How Will Gov Walker's Proposals Effect Sportsman

Or maybe the sky is not falling. I predict that this will not be as bad as we are thinking it will be. Wouldn't it be funny if the Government did a good job and we all praised them. Ok, back to reality.
If a government agency is overfunded it means it is taking in more money for the service it is providing. The government is responding to make profit. What do you think things like dmap is trying to accomplish? They are trying to make profit.
Walker has really done nothing besides wage war on government agencies in his 4 years. This war is much more than cutting fat, he is drastically changing the way goverenment is run. It just might include u getting a ticket for doing 10 over or cited in a minor accident. It all comes down to $.
If you don't think some of my outlandish scenerios are possible, it's all walker has. He's a college drop out that has done nothing more than saved us some property tax pennies.
His entire arsenal is anti government, be very careful with that as a voter because we take a lot of government services for granted.
After back spacing over a couple paragraphs, I've decided to finally follow my own rules and steer clear of this. For what it's worth, I sincerely hope I'm wrong and we all live happily ever after because of this move. Seeing stuff like this play out over and over and over, from both parties, has just left me way too cynical to believe it, but I never root for failure. I sincerely hope to be eating crow over this later this year and for many years to come.
Haha I feel the same way Steve. is it possible to go from overly cynical to positive?
Thanks, you made me laugh in a day that has been nothing but frustrating (going from a windows to a MAC "may" be an upgrade in the long run, but man it's frustrating getting there, particularly when you have more balls in the air than you can handle...checking in here the last couple days has been a much needed stress relief).

Unfortunately, my friend, I fear there is no swinging back, once you've looked behind the curtain. I made the mistake some years ago of deciding I needed to truly educate myself on politics. It made me appreciate the phrase that "ignorance is bliss." Follow the money and the only answers you won't find are those that instead lead exclusively to a power grab, and most of them also have $$$$$$$$ involved, as well.
Thanks, you made me laugh in a day that has been nothing but frustrating (going from a windows to a MAC "may" be an upgrade in the long run, but man it's frustrating getting there, particularly when you have more balls in the air than you can handle...checking in here the last couple days has been a much needed stress relief).

Unfortunately, my friend, I fear there is no swinging back, once you've looked behind the curtain. I made the mistake some years ago of deciding I needed to truly educate myself on politics. It made me appreciate the phrase that "ignorance is bliss." Follow the money and the only answers you won't find are those that instead lead exclusively to a power grab, and most of them also have $$$$$$$$ involved, as well.

#1 rule when getting a MAC (I have both PC and iMac) is to get a new mouse and the larger keyboard. You'd think for what you pay for a Mac that they would by default give you a better keyboard and mouse. If you are trying to use the mouse it comes with you must go into the mouse properties and allow it to "right click".
Kaz, who sits on the NRB made some unreal proposals which were all voted in unamiously today. Anyone been to Buckrub archery in Pewaukee? Kaz owns it. 1 of his was a northern zone late season antlerless hunt. He owns no land anywhere. Get use to 5-15 dpsm in the north, nothing will change. Looking to buy land? Buy south of hwy 29 and dont be concerned with any dnr management.
Just throwing this out there, Kaz is a landowner, not that it matters all that much. I found an interesting thing while watching most of the 5 hour webcast of the meeting. As far as the northern zone Dec hunt, it was first suggested during the meeting by the idiot from the Southwest WI QDMA chapter, stating it needs to be a statewide rule for simplification purposes. What in the world would he know of the hunting situation in the north, and who is he to recommend anything that goes on up there. They are overrun with deer where he lives in Grant Co, most of the area is in private hands, and they are in the middle of the CWD hot zone, of course they could withstand a Dec antlerless hunt, not so much in parts of the Central and Northern Forest Zones. That said, someone like Kaz should know better than to promote extra hunting season days in areas that traditionally have a lower overall herd than other parts of the state just due to the abundance of public lands and the extreme climate of the northern tier counties. Shame on Kaz and the QDMA guy needs to worry about his own damn area.:mad:
I just got done watching most of the meeting. I don't agree with the 4 day antlerless season in Northwoods, but it should not be a issue if the CDAC for the counties in the North do their job correctly. Remember there will be private and public antlerless tags and if no antlerless tags are issued there in effect there will be no season except for the youth tags that are still in effect. I think a better option when they were describing regular seasons would have been the Normal Archery season, 9 day gun season, and 10 day muzzle loader season. Then for tools to meet goals they could have given CDACs options of 4 day December antlerless and Holiday hunts if needed and only when needed. I also took that this Kaz and his amendments were a direct result of a DNR reccomendation to him.
I would agree with those thoughts TT. What really pi$$3d me off about Kaz's amendments was when he lumped the 4-day December antlerless hunt in with what he was trying to pass off as a "traditional season structure" that he kept pointing out "was what the public wanted". Most of the "public" I know do not, nor would they ever, see the 4-day Dec hunt as a part of the "traditional" WI deer seasons. Archery from mid-Sept to Jan, 9-day rifle season during Thanksgiving week, followed by 10 day muzzy, that's it. The 4 day Dec hunt is and has always been nothing more than a herd control tool.
A big foot is being pressed on her head and is exactly why we need the NRB.

"I think the current structure is what is compounding the bureaucracy," she added. "The way the structure is currently, I think, is unnecessary."

Her comments were in conflict with what she said in April 2011, shortly after Walker appointed her DNR secretary. Then, Stepp — a former member of the Natural Resources Board — praised the board for its objectivity and called it "a really, really critical part of Wisconsin's history and it's something that's treasured by me. And I know the governor feels the same way."

BTW, I heard a dictatorship is pretty streamlined.
Mark my word there is a really big reason he wants to take away their power and make it advisory. My belief is that he will start selling off DNR land to developers to balance the budget. The way it is now he has to get the NRB's ok to sell.
Mark my word there is a really big reason he wants to take away their power and make it advisory. My belief is that he will start selling off DNR land to developers to balance the budget. The way it is now he has to get the NRB's ok to sell.
Developers is one thing, what happens when he sells off the whole northern tier of counties and turns it into one big strip mine?
I'm surprised no one caught this last week.

"Sources close to the department said earlier that Bob Seitz, a spokesman for mining company Gogebic Taconite, was being considered to replace Maroney. However, the Walker administration eventually placed Seitz in a $112,000 a year job as top aide to the chairperson of the Public Service Commission. The mining company announced Friday it was pulling its office out of northern Wisconsin, effectively ending plans for the project."

So if the mine project had not received such a large setback we might have someone right out of the mining company as our #2 DNR official just because he could push the mining agenda. If that doesn't say red flag, I don't know what else does.
And we have the NRB to thank for getting them out of here...for the mean time...
I saw that too. Kind of makes you wonder.
The mining company announced Friday it was pulling its office out of northern Wisconsin, effectively ending plans for the project."
I'm still skeptical if Walker gets control of the DNR, I don't care what office they moved or how many times they tell me the project has been scraped.
And we have the NRB to thank for getting them out of here...for the mean time...

Actually I think this has more to do with it than the NRB...

"Last summer, the Wisconsin Federation of Tribes took their concerns directly to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) asking the agency to use the 404c portion of the Clean Water Act to stop the mine."