For me - it was a game changer when the cuddelink system eliminated the need to drive around the farm pulling SD cards. The idea the new solar panels will further eliminate the need to drive around the farm to change out dead batteries is awesome. Saving time, money, and reducing scent on the cameras.
I was lucky enough to get one of the first batches, and installed a few yesterday. It’s interesting the instructions say to mount them vertically. I was tempted to try and mount them with an angle that would possibly gather more light, but the Instructions said they would work vertically, and it would help keep the snow off them - and that makes sense.
Some key spots will have batteries in the camera to act as backup if the solar cannot keep up, but some will be tried with the cameras battery compartment empty. If the solar proves to keep up at all locations, all camera batteries will eventually be removed, as it’s been suggested if unused they could eventually leak and cause damage.
I’ll keep you posted on results.
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