5 year old buck +
Derek -
We don't have weed / grass-free food plots either, but I've never seen a deer turn up its nose and refuse to eat what IS growing in our plots!!! Some weeds are good food for deer, and they happily chomp away. Deer will pick and choose what they want to eat as it is - even if we have no weeds at all, and only a mix of "commercial crops" in our plots. They'll eat a bit of clover, then some chicory, then some rye / some turnips / some radishes ........... as their moods / needs change. IMO - having a "menu" of choices is the best approach to food plotting. I think your local deer will be happy to visit your plots.
We don't have weed / grass-free food plots either, but I've never seen a deer turn up its nose and refuse to eat what IS growing in our plots!!! Some weeds are good food for deer, and they happily chomp away. Deer will pick and choose what they want to eat as it is - even if we have no weeds at all, and only a mix of "commercial crops" in our plots. They'll eat a bit of clover, then some chicory, then some rye / some turnips / some radishes ........... as their moods / needs change. IMO - having a "menu" of choices is the best approach to food plotting. I think your local deer will be happy to visit your plots.