Dividend Check

Stop printing money and inflation disappears. Then send all the war mongers in Congress to the front line in Ukraine. Lindsey Graham can go first. Then shoot all these bastards robbing us blind. They can start here in MN. The fraud being committed by the hostile Somalians is rampant. I'm sick and tired of every last piece of shit in federal and state govt. All the elected assholes and their brown shirt thug bureaucrats can go to hell.
Cmon man…….

Tell us how you really feel.😜
Although 5K would be nice I don’t think anyone needs any dividend check, put it towards the out of control deficit and get it going in the opposite direction.

I believe the DOGE process in the end will curb inflation and bring down interest rates, and I think we will start seeing it before the end of the year.

Rooting out and exposing government waste and fraud is a good thing, actually a great thing.
We all win in the end.
I was reading through the many posts on here and wanted to respond but it's a bit of a time issue. I haven't heard anyone actually comment on what is really happening in our government. If you cant see it Im not sure reading this is going to change you. All this talk about congress, government employees, usaid, Trump doing all this shit that is unconstitutional, bla bla bla. The voters put Trump in charge do do the will of the people period.

The massive amount of corruption being uncovered on both sides is what every "conspiracy theorist" I know has been talking about for a lifetime. It's ALL true. Our government is being overthrown and will be replaced by new parties. ( neither of which will be democrat or republican ) This country was reformed as a constitutional republic after the last revolution and has slowly watered down over time into this "democracy" We are in the middle of the second revolution, past and current crooked politicians WILL be getting sentenced there is absolutely no doubt in my mind about it.

I am not expecting this to be an easy road. All of the idiots out there bitching about inflation are just to blind to see what has bee happening for a minimum of 30 years. If the price of products dont go down they will all want to lynch Trump. There are a hell of a lot of problems much bigger than inflation that needs to be fixed NOW.

I don't give a shit what gas or groceries cost. I want the EVIL to be purged from government and I'm not alone. This movement is growing really fast and I do expect great things to come of it.
The ones that are screaming the loudest are the most guilty and desperate in my opinion.
I think firing all of the probationary workers immediately isn't a very merit based way to do it. I mean, you could have just fired all of the employees that were worth a shit. Now you won't know?
I don’t think any of this has anything to do with fixing government or saving us money for us taxpayers. I doubt this is about saving the country from pedophiles or any of the other stuff claimed.

I suspect it’s what it’s always about, no matter who is in charge. Consolidating power and more money for the people in charge. Quite a bit more bold than usual, but same as it ever was. We’ll see.
If nobody goes to prison, this is just a giant amnesty for all that's been stolen.
If nobody goes to prison, this is just a giant amnesty for all that's been stolen.
10000% agree. And they are already laying the groundwork for that happening. It’s all about the numbers and not holding anyone legally accountable.
On that same note, now that Patel is confirmed, if the epstein list doesn’t come out we can make some pretty bold assumptions
If it's really a uniparty like we all know it is, I highly doubt anyone of consequence is going to prison. Can hold out hope, but honestly if all this fraud and waste being exposed does help fix govt, then I can live with that. Hoping it roots out all the Rino scum, and exposes how crooked the D politicians are, and allows for more of this new party, America first types, to gain traction. Agree with above, if the epstein list isn't released pronto, we have problems.
I wouldn’t hold my breath on the Epstein stuff. And anything released is going to have a big fat asterisk by it.

But hey, we’ll see.
Now I want to know, lol!

*Edited to add: Now I get it! Sheesh three cups of coffee and missed that completely lol!
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