Big things happening on the hunting land this week. Pics are below. Here's the short list.
*Road approach is in now.
*We got "most" of our nutrients (P, K, and lime) down for the falls plots so sayeth thine soil sample. Still waiting on UPS to bring me 40lbs of epsom salt tomorrow.
*Sprayed all the fall plots, the soybean plot, and the trails we're reseeding with rye/ladino clover.
*Dropped a handful of milorganite into each tree tube today.
*Made the maiden voyage across the new approach with the truck today. That was nice to not have to hump hundreds of lbs of nutrients in by hand.
*Pulled trail cams. Got a few interesting pics to share.
*Gotta still move trail cams tomorrow and finish the two permanent stands we started last trip up.
*Got some tree pics to share, some great, some crappy.
So let's see some pictures.
The new road approach. Now we can get trucks onto the property.
The black spruce we planted this spring are exploding with new growth. Good thing we hinged ahead of time and got some sunlight to the ground.
More black spruce.
We had some rye on the edge of the plot that dodged the spring burn down. We'll let this go and see what becomes of it.
And this is the soybean plot that "almost is." It looks like a nuclear winter hit this plot. The deer are spending hours in here per day nibbling it down to the dirt. Frequent rains are keeping it alive, but there is zero chance of pods this year. Nonetheless, we're making the best of it. We cut this plot in half and spread milorganite on the area left of the red seed spreader and we installed an exclusion cage. We're testing to see if the repelling power of milorganite can buy these beans a few days to get ahead before it gets rained out and they resume eating.