Cuddelink 2020 GEN 2 version

Question for John Volkman
What can we expect as far as special deals, if any this fall on Cuddelink packages? Farmstead outdoors has some great packages just nothing available.

Have a friend looking to buy a new setup Duel cell 3 J package & Battery boosters
all Cuddeback units will soon be made with 4 d internal packs. we do sell a 4 d replacement pack for the J camera
Hi John:
I've looked on the CuddeBack web site for the 4D replacement pack you mentioned and only see something like that on the J-1521 & J-1538 cameras - not as as stand alone purchase. Do you know when they will be available and how much they will cost?
And not to be negative, but it looks like the new 4D pack on the above mentioned cameras still has the power port on the back of the pack. I wish while designing a new pack they had taken the opportunity to put the power port on the bottom of the pack, so it could have been used with mounting slide integral to the PW-3624 booster.
Back to positive, CuddeLink has designed a great system that I really appreciate and am happy to see it getting better and better.
Thanks again, Steve.

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PW-3594 is part number for the 4d pack, several retailers should have it now including farmstead. Make sure you update the firmware to 8.1 BEFORE installing the 4 d pack or it wont work. They couldn't move the port on the pack without a complete redesign and they didnt have the time to do it and still get product here. On future generations (past 2021) cameras will not have this issue.
Question for John Volkman
What can we expect as far as special deals, if any this fall on Cuddelink packages? Farmstead outdoors has some great packages just nothing available.

Have a friend looking to buy a new setup Duel cell 3 J package & Battery boosters
it doesnt appear there will be any this fall, the difficult part is getting enough product , we have more product coming in early october but that will likely all sell out before year end and possibly before the end of november.3+1 kits are sold out for the year but i have a couple dealers that have some as of today. Demand is extremely high and we got a late start on production because of part shortages with Covid, affecting all electronics . If you need a specific item i can probably find you a deal at one of my dealers. I appreciate anyone on this forum that does business with my dealers in wi as it helps everyone and i can always help with service and questions if you buy thru one of them. PM me if you have any specific needs, ill be glad to help you find them.
My issues with delayed pics is continuing. I have a theory though, hoped to get your thoughts John. All the delayed pics are coming from a single J cam with DPB that continues switching back and forth from ext1 and ext 2. Do you think the lower voltages is causing the delay in sending pics to cell cam? Kind of frustrsted that we are a little over a week from opener and I cant get timely info from system.
My issues with delayed pics is continuing. I have a theory though, hoped to get your thoughts John. All the delayed pics are coming from a single J cam with DPB that continues switching back and forth from ext1 and ext 2. Do you think the lower voltages is causing the delay in sending pics to cell cam? Kind of frustrsted that we are a little over a week from opener and I cant get timely info from system.

Ive also had issues with antennas being eaten on other cams, but not this one to my knowledge. Is there a possibility that a degraded antenna would slow the transmisson of pics to cell home? Still able to get them out, but not as quickly or efficiently??? Just looking for some sort of explanation, so I can ne prepared to fix this when I hit the woods next week. Thanks.
Ive also had issues with antennas being eaten on other cams, but not this one to my knowledge. Is there a possibility that a degraded antenna would slow the transmisson of pics to cell home? Still able to get them out, but not as quickly or efficiently??? Just looking for some sort of explanation, so I can ne prepared to fix this when I hit the woods next week. Thanks.
i dont think the DPB is to blame. I chewed antenna definitely could cause a delay in rf transmission. Cudde is working on trying to nail down transmission delays but have not completely solved it yet. This type of issue is very random and only affects a small portion of users. We are testing some things right now to see if transmission time can be faster and as soon as its confirmed ill let everyone know.
Has anyone noticed a delay in receiving pictures after changes are made online to the camera settings? It can sometimes take 2 or 3 reports before the cameras catch up and send pictures like they normally do. I have noticed that after receiving the update, the camera has a significant lag in taking pictures or stops taking pictures altogether. Even though we were not receiving any new pictures through Cuddelink, I thought that maybe the camera was still taking pictures and storing them on the SD card. But when I pulled the cards that was not the case, almost all of the pictures that were on them were sent to us.

Logically it makes sense, if I have this correct, the home unit contacts Cuddelink to send a report and receives the update for changes made online. Then the home unit has to wait for the next communication with the camera before it sends the changes to it. The camera makes the necessary changes to the settings. How long does it take for the camera to make them? Does it then have to wait for the next report before everything is working as it should? To speed up this process, I now receive 4 reports per day. It is an overkill, but it was the only way that I can think of to force the communication between cameras, home unit and Cuddelink.

Is anyone else having a problem with receiving pictures after changes to the settings?

Another question, in the future, will the Gen2 firmware cameras be able to take multiple pictures per trigger? I miss that feature when the SD cards are pulled. It was nice to get a picture of a bigger buck, who come in after a younger one set off the camera trigger. Now without the additional image, we might miss pictures of the larger buck.


Did anyone reply to your question about the cams stopped taking pics after making online changes. It appears mine have done the same. I did tell the cams to take a pic and that worked OK. The pics were sent just fine, but no other pics since.
Did anyone reply to your question about the cams stopped taking pics after making online changes. It appears mine have done the same. I did tell the cams to take a pic and that worked OK. The pics were sent just fine, but no other pics since.
There shouldn’t be a long delay, check settings to make sure something else didn’t get changed
As of now 5 seconds is the shortest delay that will allow all pics to be sent home, you can swtitch to fap under surveillance mode, but know you may only get the first image of 4-5 taken (since FAP takes one per second ) sent to the home camera when running fast as possible setting . I don’t foresee a firmware update allowing multiple images inside of 5 seconds and all make it home
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My delay is getting worse and its happening with other cams now. All day long im getting batches of 5 to 6 pics anywhere from 5 to 12 hours old. I really hope this is as simple as some chewed antennas. Anyone have any tricks for repelling varmint from antennas? I Really don't want to have to keep buying replacement antennas, especially at the new price of $15 per....
My delay is getting worse and its happening with other cams now. All day long im getting batches of 5 to 6 pics anywhere from 5 to 12 hours old. I really hope this is as simple as some chewed antennas. Anyone have any tricks for repelling varmint from antennas? I Really don't want to have to keep buying replacement antennas, especially at the new price of $15 per....
i doubt its that many antennas, if it was one i could see it, They are in the process of finding a solution for slower transmission for some networks, its a very small number who are affected by it for some reason. When they have an update ill let everyone know , your network may be one thats affected.for now, try changing your batch to a different number.
Im gonna make the 4 hr drive on Thursday to hopefully reset everything. All cams are running on 8.0. Should i update them all to 8.1, or is that not gonna matter?
Im gonna make the 4 hr drive on Thursday to hopefully reset everything. All cams are running on 8.0. Should i update them all to 8.1, or is that not gonna matter?
8.1 may not make a difference , if you can wait to go update they may have this figured out fairly soon since its a 4 hour drive for u.
Im gonna make the 4 hr drive on Thursday to hopefully reset everything. All cams are running on 8.0. Should i update them all to 8.1, or is that not gonna matter?
I run 5 cell units ( 2 K and 3 G home cell all on verizon network). I have 1 K and 1 G home cell on 8.0 and 1 K and 2 G home cell on 8.1. The issue of slow transmission is only happening on 8.1 firmware.

Sometimes certain home units of mine (both K and G home cell) will only send 1 pic an hour for up to 12 hrs. This mainly occurs when I have lots of pics from a remote camera but does happen even if it's only a few. I have my settings at 1 hour interval for all my home units. Never had this issue in the past, not sure what's happening now? But it is frustrating. Not a deal breaker, but a speed bump you could say.

I'm going to edit this one more time. I don't know for sure if the issue resides with the home unit or the remote cams. I don't think it would be an antenna issue or the remote wouldn't connect to the home. If I had to guess I'd say it's the remotes that are slowing the system down. Not sending the pics to the home quick enough or efficiently? Now the question is why? Why send only 1 pic when there are 10 in queue?
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I did not receive a report today. Have been receiving between 8/8:30 am everyday. No recent pictures, either. What can I check to determine the problem
I did not receive a report today. Have been receiving between 8/8:30 am everyday. No recent pictures, either. What can I check to determine the problem
you can go into your camp page and make sure the cell is still online. This also assumes you are on 8.0 or 8.1 firmware. iF its offline for more than a few days you would need to go to the cell unit to determine the issue.
I run 5 cell units ( 2 K and 3 G home cell all on verizon network). I have 1 K and 1 G home cell on 8.0 and 1 K and 2 G home cell on 8.1. The issue of slow transmission is only happening on 8.1 firmware.

Sometimes certain home units of mine (both K and G home cell) will only send 1 pic an hour for up to 12 hrs. This mainly occurs when I have lots of pics from a remote camera but does happen even if it's only a few. I have my settings at 1 hour interval for all my home units. Never had this issue in the past, not sure what's happening now? But it is frustrating. Not a deal breaker, but a speed bump you could say.

I'm going to edit this one more time. I don't know for sure if the issue resides with the home unit or the remote cams. I don't think it would be an antenna issue or the remote wouldn't connect to the home. If I had to guess I'd say it's the remotes that are slowing the system down. Not sending the pics to the home quick enough or efficiently? Now the question is why? Why send only 1 pic when there are 10 in queue?
they are looking into this issue and may have a fix soon, its very random and doesnt occur but in a small percentage of networks. i would be patient and ill update everyone here when i know more.
they are looking into this issue and may have a fix soon, its very random and doesnt occur but in a small percentage of networks. i would be patient and ill update everyone here when i know more.

Thanks John.
I run 5 cell units ( 2 K and 3 G home cell all on verizon network). I have 1 K and 1 G home cell on 8.0 and 1 K and 2 G home cell on 8.1. The issue of slow transmission is only happening on 8.1 firmware.

Sometimes certain home units of mine (both K and G home cell) will only send 1 pic an hour for up to 12 hrs. This mainly occurs when I have lots of pics from a remote camera but does happen even if it's only a few. I have my settings at 1 hour interval for all my home units. Never had this issue in the past, not sure what's happening now? But it is frustrating. Not a deal breaker, but a speed bump you could say.

I'm going to edit this one more time. I don't know for sure if the issue resides with the home unit or the remote cams. I don't think it would be an antenna issue or the remote wouldn't connect to the home. If I had to guess I'd say it's the remotes that are slowing the system down. Not sending the pics to the home quick enough or efficiently? Now the question is why? Why send only 1 pic when there are 10 in queue?
I have two cell units (both K's). One of the K's is on 8.0, and one is on 8.1. For what it's worth, the only issues I have had with lack of connection to the network have always happened on the camera with 8.1. There have been three instances since I have updated to 8.1 when I had to reset the cell connection manually at the camera. This weekend, I am rolling back the K at 8.1 to 8.0 to see if the situation changes.
you can go into your camp page and make sure the cell is still online. This also assumes you are on 8.0 or 8.1 firmware. iF its offline for more than a few days you would need to go to the cell unit to determine the issue.

where do you look to see if it is offline. Everything appears OK. Version 8.1.0