Planting an Edge Plot


5 year old buck +
As part of our EQIP and wildlife project, I had to till firebreaks for periodic prescribed burns. These tilled areas filled with a variety of weeds--some great, some not-so-great and some unwanted grasses. Since the firebreaks will be tilled every couple of years, I am going to try using them for "food plot edges" to provide seasonal groceries that might just provide some hunting opportunities for the kids and grandkids.

Today's edge planting targeted early archery season (September 15-October) and used RR ready soybeans and milo purchased through the NWTF.

* The first step was a 10' broadcast spray of glyphosate around the edge.
* The next step was to drill 50# of soy and 20# of milo. I used the Saya 505 no-till pulled by a John Deere 3025E compact tractor. The tractor pulled the drill with no issues, and was much more maneuverable than the 80hp 3020 I used to plant the NWSG's a couple of years ago .Adjusting the top link and rear basket generally allowed 1" planting depth. Some users add more weight, which might have helped in a couple of spots. With this tractor, adding 200# additional would be the limit.

Screenshot 2023-07-02 at 5.44.30 PM.png
Spraying the old firebreak edges with glyphosate

I was drilling into some pretty bad stuff, the the drill never complained.

Depth was about 1". The rain on Friday helped for sure.

Hopefully this will provide a better use of the edges. I am working with Albert from Vitalize Seed Products on some ideas using their Fall Carbon Load mix on some other edges and a hidey hole plot.
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