Cuddelink L series Q & A

I have had some question about commands being successfully executed. It seems whenever I send a take photo command it seems hit or miss if it takes a photo. Also, I have not been able to successfully use the app to set the delay to auto. It does fine setting the delay to anything else other than auto.
the app is definitely a work in progress and there are times its not executing the commands correctly, they are working on this daily and hope to get it 100% soon. Camp has been very reliable with the exception of changing the aspect as that is not currently functioning nor will it ever be an option on the L series as those are fixed image size.
I set cam up at cam. Never selected prime time. I get this on APP. Does it mean prime time is on, just a quirk with APP, should I select off for AM and PMScreenshot_20231004-195538.png
I set cam up at cam. Never selected prime time. I get this on APP. Does it mean prime time is on, just a quirk with APP, should I select off for AM and PMView attachment 58494
it should say "off" instead of "1 hour" if you want prime time off -
i have seen where cameras angled towards the ground are occasionally triggered by heat changes caused by the ground heating up or cooling off - you can adjust the sensitivity in the app and that may be worth a try so you dont use up more data. if you want to PM me your log in and password i can take a look at your camp and have Cudde see if the command isnt taking for some reason.
Thought it stopped filling the queue, but it is still doing it. Partly because it is taking pictures of nothing, and partly because it is only sending 2-4 images per connection, even when there are more to send. Also, I've had this or an old G camera in that location, at that angle, for many years without any problems, but you never know. Anyway I'll be up there in two days and will swap this out and do a thorough troubleshooting on it. Thanks for the replies.
Thought it stopped filling the queue, but it is still doing it. Partly because it is taking pictures of nothing, and partly because it is only sending 2-4 images per connection, even when there are more to send. Also, I've had this or an old G camera in that location, at that angle, for many years without any problems, but you never know. Anyway I'll be up there in two days and will swap this out and do a thorough troubleshooting on it. Thanks for the replies.
if its only sending 2-3 per connection and you have it on batch rate 1 hour longer then you have channel interference with another network, when you go there, change your channel to something random and dont use 01-05 as everyone uses those for some reason. Try 10-18 as an example . If its taking pics of nothing turn your cmaera delay to off and it will stop until you can trouble shoot .
I decided to start a new thread regarding the New L series which includes the Cuddelink L series and the Tracks stand alone cell cameras . Today the new website went live and there is a firmware update available for the L series that will optimize day time images on the L series IR cuddelink cameras that just hit the market.
John, need some assistance. I have 4 J-1422 and 5 J-1415‘s connecting to a home K-5789 Verizon. I went on vacation, pictures stopped, just brought the K-5728 and the batteries were a mess. Acid everywhere and liquid all over inside the camera. I think it is shot. What do I replace the K-5728 with so that it works with the cameras I currently own? I am a big Cuddyback fan, have not had any problems with my cameras for years. Don’t understand why the batteries fried. Help, it is deer season and I can’t see what is going on!!!!
John, need some assistance. I have 4 J-1422 and 5 J-1415‘s connecting to a home K-5789 Verizon. I went on vacation, pictures stopped, just brought the K-5728 and the batteries were a mess. Acid everywhere and liquid all over inside the camera. I think it is shot. What do I replace the K-5728 with so that it works with the cameras I currently own? I am a big Cuddyback fan, have not had any problems with my cameras for years. Don’t understand why the batteries fried. Help, it is deer season and I can’t see what is going on!!!!
G 5109 if you want a cmaera in the home , or the new L series home if you dont need a camera in it. the L costs less as a result and also has both ATT and version Sim card in it. PM me for a good place to buy.honesly you are better off with those than a K since all the power accesories work better with 4 D units,.
it should say "off" instead of "1 hour" if you want prime time off
Not sure what the primetime does when not using time lapse. Haven't been paying attention since not planning to use it
Not sure what the primetime does when not using time lapse. Haven't been paying attention since not planning to use it
prime time allows you to pick an dawn or dusk time period(1,2 or 3 hours) that the camera runs time lapse while still allowing it to trigger on heat and motion., Standard time lapse is time lapse only and you can only pick day or night.
prime time allows you to pick an dawn or dusk time period(1,2 or 3 hours) that the camera runs time lapse while still allowing it to trigger on heat and motion., Standard time lapse is time lapse only and you can only pick day or night.
This showed up by default when I selected Advanced, but time lapse off. It didn't take any time lapse during the prime time period. I'm guessing it's a default setting for time lapse, and only comes in to play if time lapse turned on. Maybe part of work in progress with the APP.
First, a big thanks to John V who provides patient, expert help for all of us! I am 2 weeks from deer season and my Home camera is shot. I ordered a new L Home to replace a K-5789. The Fed Ex truck should arrive any minute, then I am headed North to get it installed. I also ordered a Sun/Shade solar panel, my first solar panel for my network. Do I need to use batteries with my LLC-H? I would prefer not to because I worry about the batteries sitting in the Home unit for a long time and corroding. Second question, how easy is it to go from Verizon K-5789 to the new LLC-H? Do I have to start all over again or will it pick up the settings I had before? Are there specific instructions for upgrading?
First, a big thanks to John V who provides patient, expert help for all of us! I am 2 weeks from deer season and my Home camera is shot. I ordered a new L Home to replace a K-5789. The Fed Ex truck should arrive any minute, then I am headed North to get it installed. I also ordered a Sun/Shade solar panel, my first solar panel for my network. Do I need to use batteries with my LLC-H? I would prefer not to because I worry about the batteries sitting in the Home unit for a long time and corroding. Second question, how easy is it to go from Verizon K-5789 to the new LLC-H? Do I have to start all over again or will it pick up the settings I had before? Are there specific instructions for upgrading?
do you have an active plan on you Old K? they can switch the plan from that to you new one. I would run batteries in it as they act as back up , thats what its designed to do. Make sure if you have any J or G remotes that they are alone 8.3 firmware or it wont connect t to the new L home, the new L runs on its own firmware but will link with older models on 8.3.
First, a big thanks to John V who provides patient, expert help for all of us! I am 2 weeks from deer season and my Home camera is shot. I ordered a new L Home to replace a K-5789. The Fed Ex truck should arrive any minute, then I am headed North to get it installed. I also ordered a Sun/Shade solar panel, my first solar panel for my network. Do I need to use batteries with my LLC-H? I would prefer not to because I worry about the batteries sitting in the Home unit for a long time and corroding. Second question, how easy is it to go from Verizon K-5789 to the new LLC-H? Do I have to start all over again or will it pick up the settings I had before? Are there specific instructions for upgrading?
you dont need to change settings on your remotes, just make sure channel matches on the home, run a link level on one remote once the home is armed, and it will find the rest of them.
do you have an active plan on you Old K? they can switch the plan from that to you new one. I would run batteries in it as they act as back up , thats what its designed to do. Make sure if you have any J or G remotes that they are alone 8.3 firmware or it wont connect t to the new L home, the new L runs on its own firmware but will link with older models on 8.3.
I have an active plan. Who do I call to switch the cameras? Do I use Rayovac or alkaline with solar panel? All remotes are 8.3 (38 years in the computer industry, always upgrade to the latest firmware!) When the L arrives, does it need a firmware upgrade?
I have an active plan. Who do I call to switch the cameras? Do I use Rayovac or alkaline with solar panel? All remotes are 8.3 (38 years in the computer industry, always upgrade to the latest firmware!) When the L arrives, does it need a firmware upgrade?
you can call Cuddeback CS to get the plan switched ( which is not open on weekends), you can try messaging Dan Schultz on the Cuddeback digital or Cuddeback users facebook page and he may be able to do it remotely if he is accessible, but he might be hunting today. With 4d cameras, you use Rayovac high energy Alkaline batteries (NOT RECHARGEABLE) they are back up and the solar panel runs the camera in case the panel battery gets low. You can add the new device to your camp page but DO NOT buy a plan, or even pick a plan , just add the device.... that way they can move the plan. youodnt need to update the L cell unit all L series cell units will update remotely. you do need ot manually update any L remote you add if you want them up to date.
I purchased a new L series camera and home about a month ago and haven't been able to get them to work correctly since I purchased them. It appears the camera itself is working correctly but the images seem to be getting back up between the camera and the home. I've tried multiple new SD cards and ran the SD test on every card but the home camera always shows NA and 0 images on the card in the cuddeback app. When I clear the SD card and queue in the camera I will get one to two emails with multiple(30) pictures but after that I'll get multiple emails 24/7 with one or two images each. Anyone have any suggestions or should I send back for repair? I've called tech support multiple times and went through all the setting and replaced SD cards multiple times.
I purchased a new L series camera and home about a month ago and haven't been able to get them to work correctly since I purchased them. It appears the camera itself is working correctly but the images seem to be getting back up between the camera and the home. I've tried multiple new SD cards and ran the SD test on every card but the home camera always shows NA and 0 images on the card in the cuddeback app. When I clear the SD card and queue in the camera I will get one to two emails with multiple(30) pictures but after that I'll get multiple emails 24/7 with one or two images each. Anyone have any suggestions or should I send back for repair? I've called tech support multiple times and went through all the setting and replaced SD cards multiple times.
can you post you latest report ? make sure the entire image is viewable, also what is your cell rate set at ? and your camera delays?
can you post you latest report ? make sure the entire image is viewable, also what is your cell rate set at ? and your camera delays?
I attached the report, let me know if you cant view the whole image. I've tried different cell rates. Currently the cell rate is 3 hours and camera is set to 30 second delay.


  • REPORT.png
    185.3 KB · Views: 14
I attached the report, let me know if you cant view the whole image. I've tried different cell rates. Currently the cell rate is 3 hours and camera is set to 30 second delay.
normally i would say channel interference is the culprit - or a batch rate of 1 image will also slow things down. Since your channel is 15-30 its much less likely that is the issue, You may want to change out the SD card in the remote and see if that helps. If both units are easily accessible you can try changing the channel to something like 16-25 , on the outside chance you have a neighbor using 15 or 30 in their channel. I would also change cell rate to 1 hour.
normally i would say channel interference is the culprit - or a batch rate of 1 image will also slow things down. Since your channel is 15-30 its much less likely that is the issue, You may want to change out the SD card in the remote and see if that helps. If both units are easily accessible you can try changing the channel to something like 16-25 , on the outside chance you have a neighbor using 15 or 30 in their channel. I would also change cell rate to 1 hour.
Thanks John. I have brand new SD cards coming in the mail today. I'll try that. I've tried different channels over the past few weeks, per cudeback's suggestions, and nothing seems to have changed. I've also changed the cell rate from 1 hour to 6 hours. I originally had the cameras setup on a 250 acre farm, 10 minutes north of my house but relocated them to my farm so I could troubleshoot this issue but nothing seems to be working out yet. I'll let you know how the new cards respond. What does a "Normal" report look like when the home recognizes the SD card? Should the Home show images on the SD card just like camera itself? Should it be telling me how much storage the home SD card has just like the camera SD card as opposed to NA?