Deal of the day

Now there's a land tour buggy. Start building Jim. You can rent/sell it to Foggy.

I'm into my stump grinder right now, but open to commissioned work. :p
If I were looking for a low cost tractor.....I would look at this:

Stu? Put a cutter on the back.....and your golden. (Not sure about condition.)

I'd PM Stu....but I gotta leave for a funeral. Can somebody PM him? TX
I bought a Dearborn 3 Point Field cultivator today. It's not the best one I've ever seen.....but it's OK for my purposes. Paid $250 for it's hard to go too far wrong. ;)

I'm going to set it up to cultivate between my bean rows next year. Not for weed control.....but the scarify the soil a bit before I broadcast my seeds into the standing beans. I hope to get some better success when overseeding the beans. Time will tell.

Also should work good for breaking new plots and pulling some trash off the new plots. :) I need more equipment like a hole in the head.....but whats a 'chinery junkie to do? :eek:
What no pictures, come on Tom you know better.
That may be, but we want pics of it in action!
For cultivating the beans to do late summer plantings, how much "room" do you have with the C tines to the frame?

if you figure tilling 2-3 inches down in the dirt, how high can your beans be without dragging over the tops of the beans too bad?
I have had beans on good years that were thigh to waist high by late summer, which would be way too tall for any cultivator I have seen.
^ Yep....that could be an issue. But the deer seem to keep my beans nibbled down. Currently my beans are a from 10" to 18" high. The cultivator frame will easily clear those beans......but may not do beans that have not been eaten down. I'd think I could cultivate 24" high beans with no problems.

I wish I had my cultivator set up to go between rows. That would be nice.
My project list never gets any shorter.... Not something I have truly thought about doing. Now that you mention it,,,,,,, my list might have another item added.....
That drag is exactly what im looking for but I don't want to drive that far to pick one up.
I would not cultivate beans when they are flowering.and starting to make pods.