I voted for Scooter the first time around, sat out the recall and wrote my wife in the second (practiced what I preach by writing Walker and explaining he lost my support by turning a glut of civil service positions into political appointees and then using them to repay donors...That's BIG government, NOT small, and it's slimy). The point is that I was a Walker supporter and still really want him to succeed. I believe he has done some good things, though he went to far IMO.
That's very often the problem with those on the far right and far left, IMO. The teacher's union needed to be taken down a couple notches, but he has effectively destroyed the teachers union. I can live with that, but don't lie to me and say you aren't trying to destroy them, when Helen Keller can see that`s exactly what you are trying to do, as everything he did regarding them outside of cap what they can negotiate for did absolutely nothing to save money and everything to do with destroying a Dem contributor and nothing else.
I'm 100% all for state employees not getting sweeter bennies than private employees. I understand that they negotiated smaller raises for better bennies, but still. I believe they should align fairly closely with the private work force.
Tell me this, though. What is now the 1 job field in WI that your standard of living is the highest the first day you begin a new job and can only go down that day forward working for that employer? It's a teacher. Think about that for a second. The MAX they can get is an inflation rate raise (outside of wealthy districts, you honestly believe any other district will vote to give teachers a raise above inflation rate? Honestly?!). That doesn't mean they'll get it, as all 3 teachers I know (working for 3 different districts spread across the state) have gotten less than inflation rate since it's implementation. I doubt even one of us would be willing to go to school to enter a profession knowing that our standard of living would go down our entire career in that field from the day we got our first job. Costs needed to be taken down, but that's ridiculous, as the negative impact to education will be big in the years to come.
So, now he is pushing that you don't need a teaching degree to teach any longer. Why? Because we are going to be facing a massive teaching shortage because their profession has been castrated. I don't want some guy or girl that can't find a job in their field to be able to use my kids' school as a pit stop until they can find a job in their field, as is exactly what will happen.
I 100% agree that many schools had some fat to trim, but that was already trimmed in the last go around and then some. So, let's cut deeper? The small town WI schools I am familiar with are already holding it together with spit and glue.
Mark my words, the net result of all of this will be that the wealthier districts won't suffer. They'll do public referendums and get that money, as their wealthier residents won't tolerate their children getting inferior educations, but small town WI & poor districts are being handed a promise of worse and worse schools, all in an attempt split between commercializing our public education system and cut property taxes another $10 per person.
We are willing to look deeper to find the motives of the Doyles, Reids and Obamas of the political world. If we want to stop being our own worst enemies, we need to do the same for those that we actually do vote for. When they are not acting in our or our children's best interests, we need to call them on it and hold them accountable. If we don't, we have no one to blame but ourselves when we find we're swirling down the toilet and can't climb out.
NoFo already covered what is happening to the DNR and how it will bite us. So, I left that alone and just covered this, to help show a pattern of swinging too far today and not giving tomorrow a second thought. If you think all these cuts to wildlife positions and transformation of the DNR into the Governor's yes man is fine, just imagine what will happen when a "far lefty bike chick" is elected our next Gov. Sorry to offend, but if anyone doesn't see how all this is a recipe for disaster, they just aren't looking clearly. I'll shut up now.