What are you planting for habitat - Spring 2018?

Planting 10 acres back to native warm season grasses. Also going to plant shrubs to eventually screen my south end a little from the road. I already have loads of wild plum, Chickasaw plum, choke cherry and common ninebark. Thinking about maybe some hazel nuts, Service berry, choke cherry, and fragrant sumac.
Need to transplant some cedars to fill some bare spots in a shelterbelt. Continue with the "killing of the locusts". Also time to fire up the saw and let some light in to the bedding areas. Planted several hundred oak trees a few years ago, Time to put some more cages around the up-and-comers to give them a better chance. Finally will put in 1/2 mile of fence to make sure the cows stay where they are supposed to and don't destroy my habitat efforts.
Last year I got really carried away... over 4500 trees total 100 of which where 5' grafted fruit trees, then a skid steer tree spade was when I realized I went a little overboard... was on a high from added adjacent land at home.
This year 1000 Norway spruce,
150 emla7 rootstocks
50 bud9 rootstocks.
I'll be grafting my own fruit from now on to keep it more reasonable.
And taking some hybrid poplar cuttings to fill in a eroding river bank up at camp.
Looking for a bit of input, need one more apple/crabapple variety to add to my East orchard going in the ground this spring.
Can be either a crab or normal apple, looking for one that would compliment my list well

Going in
Enterprise, Liberty, Dolgo, Chestnut crab, All winter Hangover, Violis crab

Any Suggestions or good fit Im currently missing?

Cedar rust resistance needed. Surrounded by cedars.

Edit: was thinking between, a goldrush, sweet sixteen, praire spy, still researching
little nervous the gold rush is only rated to 30 below, I am right on the edge of temps quite a bit.
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Looking for a bit of input, need one more apple/crabapple variety to add to my East orchard going in the ground this spring.
Can be either a crab or normal apple, looking for one that would compliment my list well

Going in
Enterprise, Liberty, Dolgo, Chestnut crab, All winter Hangover, Violis crab

Any Suggestions or good fit Im currently missing?
I'd add in some gold rush
I'm a huge fan of Goldrush, but we don't get near -30 either. If you're in a really cold place, you might try Prairie Spy, which I believe came from the Dakota's (?) We have a Prairie Spy and it grows vigorously, but our coldest temp. is around - 15, and that's rare. Wolf River, Haralson and Parkland are good cold-weather apples - rated as extremely cold hardy by St.Lawrence Nursery. Our Wolf Rivers are growing like mad.

Goldrush will probably get CAR from the cedars. We have no cedars around my camp for miles, so CAR not a problem for us on our Goldrush trees.
Looking for a bit of input, need one more apple/crabapple variety to add to my East orchard going in the ground this spring.
Can be either a crab or normal apple, looking for one that would compliment my list well

Going in
Enterprise, Liberty, Dolgo, Chestnut crab, All winter Hangover, Violis crab

Any Suggestions or good fit Im currently missing?

Cedar rust resistance needed. Surrounded by cedars.

Edit: was thinking between, a goldrush, sweet sixteen, praire spy, still researching
little nervous the gold rush is only rated to 30 below, I am right on the edge of temps quite a bit.

Red Baron, Haralred, and Haralson have not shown much CAR over the last 25-30 years for me. I have lots of red cedars.

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Bur - Great pic of the CAR fruiting body. Not something we want to see if we have apples. But thankfully, some varieties don't get CAR or aren't affected by it on the apples themselves.
Burr, I haven't seen a patch that bad yet, but considering cedars make up the vast majority of our thermal cover.
Its just something you learn to deal with.

Thz for the info on the Haralson, put in three last year, wasn't completely sold. But I got them from a local Habitat Chapter, got a deal to say the least, $25 for bareroot, 5 ft tall an nicely feathered. Thought Id roll the dice. They ended the season over 6ft.

On a side note how come McIntosh seem to get a bad rap. Put 6 of them in as well, same condition as the Haralson, an they look top notch as well so far.
I am done planting trees. 99% of the 1000’s I have planted did not live. Turns out the soil knows more about what will grow there than I do. Will be spraying some fescue in my abandoned pasture to improve establishment of native warm season grass and some hinge cutting. Prepping for planting and planting - for deer, ducks, and doves takes about all of my time.

Great looking mix for wildlife!

I'm adding a few more chinese chestnuts, sawtooth oaks, and swamp white oak. I'm going heavy with persimmons this yr. too. I really want to get them started on my place, and not just in the orchard.

Also going on a fescue/brome killing spree as well as attacking a bunch of locust that need to die.
Trampled - I think Macs are really susceptible to scab, and some other diseases as well. I haven't planted ANY Macs for that reason. Camp apple trees won't get babied, so we went with mostly DR trees.
ahhh, got ya.

Just did a bit of read up an u r correct Bows.

These trees are 95% for the deer. I do a marginal spray program in the spring, dormant & fungicide only.
Have to do a bit with all the cedars around. Plan was to spray for the first fives years of the trees life, then after that they will be on there own.
Only live 12 miles from the farm, so it doesn't take much effort or time.
If they get a little scabby and it wont kill the tree at that point, not going to get to worked up about it.
Unless the deer have a little more refined pallet than I am anticipating...
ahhh, got ya.

Just did a bit of read up an u r correct Bows.

These trees are 95% for the deer. I do a marginal spray program in the spring, dormant & fungicide only.
Have to do a bit with all the cedars around. Plan was to spray for the first fives years of the trees life, then after that they will be on there own.
Only live 12 miles from the farm, so it doesn't take much effort or time.
If they get a little scabby and it wont kill the tree at that point, not going to get to worked up about it.
Unless the deer have a little more refined pallet than I am anticipating...

Your profile says “Frozen Tundra”.......what type of cedar trees do you have? White Cedar doesn’t cause CAR.....just want to save you some from unneeded worry
Your profile says “Frozen Tundra”.......what type of cedar trees do you have? White Cedar doesn’t cause CAR.....just want to save you some from unneeded worry

Id say I have close to around 2-3000 eastern red cedars. CAR is just something I deal with.