Habitat Talk Website update.......!!!


Just a heads up. We're updating the forum software tonight. If everything goes well no one will notice. But since Murphy still interrupts life, well the bugs will get worked out. :).
Here's to a boring update!
Just playin' around to see how things work after the upgrade...

Don't try to use emogi's!!!!!
Looks inviting and different so let's explore.
Someone dipped the website in Easter egg die. I'd use a smiley here but don't want to take up a page...
Wow, it's different....
I vote for a different color!
Holy crap! I have not explored much, but I think we need to address the color scheme.....needs to be more "manly"! How can I possibly refer to this as "deer porn" with this color scheme!!!! I was typing the same time TC was!!!!!
I vote for a different color!

For sure. John's working on it. After the update everything was gone for a while so this is an improvement.
It will get better.
This new color scheme has me feeling different. I'll be back after I go bake some cupcakes, light some scented candles, and watch The View while dreaming of Oprah as our next president.
This new color scheme has me feeling different. I'll be back after I go bake some cupcakes, light some scented candles, and watch The View while dreaming of Oprah as our next president.

Funny! I had the same reaction this AM when I first logged on. Thought maybe I was on a forum for new brides picking out dresses and wedding cakes...
It's probably going to get worse before it gets better... But hang in there with me for a while, I'll get a nice manly theme going here soon.

Yeah, color needs changed.
The good news is I'm finally getting email alerts to new posts on threads that I'm watching. That hasn't happened a single time since I joined. Never could get it to work.
This new color scheme has me feeling different. I'll be back after I go bake some cupcakes, light some scented candles, and watch The View while dreaming of Oprah as our next president.

MAYDAY!! MAYDAY....Color needs changed ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The next thing we know, bueller will be joining PeTA and eating tofu. Scary!
Just curious what's the limit on file size? Hope pics will be easy to post.
This one is 5.9MB...that's pretty good!

Oh great ... the Habitat Talk site has been Feng Shui'd ...
Just curious what's the limit on file size? Hope pics will be easy to post.
This one is 5.9MB...that's pretty good!

No file size limit. Xenforo will re-size it down to whatever we set it at. So you can upload anything you want. If it exceeds the max file size it is automagically re-sized.

No file size limit. Xenforo will re-size it down to whatever we set it at. So you can upload anything you want. If it exceeds the max file size it is automagically re-sized.


John ... how about videos?