Habitat tree / shrub orders for spring 2017 ??

I hit my breaking point last year. I planted hundreds of spruce and pines and our first drought in my time there killed 90% of them. I also noted ones I planted 3 years ago are the same size. I will stay with my apples but the rest of my improvements will come via the chainsaw going forward.
The usual accf chestnuts and the ones I got from Wayne this fall. Chuck has us 35 apple and pear rootstocks to graft and I ordered 25 each of Norway spruce, white pine, and ninebark.
I'm with chummer. My back hurts, and I'm tired of killing seedlings.

I did have a wild fleeting idea. I've got a sugar maple that sends out a zillion helicopter seeds in the spring. 100's of maples sprout then I mow them down because their in my road. When I clean 500,000 maple helicopters out of my gutters in the spring I may spread them in a field. Just to see.
I'm with chummer. My back hurts, and I'm tired of killing seedlings.

Tired of killing seedlings...

I feel like half the seedlings I plant are no more than future organic matter.

It's the other half that keep me going!
I'm leaning toward the chainsaw management route myself. I'll keep up with my two small food plots just because I enjoy doing that. I've pot started several 100 cuttings, potted acorns, dug\transplanted countless tress, shrubs and bushes with minimal success. Those that did grow were all but wiped out by browsing.(my own fault). I enjoy doing it but unit I get more sunlight to forest floor I fear it may be a waste of time. Got plenty of maples I can knock over though.
In recent years I've focused on planting species that are not overly browsed in my area *no protection needed*. I also insist that species I put in have the capability to survive my dry sand during the summer and -30 temps during the winter (no more wasting time and money with borderline species like LLP pine *cold* or elderberry *moisture*).

Additionally I try not to provide much, if any, winter food in my plots. Only makes sense that if deer are herded up on your plots during the winter that they will also be hammering any newly planting trees/shrubs in the immediate area.
I am just a small land owner, and in the past I have planted a couple hundred white pine seedlings, and a dozen or so apple trees. This year the plan is another 6 apple trees, then 25 4 foot tall spruces for a better block from the road. Then the rest will be hinging, and removing some bigger trees to allow in more light. I started hinging, and dropping trees a couple years ago, and it has paid off a lot. So I am going to go small this season, and mostly do tsi. I was going to do a select cut logging, but I decided against it. My future plans ~3-5 years is to build, and move there, and burn wood, so I didnt want the loggers to take all of the bigger wood, and leave me with buying wood when I move there.

I am just hoping for my apple trees to finally produce some apples. But then I will have to fend of the bears, so it probably is best for the trees to put on as much growth as possible, before bearing fruit.
bill, i was talking to my dad about doing something similar. our woods are full of low value red maple and we had a timber cut 3 years ago. i want to collect some sugar maple seeds from the trees near the house, and toss them up in a stiff breeze out in the woods. hack and squirt the red maples, and let the sugar maples fill in.
For the first time in decades nothing to plant. I am planning a 1 acre black walnut grow for vaneer 25 years from now. A guy in town did it and he will make bank.

There is a guy south of town that is doing the same thing, his trees are about thirty five feet tall with perfectly straight limbless trunks almost the size of dinner plates planted in perfect rows with ten feet or so painted white. It looks pretty neat and is money in the bank.

I've tried to do a little of the same on an old homestead on my place that has lots of random volunteer walnuts on it. Most are from 3' to 9' tall I try to keep the lower branches pruned off in late winter...but the deer rub the crap out of a few every fall. Maybe someday my boys will see a little money out of them.
I haven't ordered anything yet, need to get on the ball before all the good stuff is sold out. does anyone have a good source for plug seedlings ? mainly looking for spruce.
Itasca greenhouse and north central reforestation are the main plug suppliers that I know of.
Thanks I will check them out.
loshonhora - Before hack / squirting your red maple, get some quotes on it. ( if they have any size to them ). Our camp just logged some red maple and made $20K on the red maple. Just a thought.
loshonhora - Before hack / squirting your red maple, get some quotes on it. ( if they have any size to them ). Our camp just logged some red maple and made $20K on the red maple. Just a thought.
what's left after the cut 3 years ago is mostly small to medium sized. there are a few that can be cut in 5 to 10 years (which i'll leave), but not in any numbers. i'd rather thin them out now and encourage regrowth of higher value trees. we have lots of oaks and tulip poplar, but few hard maples.
Good call. ^^^ Our bigger red maples were going for lumber, and the smaller stuff was going to chips for paper pulp. Lots more sunlight on the ground now. Wait until you see what sprouts in the new open areas !!
Here's my 2017 list:

Coldstream Farms
600 2-2 Norway Spruce
100 2-2 Black Spruce

Maple River Farms
500 Miscanthus Rhizomes

Moser Farms
2 Semi Dwarf Gala Apple Trees
2 Semi Dwarf Pink Lady Apple Trees

Luckily all of these are within reasonable driving distance so I can save on shipping, and I have an almost wide open schedule during my planting window (late March - mid April).
I decided to add a few mulberries to my plan. I ordered 2 small Black Beauty and 2 small Persian mulberry trees from Willis. I plan to put them in 3 gal RB2s, overwinter them in my cold room, get them growing well over the summer on my deck and plant them next fall. I'm not sure these will be huge benefit to deer, but I'm managing for turkey as well and they should start ripening in the last half of our spring season.

I'm not sure if I mentioned it in an early post on this thread, but I also ordered a 4 seguins from the Wildlife Group. My hope is to get them to produce nuts on my deck in containers for starting more trees.


5 each- white cedar, balsam fir, scotch pine, white pine, black hills spruce.

From a local SWCD.
1 dolgo Woodstock
25 Zumi Crabs Cold Stream
25 Speckled Alder Cold Stream
a few Replacement Service Berry, White Pine, Norway Spruce from local SWCD.
Ordered 200 American Hazel, 200 silky dogwoods, 5 Mountain Ash and 5 American Chestnut from Cold Stream and 100 spruce and 200 American Plum from WI DNR today. After putting in over 15,000 trees in the last 3 years - thought I would give myself a little break this year.