Green cover summer release and fall release pics.

Yeah. I added more rye. Fall release doesn’t have enough grain for spring rolling and weed allelopathy. So added 50lbs more if just cereal rye. May go higher next year.

So yes some clover in there too.

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Good idea. I generally like a little more rye as well.
Just the 3p600. I’ve posted a lot about not needing or wanting the front coulters.

Some disagree. Wild thing has a nice 3p606nt that works great for him. My fields are too curvy for non 3pt model.
Thanks, that's what I thought I recalled but I can't keep track of everyone's toys.
I have a 3p600 on order and have some (lessening) concern about using it for NT, but I think it'll be fine. Glad to see it's working well for you and that you'd even increase the rye thatch even heavier than what is pictured.
Yeah. I added more rye. Fall release doesn’t have enough grain for spring rolling and weed allelopathy. So added 50lbs more if just cereal rye. May go higher next year.

So yes some clover in there too.

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Does the cultipacker terminate the clovers enough to consider them dead? I don't really want to buy a crimper and have used cultipackers successfully to terminate rye in the past, but wasn't sure about an annual clover.
Does the cultipacker terminate the clovers enough to consider them dead? I don't really want to buy a crimper and have used cultipackers successfully to terminate rye in the past, but wasn't sure about an annual clover.
you’ll have to ask wild thing about cultipacker.

The crimper terminates annual clovers well. And what doesn’t the heat here will soon enough.

Doesn’t terminate perennial clovers well.
Just the 3p600. I’ve posted a lot about not needing or wanting the front coulters.

Some disagree. Wild thing has a nice 3p606nt that works great for him. My fields are too curvy for non 3pt model.

Actually, my drill is the pull behind 606NT. I have a lot of hills on my property and I didn't want to be too top heavy with the 3 point drill. The 3 point would be more convenient in small plot situations, but I have no problem backing my drill up and I can leave my I-Match Quick Hitch attached to my 3 point arms and still use my drill. I just jack up the tongue a little, pull my hydraulic hoses and I am good to go with the next project. I really like the pull behind model.


Does the cultipacker terminate the clovers enough to consider them dead? I don't really want to buy a crimper and have used cultipackers successfully to terminate rye in the past, but wasn't sure about an annual clover.
I’ll tell you, I still spray some fields with gly after. I think getting to just using crimper is a long term process. Grant woods used herbicides for a while. Have to eliminate the seed bank, then the crimper and rye allelopathy will keep random weeds beat down.
Actually, my drill is the pull behind 606NT. I have a lot of hills on my property and I didn't want to be too top heavy with the 3 point drill. The 3 point would be more convenient in small plot situations, but I have no problem backing my drill up and I can leave my I-Match Quick Hitch attached to my 3 point arms and still use my drill. I just jack up the tongue a little, pull my hydraulic hoses and I am good to go with the next project. I really like the pull behind model.

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Always bragging about that drill! Ha
Does the cultipacker terminate the clovers enough to consider them dead? I don't really want to buy a crimper and have used cultipackers successfully to terminate rye in the past, but wasn't sure about an annual clover.
you’ll have to ask wild thing about cultipacker.

The crimper terminates annual clovers well. And what doesn’t the heat here will soon enough.

Doesn’t terminate perennial clovers well.

Short answer - NO. I have always used Medium Red Clover in my cover crops but it doesn't terminate well without spraying. Last year I used Crimson and Balsana Fixation so I will soon know how well that will terminate when I get around to planting Brassicas in July.
I’ll tell you, I still spray some fields with gly after. I think getting to just using crimper is a long term process. Grant woods used herbicides for a while. Have to eliminate the seed bank, then the crimper and rye allelopathy will keep random weeds beat down.

X2 - I often spray after rolling as well - especially if I have Red Clover in the mix. I can't even terminate Red Clover with Gly - I almost have to use 2-4,D as well.

This usually makes short work of it...

X2 - I often spray after rolling as well - especially if I have Red Clover in the mix. I can't even terminate Red Clover with Gly - I almost have to use 2-4,D as well.

This usually makes short work of it...

View attachment 52268
Don't you worry about the residual on 2,4-D when planting or do you wait to plant?
Don't you worry about the residual on 2,4-D when planting or do you wait to plant?

Yes I do concern myself with residual 2-4,D. That is why I don't like to use it unless I have to. Of course, it also depends upon what you are planting afterwards but for following with brassicas (or beans or sugar beets, etc) I will generally spray (1 pint/acre 2-4,D and Gly) and then wait 10-14 days before planting. Better to be safe than sorry. If you are going to spray at 1 quart per acre, of course, you need to wait longer.

This is precisely why I am hoping that I can still get the N boost from my cover crops with Crimson, Balsana and Hairy Vetch and maybe not have to use 2-4,D to terminate them.
Look at you - being a good DAD for those little ones!! Nice work, WT.

Just for my info - what's "planting green" ??

LOL - Yes, I always worry about running over fawns. Knock wood, I haven't done it yet but last year I came about as close as you can come to running one over before the little rascal jumped out of the way at the last second.
Just the 3p600. I’ve posted a lot about not needing or wanting the front coulters.

Some disagree. Wild thing has a nice 3p606nt that works great for him. My fields are too curvy for non 3pt model.
Did your drill come Cat 1 or Cat 2?
I think it’s set up for either/both. I have a cat 1 quick hitch
Yes I do concern myself with residual 2-4,D. That is why I don't like to use it unless I have to. Of course, it also depends upon what you are planting afterwards but for following with brassicas (or beans or sugar beets, etc) I will generally spray (1 pint/acre 2-4,D and Gly) and then wait 10-14 days before planting. Better to be safe than sorry. If you are going to spray at 1 quart per acre, of course, you need to wait longer.

This is precisely why I am hoping that I can still get the N boost from my cover crops with Crimson, Balsana and Hairy Vetch and maybe not have to use 2-4,D to terminate them.
^ This is the direction I am going this summer with my brassica plots. I am not very concerned on terminating the I can do that with my crimper.....(or if the rye is making a seed head, most of the energy has gone to that seed head and flail mowing can work well too).

What does have a concern for me is terminating my blend of red and white clover as gly alone does not set it back sufficiently for the brassica to take hold. We did a thread on this issue earlier this year. I am going to use some 2-4D in my clover this year as WT suggests above. May spray it 10 days before planting green and then roll the rye whenever it suits.
You guys in the north country can't get a break from winter this year. Seems the northern parts of Minn., Wisc., and Mich. can't escape the snow. Hoping for some warmth for you gents.
From the evening news in Marquette last night - Snow totals over the last 24 hours!

^ Wow...that's just nuts WT. Talked to my neighbor last nite in MN. He told me the ice was going out of our lake yesterday and we had big piles of ice on my shoreline. Time to migrate back to MN. (next week). Anxious to have a look at my land again.
^ Wow...that's just nuts WT. Talked to my neighbor last nite in MN. He told me the ice was going out of our lake yesterday and we had big piles of ice on my shoreline. Time to migrate back to MN. (next week). Anxious to have a look at my land again.

Yes, it is crazy isn't it? Not entirely unusual to get May snow but this much is certainly unusual. Feel bad for the deer herd up north for sure.
I "plant green" when I drill winter rye into standing clover as well. Works pretty good...
When you drill WR into established clovers, does the clover still do well the following spring??
From the evening news in Marquette last night - Snow totals over the last 24 hours!
Yikes!!! Western & Central Pa. even getting some snow out of that same system as it rotates on through. Not that much though.