First run in with tresspassers

Got nothing to add to this other than I feel bad for you guys dealing with this. Trespassers and entitled attitudes suck.
Funny how God, fate or some magic happenstance algorithm will come into play.

I dont like many of my OOS property neighbors. One guy in particular who has 1.5ish ac of horse pasture fence on my place. Ive let it slide but have asked numerous times for a letter of notice that it is my ground and I am indemnified from any issue he has. His horses have got out- as the fence is poorly done- and 3 times ive just rolled with it. Easier of the choices. Ive always said you can access, but you need to shoot me a text prior. Two months ago he mowed 1/2ac of my place well over the line, in an area where i had planted Miscanthus to bock his view due to come hunting concerns. Politely told him all privileges are gone, why, and that the fence needed to be removed asap. This am has me greeted by pics of his horses in my plots and at my feeders. Mind you, this area ahs had a 150yr level drought. Had my wife text him and his and explain it. At some point midday he got them and never replied to any texts..... and his fence remains. My wife is calming me down and playing angel....i am in a different state of mind...... and trying to counteract that with what has worked for those I know

Some things that have worked with motorized trespassers-

-even if it all effort and little reward, run them through the legal ringer. Go to the appearance date. Get it on social media.
-explain to non riding neighbors the liability that may exist with allowing this to persist.
-send the letter as described above and offer a $100 reward for tips leading to the conviction of trespassers stealing game or damaging things. money talks.
-cell cams visible...or moreso your old cams with antennas glued on them 10 feet up a the entrances.
-drop trees, add ditches or low muddy spots to their access
-drive the area roads super slow in their neighborhood. Add the letter mentioned to their neighborhood mail box.
-learn to plant MR rose, or lose your fishing line at a lower height
-if they work in a public environment, go there and show empathy verbally for what you had to do to protect yours
-offer them access for a ridiculous amount of labor
-if it is a utility ROW, many of them will pay for a gate (seriously...first hand knowledge)
-practice your hinge cuts
-the last ditch is show them the crazy but dont land yourself in a position to lose your stuff to them or end up in jail

People suck. Not all, but some. I personally find the demographic to be those with nothing (trailer trash) or from the city relocating to the country to be the biggest offending demographics. My atv trespasser have a single wide in need of demo, a rotted out truck and about $100k in can am stuff.....

Real simple, send him a certified letter stating he has 10 days to remove the fence from your property. If not removed, it will be removed. Then follow through, even if the animals are there.

These people believe they can out last you and think you won't follow through.
We have not had much of a problem with trespassers for a long time. This morning my dad told me he drove by our North 40 (actually 35) and there was a deer feeder out in the center of it. Needless to say it was a surprise to us. We had some Californians move in the adjoining 4 acres with a house. Like 7 of them living there with 2 rottweilers. Dad went to have a chat with the mom and she was actually very understanding but acted surprised. He went by later and they moved the feeder off of our 40, but right on the property line. In the picture they moved it from the top right dot to the bottom left dot. With the dogs and amount of activity there I doubt they will have any luck, but how stupid can you be? We used to hunt this property, but I had one of the rottweilers tree me last fall and I haven't been back. Time to fence it I guess. Woven wire may help keep the dogs away. Sucks...

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We have not had much of a problem with trespassers for a long time. This morning my dad told me he drove by our North 40 (actually 35) and there was a deer feeder out in the center of it. Needless to say it was a surprise to us. We had some Californians move in the adjoining 4 acres with a house. Like 7 of them living there with 2 rottweilers. Dad went to have a chat with the mom and she was actually very understanding but acted surprised. He went by later and they moved the feeder off of our 40, but right on the property line. In the picture they moved it from the top right dot to the bottom left dot. With the dogs and amount of activity there I doubt they will have any luck, but how stupid can you be? We used to hunt this property, but I had one of the rottweilers tree me last fall and I haven't been back. Time to fence it I guess. Woven wire may help keep the dogs away. Sucks...

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Looks like they must plan on sitting in the trees on your property to hunt? Unless they sit up on the roof of that building. PEOPLE!
Looks like they must plan on sitting in the trees on your property to hunt? Unless they sit up on the roof of that building. PEOPLE!
On Friday while we were in a red flag warning and there were 7 counties and an air tanker fighting a 1,100 acre wildfire 4 miles from my house, they had a bonfire going in their yard. Insanity. Morons.
Also a Rottweiler that threatened me would test the all dogs go to heaven theory.
Especially if it was on my property. I've had neighbors dogs on my property during hunting seasons and it's not a good feeling. Had a couple of Hmong hunting anything that moves while I was bow hunting. They had been there before and after they left I found one of my pop up blinds turned upside down. If I would have seen the blind first it would have been an entirely different ATTEMPT at a conversation. They tried speaking their language like they didn't speak english and as they are walking away one of them says "sorry about that" plain as day. Now I carry a handgun whenever I go out on my own property.
On Friday while we were in a red flag warning and there were 7 counties and an air tanker fighting a 1,100 acre wildfire 4 miles from my house, they had a bonfire going in their yard. Insanity. Morons.
I think the disclaimer for them is that they came from commiefornia.
On Friday while we were in a red flag warning and there were 7 counties and an air tanker fighting a 1,100 acre wildfire 4 miles from my house, they had a bonfire going in their yard. Insanity. Morons.
How long have they been in America is my question. I may be jumping to conclusions, but it sounds like they may have recently crossed the border?
We have not had much of a problem with trespassers for a long time. This morning my dad told me he drove by our North 40 (actually 35) and there was a deer feeder out in the center of it. Needless to say it was a surprise to us. We had some Californians move in the adjoining 4 acres with a house. Like 7 of them living there with 2 rottweilers. Dad went to have a chat with the mom and she was actually very understanding but acted surprised. He went by later and they moved the feeder off of our 40, but right on the property line. In the picture they moved it from the top right dot to the bottom left dot. With the dogs and amount of activity there I doubt they will have any luck, but how stupid can you be? We used to hunt this property, but I had one of the rottweilers tree me last fall and I haven't been back. Time to fence it I guess. Woven wire may help keep the dogs away. Sucks...

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Couldn't be much more clear in their intention to hunt your property. I'd make it clear to them that they do not have permission to access your property to retrieve an animal. They are not hunting their property, they are hunting yours.
We have not had much of a problem with trespassers for a long time. This morning my dad told me he drove by our North 40 (actually 35) and there was a deer feeder out in the center of it. Needless to say it was a surprise to us. We had some Californians move in the adjoining 4 acres with a house. Like 7 of them living there with 2 rottweilers. Dad went to have a chat with the mom and she was actually very understanding but acted surprised. He went by later and they moved the feeder off of our 40, but right on the property line. In the picture they moved it from the top right dot to the bottom left dot. With the dogs and amount of activity there I doubt they will have any luck, but how stupid can you be? We used to hunt this property, but I had one of the rottweilers tree me last fall and I haven't been back. Time to fence it I guess. Woven wire may help keep the dogs away. Sucks...

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You should become an avid coyote trapper this winter. Maybe they'll keep their dogs on their property if they know there's a dozen traps set on your place. Plus you could have someone drive through the place every morning and evening to run the line. Cheaper than new fence and possibly more rewarding...
Just plain pisses me off that a land owner has to do anything at all to keep other people who know damn well it's not their land off of a property. I have zero patience for blatant bullshit. The older I get the shorter the list of people I am willing to deal with gets. jmho