Habitat Talk Website update.......!!!

sorry, I screwed up the colors:emoji_weary: again!

John can fix it! I think....
If it'll make you feel any better, Bill, GREATLY appreciate you having opened up the photo tolerances a bit! Don't think I would have tried to tackle fixing broken photobucket links in my photo-intense land tour thread without the help! Seriously, much, MUCH appreciated!!!
sorry, I screwed up the colors:emoji_weary: again!

John can fix it! I think....

never mind I think I fixed it..
Have not been here for awhile...busy hunting. I think you did great!
One other thing that might be nice. The Home Forums Whats new and Members stays at the top when you scroll down. It would be nice if inbox and alerts stayed at the top as well. Or swap Whats new and Members up where the Alerts and Inbox are. That way as you are reading and scroll down you can be alerted to new messages or inbox items

Haven't forgotten this but I haven't figured it out yet either.
Since we are throwing ideas around...

How about a stickied thread in the general forum called General Chat or something.

This could be just a generalized thread where guys can chat back an forth, have side discussions without needing to start a new thread an clog space up.

Sometimes random thoughts cross my mind, and a simple quick answer would suffice with little discussion needed.
just general banter about daily things
Just put an off topic area under the General section. May move some of my unrelated threads there
Does an outfitter review thread exist?
not sure if its been mentioned but a special place for land tours would be nice.
Does an outfitter review thread exist?
Not so far. Maybe that should be a sticky in successful hunts. If you start one I'll "stick" it.

not sure if its been mentioned but a special place for land tours would be nice.

There's a sticky for land tours under general discussion but we could certainly give them their own spot.
Did the Russians do this?
While we are adding can we remove inactive ones such as "Cooperatives" by merging the threads into General Discussion. Like to keep the streamlined format intact vs having a ton of sections with some of the seeing little to no activity.
One thing I notice is if you look at "What's new," and get to the bottom you get a button that says "View more." You hit it, and then go back where you started and when you scroll you can select the next page. Kind of redundant, but not that big of a deal. Why would they change something like that anyway, computer geeks...
While we are adding can we remove inactive ones such as "Cooperatives" by merging the threads into General Discussion. Like to keep the streamlined format intact vs having a ton of sections with some of the seeing little to no activity.

I looked at the Iack of activity the other day and thought about it. Guess it was a good idea.
I finally figured out how to make the text on threads larger. The small stuff was killing my eyes!
Let me know if I went to far. I usually read on the phone or IPad.

Now I'm off to make the text bigger in other places. Look out I may be dangerous now :emoji_stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
not sure if its been mentioned but a special place for land tours would be nice.

The more I think of this the more I'm liking a new place designated for land tours.
One thing I notice is if you look at "What's new," and get to the bottom you get a button that says "View more." You hit it, and then go back where you started and when you scroll you can select the next page. Kind of redundant, but not that big of a deal. Why would they change something like that anyway, computer geeks...

Somewhat related to this. Is there a way to remove posts that you have read when you click on the "whats new" button. (so only unread posts appear) I could be wrong but i believe that was how it worked on the old version of this forum.
Somewhat related to this. Is there a way to remove posts that you have read when you click on the "whats new" button. (so only unread posts appear) I could be wrong but i believe that was how it worked on the old version of this forum.

I think when you're logged in updated posts since your last visit fall below a line. But I'll poke around and see if I can find a setting. I seem to remember them not showing with the older software too.