Examples ... deer count, bear count, wolf count(all highly subjective estimates that can be misinterpreted, look at other states like MN, PA, IL) ... mis-handling of EAB(yes, it sucked), CWD(another highly subjective item and removing the science is definitely not going to help and WI is at the forefront of CWD research), etc ...
Yes, the NRB probably has some value, given the Govt bureaucracy(you think???); however, they are just a bandaid on the wound(truly, they are the sutures that keep the Governor and Legislature from allowing big businesses to bleed the states resources dry). Why do we need to keep creating NRB(we do not "keep" creating anything, the NRB has been around in one form or another since 1867, hardly a newly created entity), CC(created in 1934, again, hardly a new thing), and other 3rd party agencies(what other agencies? Are you speaking about the DTR audit crew, a 1 time short term deal?) to deal with DNR? The DNR has done a great job of insulating themselves from the tax payers they serve.(how so, the DNR is there to conserve and preserve our natural resources for all future generations of Wisconsinites, not to serve your agenda because you think things should be a certain way right now, you make it sound like you feel that barstool management of Wisconsin's resources should trump science and common sense management practices. Just because Joe Barstool Taxpayer decides that he should be allowed to have unlimited lines in the water for trolling muskies doesn't mean it should be made a law?)
If the Wis DNR was a business, and there were other business offering the same product, would you keep buying their product? (Yes, when those other "businesses" do not produce any better product than what I am getting now. Please name another Conservation Department that deals with as many issues as WI that is head and shoulders above that of Wisconsin)
One other thing that you forget to mention, many of these "public employees" that you are blaming and are really in direct control of policy are direct appointees of the Governor, namely the NRB and the DNR Secretary.