Habitat Happening: Live Blog!

You need to arrange a time for you and I to haul my tractor and tiller up to your place and get a day's worth of work done. Not sure this year is in the works....but I dunno why we can't do this in the following year. Lets make a plan.....tuesdays work for me. :)
Thank you for the offer, Tom.

I'm not sure if I showed you the 40 acre pine plantaiton. It would look like home to you!.

Get that back healed up for this year.
Art do you have an atv or riding mower to use there? I can drop off a little disk/cultivator for you to use.
Thanks, Riggs for the offer. I have a riding lawnmower.

I think I got a way to fix the garden tiller for a bit. Otherwise, I will just buy another one. This one was $65 used and lasted years. I know, I'm cheap!
American mountainash. This is also now in the emerging club. The other two are cranberry and plum. Also year number 2 for this one.
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Siberian crab year number 2. Probably not gonna make it out this year, but they are all due for a haircut before next spring. Some of the extras I gave fPeter he's got a foot out of their tubes already. Planted same weekend last year.
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Honest, no editing here. Could this be a fart caught on camera?
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We got a contender!
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Nice buck!
Update time. Got the picks back from Marvin. Couple big lessons learned from this set. We are seeing far better performance where the plots were roughed up with the harrow. The other is we have to get a better sprayer to ensure uniform coverage. Some 2-4D wouldn't hurt either.

Here we go...

Spray, pray, seed, swear at the drought, seed again, and mow plot. Got a little thick here. I think the lesson here is that we gotta rough this up a little and find a way to firm it in the first time.

This is one of our new plots this year. The gly did a half decent job. Marv went back with the mower about three weeks after it was sprayed. Looks clean enough to get a plot out of it.

He drug the harrow upside down on the trails to knock down the grass and ferns. Looks like it worked pretty darn good.

It's hard to say here, but it looks like the brassica broadcast into the beans is starting to get a foot hold. Time will tell how well it's going to fill in.

Beans in the exclusion cage look fantastic. Pumpkins are also coming along nicely.
It can be done! Pumpkins! Judging by what NoFo said (getting past flowering without getting browsed) we should be on the last turn into maturity.


The yellow tipped leaf issue seems to be spreading. I wonder if that could be from too much N?

This is also a new plot. Same deal. Spray, pray, seed, swear at the drought, work it up, seed again. Looks like it all germinated.

Another elderberry coming out of the tube right next to the plots.
Lots of trouble makers in the new plot, and there isn't even anything to eat there yet.



That looks like a really big bear. Is that some of yall in the photo or is that some strangers out for a stroll?
That's my brother's kids and wife.
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We're working on all that. We went from a 1/6 of an acre with stumps last fall to a 1/2 acre clean this year. We're shooting for another half acre next year, likely having to deal with stumps for a year or two in the expanded area. There are actually 4 fawns running around out there (last month anyway, 2 pairs). And we got a retired guy set up and ready to hunt bear out there this fall. My brothers and I all applied for bear tags this year but didn't make the cut.

Hoping to have a doe tag burning party this fall. I don't think anyone applied but me last year, so likely i'm the only one with a chance to get drawn. 1000 doe tags in 172, I believe about 3800 applied LY.
We didn't really cut down anything other than a dozen basswood that got hinged to make sun space for our black spruce planting. Our work focused on getting stumps out, clearing brush, spraying, etc. The previous owner took the lumber and left us with stumps.
Hoping to have a doe tag burning party this fall. I don't think anyone applied but me last year, so likely i'm the only one with a chance to get drawn. 1000 doe tags in 172, I believe about 3800 applied LY.

Plus anyone under 17 gets an either or tag they have to fill.? unless Uncle Elmer sees the first doe.
Plus anyone under 17 gets an either or tag they have to fill.? unless Uncle Elmer sees the first doe.

We saw a bunch of that crap last year. A couple families we saw drug a couple kids with so they could have doe permits and we saw more dead does than bucks. They even said that's what they were doing on purpose while the kids sat in the campers and played video games. And then of course dad, grandpa, and uncle johnny all came up the next weekend or two with their buck tags yet.

Absolutely disgusting! They could have fixed the entire problem in 2 years if they just would have made it bucks only for last year and this year.
We saw a bunch of that crap last year. A couple families we saw drug a couple kids with so they could have doe permits and we saw more dead does than bucks. They even said that's what they were doing on purpose while the kids sat in the campers and played video games. And then of course dad, grandpa, and uncle johnny all came up the next weekend or two with their buck tags yet.

Absolutely disgusting! They could have fixed the entire problem in 2 years if they just would have made it bucks only for last year and this year.

They seem to feel they are sticking it to the DNR, when its really hurting their area most of the time. Crazy how when the DNR lowers doe tags folks go out of their way to try and find ways kill more.
We saw a bunch of that crap last year. A couple families we saw drug a couple kids with so they could have doe permits and we saw more dead does than bucks. They even said that's what they were doing on purpose while the kids sat in the campers and played video games. And then of course dad, grandpa, and uncle johnny all came up the next weekend or two with their buck tags yet.

Absolutely disgusting! They could have fixed the entire problem in 2 years if they just would have made it bucks only for last year and this year.

I thought it is illegal to party hunt on youth tags? did you try calling it in?
I thought it is illegal to party hunt on youth tags? did you try calling it in?

I have the CO on speed dial. I called him about a poaching case on our land last year and he wouldnt come out cause there was nothing he could do. Called him about some dogs running deer. He didnt come out cause there was nothing he could do. Got sick of calling cause these people need to be actually caught in the act. Wasnt too hard for them to shoot it, dress the kid up and send him out there to put the tag on and then sit in the camper the rest of the time. Its my word v them, and it all seems pointless. You would have one hell of a time proving it to a CO even though the people openly bragged about it.
I have the CO on speed dial. I called him about a poaching case on our land last year and he wouldnt come out cause there was nothing he could do. Called him about some dogs running deer. He didnt come out cause there was nothing he could do. Got sick of calling cause these people need to be actually caught in the act. Wasnt too hard for them to shoot it, dress the kid up and send him out there to put the tag on and then sit in the camper the rest of the time. Its my word v them, and it all seems pointless. You would have one hell of a time proving it to a CO even though the people openly bragged about it.

Sounds like an incredibly lazy CO. I have had much better luck and witnessed some really good initiative from my area guys.
I thought it is illegal to party hunt on youth tags? did you try calling it in?
I think this is a major problem in the lottery areas.
Education is the key.

Make it illegal,when it all ready is illegal would make no difference IMO. Sounds like Gun Control arguments.

The deer groups should get behind leaving kid's tags for the kids.
I have the CO on speed dial. I called him about a poaching case on our land last year and he wouldnt come out cause there was nothing he could do. Called him about some dogs running deer. He didnt come out cause there was nothing he could do. Got sick of calling cause these people need to be actually caught in the act. Wasnt too hard for them to shoot it, dress the kid up and send him out there to put the tag on and then sit in the camper the rest of the time. Its my word v them, and it all seems pointless. You would have one hell of a time proving it to a CO even though the people openly bragged about it.

Yeah that would be tough. The Co sounds just as bad.
Its not the CO that's the problem. I can see his point 100%. I have been checked by him 3 times in 6 seasons. He is always actively working and is a pretty damn good guy. He is 100% correct though, he is powerless to stop dogs, poachers, and cross taggers unless he gets them in the act. The county attorney cant prosecute on hearsay, and I am guessing he is a little gun shy after being scolded. I give him a lot of credit cause it seems like he is working his ass off. Its the high ups and the lax laws/ penalties, and liberal regulations that I get burnt out with.