Home Made Drill and Planter Ideas


5 year old buck +
Looking at a different thread on grain drills.....led me to look into some ideas on home-made grain drills / planters.

Heres a youtube video on one man's idea. 1:02 Play next Play now

Anyone have any other novel planter or drill ideas to post??

I'd like to have about a 5' wide 3 point drill that is AFFORDABLE for small acreage needs. May have to build one.....as the commercial stuff is too rich for my blood......and I need a project. :D
sometimes I think I would want to pull have a drill behind my little JD 1023E. Also at times I would like a little 3 point 1 row corn planter.

Since the JD1023E is a SCUT I have also though about getting a Hoss Seeder or 2 and attaching to a three point

^^^ This was an idea that Kabic posted......and I thought those small planter units are pretty cool....and affordable.
I don't have any ideas for buildings any. But here is a project planter and drill. They would probably be pretty cheap, I think they are still sitting around the farm.

Here is a guy that uses an Earthway seeder behind his garden tractor.

I have read that the Hoss seeder is better than the Earthway and apparently a lot of market garden owners use them.

Both of these ideas would only be good for small plots. I agree with Foggy I want something that is affordable, I'm not paying $1000 for a single row Deere 7100 flex \ Convington \ Cole planter.

Just too much to invest in the little areas I would want to plant,
ford plate planter.jpg
I use an old school 3 point 2 row plate planter all the time (Ford 309 model - 60's vintage) - paid $50 for the planter, the original manual and a bucket full of plastic and metal plates. Works great on corn, soybeans and AWP. Pic is the same model as what I have, my planter isn't as pretty, but my tractor is much prettier. Requires traditional tillage however. I will say one thing: SIMPLE - WORKS!!!! Canister (2 of them - one is out of view) is seed hoppers (I have run corn in one and beans in the other before) and the large hopper is for granular fertilizer. Everything is ground driven by the large backwheels that work as packers as well. The large shoe in the front controls planting depth. I don't recall how variable the row spacing is, but it is adjustable (mine is set at 30"). At one point in time this was the cat azz from a farming perspective - oh how far we have come.
I like the looks of that Hoss seeder. Looks very well built for the money. Going to have to file that in my brain for future reference.
Looking at a different thread on grain drills.....led me to look into some ideas on home-made grain drills / planters.

Heres a youtube video on one man's idea. 1:02 Play next Play now

Anyone have any other novel planter or drill ideas to post??

I'd like to have about a 5' wide 3 point drill that is AFFORDABLE for small acreage needs. May have to build one.....as the commercial stuff is too rich for my blood......and I need a project. :D
That looks like one heck of a project. I wonder how the seed feeding and monitoring works? I would think a ground driven unit would be the ticket. If you could find an example of a unit that had been converted that would give you a big head start.

If you start a project post pictures.
^^ I think I just lost my head for a few hours.....and started dreaming of a better way to plant. I got too many fish to fry to tackle a planter build. Still....it may be fun to try something novel. Then......I saw a couple of refurbished 6 foot Tye drills on Craigs List. ($3500. very nice units) Likely a better way to spend my time?

If I wait long enough.....the new product design passion fades......and I get back to fishing or playing golf......or some other less productive pastime.
Is an 8 foot drill too large?

This was posted on tractorbynet a long time ago. If you go there and do a search you may still be able to find it. He did a very good job on it.

Wow. Quite a project there! Not sure I want to re-invent the wheel.....but that guy made a nice drill for his purposes, I suppose. Good post.
Is an 8 foot drill too large?
To me it is. I would need a 3-point mounted drill.....and a five or six foot width to work in my area (due to trees and narrow lanes and the inability to turn around in dead-ends).
To me it is. I would need a 3-point mounted drill.....and a five or six foot width to work in my area (due to trees and narrow lanes and the inability to turn around in dead-ends).

Gotcha. Yeah tough to maneuver a pull type implement on trails and tight areas.