Crimson Topaz Trunk Disease

I hadn't heard of that variety, but I do appreciate you passing on the information.
It's getting fairly popular Native as it's very DR to scab. Good desert quality apple. Poor DR to fire blight though if you have it going around where you live.
Thanks for the heads-up Maya. This is a cultivar that I was looking at for NEXT spring possibly. Maybe I'll wait & see what develops w/ this C.T. I don't need to create more work by planting something w/ possible probs. down the road. Most of the DR varieties I've planted are for the deer primarily, with some eating by camp members - no roadside sales or such. We were looking to up the diversity of our plantings, but we try to do so intelligently, with low maintenance varieties. Thanks again, Maya, for the updates from your sources !!:)
It's getting fairly popular Native as it's very DR to scab. Good desert quality apple. Poor DR to fire blight though if you have it going around where you live.

Thanks Maya. Fire Blight is very bad in this area almost every year, and in some years CAR is devastating too. Those seem to be the two I have to be the most concerned about.

You have probably already seen the link below, but its a good one for some of the most common varieties. I look at it often:
Thanks Maya. Fire Blight is very bad in this area almost every year, and in some years CAR isYa I think devastating too. Those seem to be the two I have to be the most concerned about.

You have probably already seen the link below, but its a good one for some of the most common varieties. I look at it often:

Ya I think so, several universities post that chart or something similar. Keep in mind it's good to know the various hosts for each fungus. Sometimes you may not need to worry depending on what is growing in your area. Real good link though for everyone to see.
Are Red Topaz and Crimson Topaz different apples? The Topaz and its mutation Red Topaz were bred/selected by Dr. Jaroslav Tupy in the Czech Republic. Here is the website of their breeding program with a datasheet on Red Topaz. Crimson Topaz is not mentioned. I've been researching some their apples but it is difficult since European apples are often released in the US under different trademarked names. I did quite a bit of detective work looking at patent and breeder's rights filings to figure out what the American releases actually are. There is one I still can't figure out so I sent him an e-mail to see if he would tell me. I have not heard back yet. Maybe I'll try translating my questions into Czech and resending the e-mail.