100 ROD bare roots in one cage


5 year old buck +
I farted around with this 4 years ago, and it was a huge success. I put 20 ROD plugs in one hole and threw a cage over it, mulched and matted, and walked away. 4 years later, they are full bushes, producing, and look great.

I wanna go even bigger. What's held me back is there appears to be no ROD plugs anywhere in the market place. So, it hit me in the head like a wayward snowball, why not use bare roots?

Mind you, I've always hated planting bare roots because of root shock, the roots getting bent backwards or stuffed together. Then I though, "why don't I just dig a big hole and instead of trying to backfill with chunks of sod and clay dough, just buy a couple bags of topsoil to backfill?" So that's what I'm gonna do.

I scratched out a blue print of what it'll look like. Outside cage would be 7' x 5'. I'll need maybe 6 - 6' T-posts to hold up a 5' tall mesh fence. Inside, with a 2' setback on all sides, I'll plunk 100 bare roots into 4 rows in a 1' x 3' trench, and as far apart as they need to be. I'll lay the twigs in and fill the hole row by row. I'll put weed mat and wood chips down around the setback and then about an inch of composted and fresh sawdust to keep the sun off the soil. I've got quite the mountain of saw mill saw dust stored up at camp.

I've already got the cage, need about $30 in posts, $140 in seedlings, and $8 in topsoil/potting soil. If I wasn't obsessed with crazy, I'd probably knock this down to 4 - 25 stem cages. But i really want to see what this does. This will get planted out in my sanctuary where I've got lots of open space and brush piles waiting for the birds to start banking the new wealth. Within 10 years, I wanna see dogwood blow up bigly across my cut areas.

If this works, I may have to go even bigger in 2025. Maybe not an even bigger cage, but do 2-3 of these so the pioneer bushes are in place all over the property. It's coming along already, I just want it to come as fast as possible.

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I already have two cages similar to this that I made with 50 ft rolls of welded wire. I planted ROD and some other shrubs in them. The plan is to transplant some of the shrubs to other places and leave some. When the ones left in the cages mature, the cages will be taken down. Where are you getting your ROD seedlings?
I already have two cages similar to this that I made with 50 ft rolls of welded wire. I planted ROD and some other shrubs in them. The plan is to transplant some of the shrubs to other places and leave some. When the ones left in the cages mature, the cages will be taken down. Where are you getting your ROD seedlings?
Right now, looks like Cold Stream. They've got decent prices on 1-2'. I also checked Chief River, but they are off the rez on pricing.

Iowa DNR has ROD for a buck apiece in bundles of 25 (25 for $25). Gotta pay shipping; just throwing another option out there. I’m looking at them and some conifers for spring planting season. Their stuff was great when I bought from them in 2020.
Iowa DNR has ROD for a buck apiece in bundles of 25 (25 for $25). Gotta pay shipping; just throwing another option out there. I’m looking at them and some conifers for spring planting season. Their stuff was great when I bought from them in 2020.
Damn, now you got me looking at my local SWCD for their tree order form.
I got mine from Burgess Seed, and they were around the same price as Cold Stream is showing. However, Burgess got bought out and the ROD seedlings are not available anymore. Thanks for the links you guys are posting.
Awhile back, there was a post about getting free 275 gal tank cages. Could also put up 4 pallets and make spots. You can make the spots bigger by taking branches and putting them in the ground, kind of like clover stolons.

Think you'll do alot better with 8-10 spots of 10-12 plants each.

At my home rabbits don't nibble on mature dogwood trunks. MY nursery fence fell again, but caught it quick. They nibbled on my young dogwood, but prefered the apple plantings more. 1 pear seedling I don't really have a spot for got destroyed. They nibble up a few of my dolgo and trascendent seedlings, but are still graftable this spring.

Probably 5ft of 3ft tall fencing to keep rabbits out surrounded by tree branches to keep deer out would work great too. Put maybe 5 in each cage. 100ft roll could do 20 spots.

Got 30-40 sticks that grew into 3ft tall seedlings this year. Planting them all away from food plot areas up at camp. Maybe in clusters of 5 or 6. Got a bunch of little chunks of fencing from a scrap ends bulk purchase last year. Like you, Im putting enough in to make the birds move it around some more.

Next year I am growing yellow dogwood, it seems much more abundant in the adirondacks. I stopped at alot of swampy areas while snowmobiling and often only seen yellow and grey. I think my deg dogwood seedling are on year 3. Not caged, not growing a ton, but growing, nibbled up every year. -38 deg F day in febuary last year.
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They will grow from cuttings. I've rooted a few over the years. I got tired of digging holes in the clay one year and just cut the roots off bare roots and stuck them in the ground after dipping in rooting hormone.

SD the way you have laid out would be perfect for cuttings and since you have some already the cuttings are free.
That's how I start mine. I hate paying for something that I can get for free.
The best thing is being able to give these a year or two and bending them over in all directions and ground layering. Really expands the thicket quickly.
That's how I start mine. I hate paying for something that I can get for free.
Depends on cost, but a dollar a plant and youll get a year or two ahead of time isn't horrible.
Depends on cost, but a dollar a plant and youll get a year or two ahead of time isn't horrible.
That's where I'm at. I've been in a 3 year drought and the cuttings haven't set the world on fire. I just want 4 more big pioneer bushes in cages in the rest of my clearings to juice the regen. Each spot is in a different stage of progress.

1. Not cut open yet
2. Just cut open
3. Cut open 2 years ago
4. Cut open further back

The stuff that was cut 3 or more years ago, the rebound is happening, but it's still slow. Stem count is going up. The number not browsed is getting better ever year. I know I need to be patient, but I also want to give it a boost where I can.
I got lucky with 3 natural clusters and just threw a cage on them. One of those clusters is called the Koochwood bush, named after our very own @Kooch on this forum. He found it when we were out land touring. 7 ought to cover every region on my property that the birds can reach and that will have openings for the ROD to grow.
I love a good shout out.


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Caging is where I get the largest difference. Can hardly tell the difference between 2 year old caged ROD and 5 year old that wasn't caged, both from cuttings.
Here is another reason to consider the rooted plants over cuttings:

If you go into a drought situation, the newly planted rooted plants have a better chance of survival if you are unable to water as much as you would like. A drought could also occur during hunting season when you would want to limit human intrusion. I realize that ROD is usually planted on wetter ground, but it could still make a difference in some places.
Right now, looks like Cold Stream. They've got decent prices on 1-2'. I also checked Chief River, but they are off the rez on pricing.

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I've liked all the thousands of things I've purchased from Coldstream. The ROD I got last year was from Alpha Nurseries In Holland MI and was great.

Our plants don't get babied, when they go in they need to hold their own. I'll see how they do this yea. I have 200 more coming this spring also.
Big fan of ROD but I'm not following the strategy of planting that many plants in that small of space.