deer hunt in, and Schilling(D), Nerison(R), and Billings(D) all got them because they are from the area I turkey hunt and trout fish in. Nerison is the Majority Caucus Vice-Chair and a member of the Committee on Natural Resources and Sporting Heritage, and a Republican. I see him as a key player in my part of the state. The Democrats have no power to stop this on their own, everyone must lean heavily on their Republican reps to "do what's right for Wisconsin and not tow the party line for once". Brooks(R) may be an issue, he is on a mining committee and my be in someone's back pocket to get this thing passed.
You have a lot more confidence in politicians than me. If you haven't realized it yet walker and the boys have open season on anything they want. The people have spoken, your voice means nothing. How does it go? Wis open for business! Hahahaha wait!!!its walker for sportsman hahahaha