9 year old son got it done again


5 year old buck +
My 9 year old and I went to the same spot we did last year where he shot his buck. This time we were going to be a little more choosy, didn't end up being a problem.

We hung a stand and moved some cameras before we hunted but got set up in a blind on a sunny October 2, the sun had the blind oppressively hot, but we had the wind blowing towards the bedding so we had to be careful about opening windows.

several does and fawns started entering the plot (alfalfa and chicory that has turned to primarily alfalfa and clover)
This is the staging plot as they're heading from bed to the big ag fields. About an hour before dark out steps a pretty nice up and coming 3 year old. I've encouraged my son to be "climbing the ladder" and challenge himself on maturity and size of his deer. Last year's buck was a first year rack, so this was a substantial upgrade.

30 minutes of milling around in the plot and he finally fed right past the blind at about 28 yards.

Crossbow was ready to roll and he sent it on it's way. Initially I thought the shot was a touch back, but nothing substantial, then it started to rain.

We went to see what things looked like after 20 minutes or so and found some blood where he'd stood in the woods. Moved in deeper about 30 yards, and i flashlighted ahead and saw him standing 40 yards form us. Immediately ducked down and explained that if we back out now, odds are he's dead right there in the morning.
After some tears and frustration, we did just that.

Came back at first light Sunday morning, after it poured all night, and the deer is nowhere to be found. Even more tears. Even more frustration. We spent ample time looking, but he was right on the edge of the sanctuary and it was THICK in there. Decided we'd have to wait for buzzards or shed season.

Today, Tuesday, my hunting partner and I made a quick trip out to try to see buzzards. When we got to the parking spot, there were a dozen or so flying around. WAY closer than where I thought they should be. We decided to head up into the plot and go in the lane where we thought it'd put us closest to him. As we're driving thru the plot, a buzzard takes off right in the chicory. Sure enough. The guy is laying right there. He'd circled back around and died 20 yards in front of my cuddelink. What is the world?

Long and short of it is I'm going to have a very excited young man who at least has some resolution about what happened to his deer.

It was good to salvage what we could. But a bummer to lose the meat.

I'm no official scorer, but I came up with 127 4/*8" as a 9 point.

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Thanks for sharing. I'm sure that will be something he never forgets. A lot of important lessons to be learned in there.

Have you thought at all about starting to film hunts with your kids or just yourself? It can really help with recovery based on shot impact, but also helps you and them relive the experience. I film every time I hunt now, and put quite a bit more emphasis on it if I am taking someone new(ish) out to hunt. If you have any questions about getting started with it I'd be more than happy to share what I've learned in the last couple of years.
congrats, he got a great buck!
That is AWESOME MAN! I am so very happy for you and your son, those memories last a lifetime. We have all been there on the recoveries where you question everything, shed a few tiers, lose some sleep but at least this had a happy ending! Congrats to you both!
Congrats to you and your son. I'm sure it was a bittersweet moment. If you hunt long enough. you will experience the frustration of a lost deer.
Congrats to you and your son. Great deer!