Review: Cold Stream Farm

When I go to Cold Stream on Saturday (10 mins from my house) I'll ask them if I can snap some pics of their place and I'll tell them about the cult following on the other boards and this place amongst us habitat boys. :)
Well guys I went to Cold Stream on Saturday, if you didn't know about them, you never would by driving by the facility. It has no signs, no advertisements nothing. Its just a green sided building, looks like storage if you were just to drive by.

Then you walk in and there are people running over all over the place filling boxes with trees. I wanted to get a chance to talk to one of them to tell them how much people talk about them online but they were literally running from place to place while I was standing there. Frankly, I was right in front of the coffee pot that was percolating and who stands in front of a well oiled machines life line? :)

Real nice people though and they wished me luck on my endeavors as I left. Sure am glad I bought from them, boy the employee a lot of people for not having any advertisements at all locally. Literally they are 10 minutes from my house and I hadn't heard of them until talking with you guys.

Here is a pic of my order before they went in the ground.
