First run in with tresspassers

This thread is bad luck. I haven't seen any signs of trespassing on this farm since this incident a couple of days ago. Neither my farmer nor a neighbor recognize this vehicle. I did send it to the sheriff, telling them I would prosecute. I'm not holding out any hopes though. It is a pretty recognizable vehicle with the no grill and rebel flag tag on the front.
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How long were they there? No gate at that access point?
How long were they there? No gate at that access point?
I don’t have it on video mode, and that is the only pic I got. That field, you can drive completely around plus come in from 2 points. One doesn't have a gate or a fence. The camera is close to that access point.
Isn't that weird? He's up a freakin steep hill and like 1/2 mile away from the road.

And they way he's carrying the bag is so bizarre, like it's something disgusting. Otherwise I would have maybe guessed someone gathering ginseng or mushrooms.
And they way he's carrying the bag is so bizarre, like it's something disgusting. Otherwise I would have maybe guessed someone gathering ginseng or mushrooms.
That's what I thought too. I'm not a forager, but isn't most of that a spring thing. Or certainly a daylight thing. Can't imagine you're looking for mushrooms in the strange woods after dark
I don’t have it on video mode, and that is the only pic I got. That field, you can drive completely around plus come in from 2 points. One doesn't have a gate or a fence. The camera is close to that access point.
I’m a gate freak. You cannot access anything on me with going through a fence, trees or a gate. You and I know this guy, he’s the trashy local guy who has a proportionate amount of cigarette packs and empty pill bottle in that POS truck. Good news is it doesn’t appear he stayed long if you only got one pic.
It appears as though he is "offering" the bag to the camera. ......or showing the bag to the camera. ......or was he trying to shield his face from the camera? Wonder what is in that bag?
i wanna know what's in the bag man!!!
Especially if it was on my property. I've had neighbors dogs on my property during hunting seasons and it's not a good feeling. Had a couple of Hmong hunting anything that moves while I was bow hunting. They had been there before and after they left I found one of my pop up blinds turned upside down. If I would have seen the blind first it would have been an entirely different ATTEMPT at a conversation. They tried speaking their language like they didn't speak english and as they are walking away one of them says "sorry about that" plain as day. Now I carry a handgun whenever I go out on my own property.
That’s a wise move. I won’t walk to my mailbox without a handgun, and I live in a decent neighborhood.
Isn't that weird? He's up a freakin steep hill and like 1/2 mile away from the road.
That's so odd. Just the way he's holding the bag, it looks like he's showing it to the camera. Not sure I want to know what's in it.
I’m a gate freak. You cannot access anything on me with going through a fence, trees or a gate. You and I know this guy, he’s the trashy local guy who has a proportionate amount of cigarette packs and empty pill bottle in that POS truck. Good news is it doesn’t appear he stayed long if you only got one pic.
Yeah, I'm all too familiar with the type. Unfortunately where he is, it could have very possibly been him retrieving a deer shot from the road. Or, he could have been getting corn from that field. I just called the sheriff's office to make sure they received my photos and report. They said the link on the site doesn't work?!
Pulled a card early this week, have no idea who this clown is nor what he's doing in the backside of the property at 9:45 PM on a friday night.

He obviously saw the camera and covered up his face.
The neighbor contacted us and told us to stay off of his property, but his picture was the same dude and it wasn't us. Frustrating.View attachment 70226View attachment 70227
How would be have seen the camera in the dark? Didn't he have to already know it was there?
Also, he has glasses on , makes the sunglasses even more odd. I think someone is intentionally messing with you. Maybe the neighbor who accused you?
Yeah, I'm all too familiar with the type. Unfortunately where he is, it could have very possibly been him retrieving a deer shot from the road. Or, he could have been getting corn from that field. I just called the sheriff's office to make sure they received my photos and report. They said the link on the site doesn't work?!
So frustrating. Even if it just curious snoping it’s illegal bs. Equally as frustrating is the lack of care from law enforcement. In a way I get it. What’s their incentive. They go talk to this dumbass and absolute worst case scenario he gets a $50 fine. I don’t have any strategies other than someone try to cable or gate the access. My theory is pieces of trash will do illegal stuff but if I can make it hard maybe they will just pass by me and go to low hanging fruit.
Having a sign that says property is under surveillance helps to keep some people away. Don't need the system just need the sign hung up somewhere so they can see it before they are on your property. A hollow dummy camera ot two doesn't hurt either.
i wanna know what's in the bag man!!!
My guess is that he was foraging for mushrooms or nuts/acorns. Showed you the bag for you to see he wasn't in there hunting. I've come across people that seem to think it isn't still tresspassing if you aren't hunting or fishing.
My guess is that he was foraging for mushrooms or nuts/acorns. Showed you the bag for you to see he wasn't in there hunting. I've come across people that seem to think it isn't still tresspassing if you aren't hunting or fishing.
Quite plausible.
That's what I thought too. I'm not a forager, but isn't most of that a spring thing. Or certainly a daylight thing. Can't imagine you're looking for mushrooms in the strange woods after dark

You don't do things after dark unless you want the cover of darkness. Dude is up to no good.
Maybe he was putting something out to try ruining your hunting? Human hair or a bar of ivory soap. Could be a lot of different things.
It looks like some type of see through mesh bag, at least I think that's what it is. It appears that you can see the back side strap through the bag. I've seen mushroom foragers use mesh bags.

He also isn't holding a flashlight in his other hand, which is odd for someone who planned to be out after dark. No flashlight combined with sunglasses makes me think this might be a lost mushroom picker who may or may not be on drugs. I wouldn't want that guy on my property, but he doesn't appear to be poaching deer.