I ordered around 30 seedlings that I was going to split with a buddy, but I received around 60. So ended up planting 30 this past winter. The place I ordered from slips my mind right now, but it was from a tree farm in Florida. Great customer service. Not big on internet but great on the phone. They came all bareroot with stupid long roots. Some of the roots were longer than the trees were tall. Did some major root prunnig.
Tubed half, caged the other half. Mowed over 2 that I didn't see to protect. 2 tubed ones have passed. The rest looking great. With some greener then others. But overall great.
My reason for writing this is they are supposed to produce early. Like 3-6 years. 2 of the trees (both in tubes) are already putting out catkins. 2 each per tree. They are barely over 15". I am really looking forward in the coming years of how these trees grow and produce.
Thanks eric
Tubed half, caged the other half. Mowed over 2 that I didn't see to protect. 2 tubed ones have passed. The rest looking great. With some greener then others. But overall great.
My reason for writing this is they are supposed to produce early. Like 3-6 years. 2 of the trees (both in tubes) are already putting out catkins. 2 each per tree. They are barely over 15". I am really looking forward in the coming years of how these trees grow and produce.
Thanks eric