Dividend Check

I work for a global manufacturer and we make a number of products used by consumers and government. At this point, when the govt. makes a request for one of those products we simply ignore it. We focus our efforts on the consumer market.

Our experiences with them in the past have cost us money. They seem to have 15 levels of approval for modest expenses or decisions. They change the game as you’re playing and they act like time is unlimited and worthless. Phone calls, meetings about meeting, required documentation beyond belief (mil spec)……and they can’t even pay on time!

I feel sorry for any business too reliant on G work.
"Bondi was a guest on "Jesse Watters Primetime" Wednesday and said her office plans to release information about Epstein tomorrow."

Not sure I am going to hold my breath.
Sounds like there's more information in Al Capones vault than what Bondi released today. Lucky you didn't hold your breath.
I voted for him but I was really hoping he would learn when to shut his mouth because he doesn't think before he talks. I'm not a big fan of Elon as anyone with that much money has found a way to make more and will not do anything for free. Also wasn't a fan of threatening everyone in the cabinet meeting that if they didn't like Musk they would take care of them being there so now they are robots to keep their jobs and won't be looking out whats best for the citizens.
Do you really believe that Elon Musk is going through emails from 3 million government employees himself? All the stories I saw said the emails are going to the Office Of Personnel Management, which sounds like the government version of Human Resources, and also to each employee's supervisor.

Kind of like the timesheet I have to fill out and turn in every day detailing what jobs I worked on and how much time I spent on them. Or the material allocation sheet that tells how much material I used for each job.

I've had to do something similar at every single job I've had. If anything, taxpayers should be pissed that this hasn't been standard practice for the federal government all along!
Barn dog, this is already the case.

Most have some sort of weekly/daily report.
At my current position, we also use a ticket based system where customers (other employees) can request services.

We had shop bbqs and awards for the guys with the highest ticket count. When I was a supervisor i tried to add an “hours-worked” metric onto our tickets so I could compensate for guys that spent long hours in one ticket/project.
Do you think that your time sheet and the material allocation sheet helps your employer determine if the amount charged to the customer is the proper amount or maybe it helps with inventory?

Hell no, I know for a fact that Elon can't possibly read 3 million emails a day.

How do we know that the federal employees aren't already reporting hours and material allocated?

Maybe Elon should be holding supervisors and department heads accountable instead of every single employee. Isn't it the supervisors and department heads job to make sure that their direct reports are doing their job?
That is correct.
I work for a global manufacturer and we make a number of products used by consumers and government. At this point, when the govt. makes a request for one of those products we simply ignore it. We focus our efforts on the consumer market.

Our experiences with them in the past have cost us money. They seem to have 15 levels of approval for modest expenses or decisions. They change the game as you’re playing and they act like time is unlimited and worthless. Phone calls, meetings about meeting, required documentation beyond belief (mil spec)……and they can’t even pay on time!

I feel sorry for any business too reliant on G work.

Mad dog. That is something that drives me crazy. In fact is a big problem in the radio/electronics business.

I used to work for a state agency and we’d often have local fire and police departments asking us to do pro bono work because we were solid at what we did. I refused and got into a lot of heated arguments with techs and management.

I refused to take dollars out of a private company’s wallet, so I could look like a hero.

It’s a real problem in the radio business because a lot of ham guys like to go into these small departments and throw something together, and then the guy dies, and the private guy comes in and loses his shirt rebuilding or redesigning the system, and the customer can’t or won’t pay, because they are used to getting the work done for free.
I wonder who could have possibly seen this coming?
Going to go up more after his systems are installed at every airport for ATC.
I have his starlink system on my boat. Let’s see. I get to turn it on and pay for it “only” during the months I use it. Pause my payment when I’m not. I’m saving lots of $ by not needing all the other individual satellite systems for weather and coms that require an annual subscription. That bastard!
He’s just in it for the $.

If it was a Comcast, DNC, ABC, Disney, China company. I’d have to pay every day. Even when I didn’t need it.
Musk net worth is up since the election? Tesla stock is down over $100 a share (billions to him) ?

Where did he see the big jump in net worth ?
Musk net worth is up since the election? Tesla stock is down over $100 a share (billions to him) ?

Where did he see the big jump in net worth ?
Well he is going into space to bring back a few astronauts that NASA and Biden left there. He’s got a few irons in the fire. Could be that. Or maybe he has investments in the stock market that did well.

I bet he’s not invested in anything national teachers union or MSNBC.
Musk net worth is up since the election? Tesla stock is down over $100 a share (billions to him) ?

Where did he see the big jump in net worth ?
I just googled it, looks like he is down anywhere from $50B to $100B depending on the source.

His wealth going up looks like lefty fake news.
Going to go up more after his systems are installed at every airport for ATC.

I thought it was pretty nice of him to float the idea of cancelling the Verizon contract and giving it to himself. He is certainly a gracious god…

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Paying for all those kids be getting expensive. he should take some time off to work to focus on being a responsible dad and then come back and work on the government.
I don’t know how to make $400 billion, but I do know how to not breed like a dog so I have that going for me.
I thought he was up after the election but down after the inauguration.
All this talk about him ONLY being worth $300B almost has me feeling bad for him…

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