Cafeteria plot experiment

Archery season started here in PA this last weekend so I thought I would give a start of season account of this plot. The brassicas and turnips are there and have been hit pretty hard and the clover and alfalfa is coming on very strong. The sorghum is still standing and starting to get hit by the deer. Added some WR also and that is starting to grow. To note, I think I will wait till at least mid July if not August to plant as I want the deer there in October or later not September or before. May have to spray this plot with cleth next spring as there is some grass starting to pop up but it will probably get knocked out by colder weather. Overall very pleased and hoping this is a good plot into the future! Thanks for all the advice!
Kiddo loves the turnips and at 2.5 he knows the difference between a turnip and a leafy brassica.
Overview from bottom up
Rye starting to pop up between clover
Couple visitors