First run in with tresspassers

Have not had any known trespassers in. few years. Tonight I got this pic of what would seem to be a blue wheeler and an elbow? Anybody got any clue what this might be? It's the only pic I got and my trail goes right past this camera......about 1/4 mile from the entry point.

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Looks like a yamaha dirt bike to me. I would put up a big sign right on the trail saying you are caught on camera I know who you are , one more time and the cops will be called
Is your entry point gated? If not I’d get it gated asap and no trespassing signs hung on the posts or gate. I like to leave zero doubt that you are breaking the law if you cross this threshold
Looks like a yamaha dirt bike to me. I would put up a big sign right on the trail saying you are caught on camera I know who you are , one more time and the cops will be called
Yep, I do have a couple trespassing signs up.......and do have a cable at the trail entrance.....but it is not put up currently.
Get 100 mono fishing line and string it across your trail at neck level.. ok I may be being a little to passive aggressive.
Your property. Should be able to do whatever you want to it. Not your fault if someone enters illegally. At least that’s my stance if I were king.
Yeah that won't go well. Familly has some experience with that, trespasser drove their quad into section of barbed wire fence that had been there forever, got hurt and tried to cash in on it.

As for fishing line, someone I knew growing up with was seriously hurt when someone strung some across a sidewalk a the bottom of a hill, he hit it at speed on his bicycle across the throat and it's probably lucky it didn't kill him.
Yep, I do have a couple trespassing signs up.......and do have a cable at the trail entrance.....but it is not put up currently.
I had the cable down when I was having the property timbered. Got photos of a car and and an ATV driving right down the driveway. I have cell cameras now and the neighbors phone numbers. Can potentially catch someone. That's the only way the police will do anything is if the case is gift wrapped with a bow on it for them.
I had the cable down when I was having the property timbered. Got photos of a car and and an ATV driving right down the driveway. I have cell cameras now and the neighbors phone numbers. Can potentially catch someone. That's the only way the police will do anything is if the case is gift wrapped with a bow on it for them.
I've found that calling the police is a waste of time.
I've found that calling the police is a waste of time.
Oh ya. I had a pic of a guy walking in the driveway last year. Called the sheriff and the state police. The state police went around and talked to the neighbors, so hopefully that got the word out. But ya unless you have a name or a license plate then it's a waste of time. We have the purple paint law now and the police told me that I still need posters because people don't understand what that means. What's the point of the law then?
Absolutely do not string anything that could be close to be considered a booby trap. There are tons of legal precedents where a trespasser sued the landowner.

It isn't right, but it is the way that it is. Gates are not very expensive and show that the property is being maintained.
Absolutely do not string anything that could be close to be considered a booby trap. There are tons of legal precedents where a trespasser sued the landowner.

It isn't right, but it is the way that it is. Gates are not very expensive and show that the property is being maintained.
I have a big cable and I thread a bright orange, large, foam swimming noodle over it so it can be readily seen. I normally only put the cable up a few weeks before deer season and take it down after. I do not even lock the padlock....but it looks like its locked. While it may take. little force to pull it down......I doubt it would do much damage to a person as it's hooked kinda wimpy. We have lots of snowmobilers running around in the winter......and I would hate to damage someone for life......even if they are trespassing. I really do not get very many trespassers......this may be the first in 3 years or so (that I got on camera).

When I first bought my property, I had a few more trespassers. It used to be a Potlatch Timber Company locals were used to using it to hunt or hike. But my "posted" signs work and word got out.

I did send a letter to all the adjoining property owners (I think I have 8) and told them I had purchased the land for our family hunting camp, and we were pretty serious about our deer hunting and habitat management......and that I would try to respect their property just as I was sure they would respect mine. Gave them my phone number and asked them to call me if I was infringing in any way. Extended my thanks to them. I got thanked by several property owners for sending a nice letter out......and I was almost immediately "taken in" by my direct neighbors. I think it pays to not play "mr tough guy" when your the new kid on the block. My letter sure worked quite any event. The neighbors that live nearby look out for my place....even when were gone.
I have a big cable and I thread a bright orange, large, foam swimming noodle over it so it can be readily seen. I normally only put the cable up a few weeks before deer season and take it down after. I do not even lock the padlock....but it looks like its locked. While it may take. little force to pull it down......I doubt it would do much damage to a person as it's hooked kinda wimpy. We have lots of snowmobilers running around in the winter......and I would hate to damage someone for life......even if they are trespassing. I really do not get very many trespassers......this may be the first in 3 years or so (that I got on camera).

When I first bought my property, I had a few more trespassers. It used to be a Potlatch Timber Company locals were used to using it to hunt or hike. But my "posted" signs work and word got out.

I did send a letter to all the adjoining property owners (I think I have 8) and told them I had purchased the land for our family hunting camp, and we were pretty serious about our deer hunting and habitat management......and that I would try to respect their property just as I was sure they would respect mine. Gave them my phone number and asked them to call me if I was infringing in any way. Extended my thanks to them. I got thanked by several property owners for sending a nice letter out......and I was almost immediately "taken in" by my direct neighbors. I think it pays to not play "mr tough guy" when your the new kid on the block. My letter sure worked quite any event. The neighbors that live nearby look out for my place....even when were gone.
Smart move with the letter. I make it a point to call all the neighbors I can when I get a piece of property and just play the nice guy game. So far it’s worked everytime.
My farmer neighbor gets a bottle of my Maple Syrup every year. He's 94 and finally sold the dairy cows. Son is taking over changing to beef. I have no gate because they use my drive way as a turn around when they get the mail and keep an eye on my place. Some heifers got out once and had a hey day on some of my food plots. I helped get them back in the pasture and didn't complain one bit. They have gotten put a time or 2 since but I really don't care. I would rather have cows than people on my place. LOL
Funny how God, fate or some magic happenstance algorithm will come into play.

I dont like many of my OOS property neighbors. One guy in particular who has 1.5ish ac of horse pasture fence on my place. Ive let it slide but have asked numerous times for a letter of notice that it is my ground and I am indemnified from any issue he has. His horses have got out- as the fence is poorly done- and 3 times ive just rolled with it. Easier of the choices. Ive always said you can access, but you need to shoot me a text prior. Two months ago he mowed 1/2ac of my place well over the line, in an area where i had planted Miscanthus to bock his view due to come hunting concerns. Politely told him all privileges are gone, why, and that the fence needed to be removed asap. This am has me greeted by pics of his horses in my plots and at my feeders. Mind you, this area ahs had a 150yr level drought. Had my wife text him and his and explain it. At some point midday he got them and never replied to any texts..... and his fence remains. My wife is calming me down and playing angel....i am in a different state of mind...... and trying to counteract that with what has worked for those I know

Some things that have worked with motorized trespassers-

-even if it all effort and little reward, run them through the legal ringer. Go to the appearance date. Get it on social media.
-explain to non riding neighbors the liability that may exist with allowing this to persist.
-send the letter as described above and offer a $100 reward for tips leading to the conviction of trespassers stealing game or damaging things. money talks.
-cell cams visible...or moreso your old cams with antennas glued on them 10 feet up a the entrances.
-drop trees, add ditches or low muddy spots to their access
-drive the area roads super slow in their neighborhood. Add the letter mentioned to their neighborhood mail box.
-learn to plant MR rose, or lose your fishing line at a lower height
-if they work in a public environment, go there and show empathy verbally for what you had to do to protect yours
-offer them access for a ridiculous amount of labor
-if it is a utility ROW, many of them will pay for a gate (seriously...first hand knowledge)
-practice your hinge cuts
-the last ditch is show them the crazy but dont land yourself in a position to lose your stuff to them or end up in jail

People suck. Not all, but some. I personally find the demographic to be those with nothing (trailer trash) or from the city relocating to the country to be the biggest offending demographics. My atv trespasser have a single wide in need of demo, a rotted out truck and about $100k in can am stuff.....
I know the piano wire talk was in jest, but guys, in all seriousness, it's not worth someone losing limbs or a life becuase they rode a dirtbike on your ground. Wrong as they may be, that'd be about 10 seconds of "gotcha" followed by a lifetime of regret.

That said, I pulled a card and found this knucklehead yesterday. He's not even close to the road, running woodlines where he has no business. That's also frustrating.I__00214.JPG
I know the piano wire talk was in jest, but guys, in all seriousness, it's not worth someone losing limbs or a life becuase they rode a dirtbike on your ground. Wrong as they may be, that'd be about 10 seconds of "gotcha" followed by a lifetime of regret.

That said, I pulled a card and found this knucklehead yesterday. He's not even close to the road, running woodlines where he has no business. That's also frustrating.View attachment 69919

I would think he would be easy to find. That’s a unique bike. Any history?

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What idiot would ride within 150 yards of a giant feeder that obviously has a camera on it. I would think this doofus isnt a member of the oceans 11 so he surely is easily caught. Sue him for $10,000 for ruining your hunting in late October based on your investment and time and lost opportunity!