Looking for advice on a new orchard layout

Looks very nice, well done!

Only word of advice I would give is to keep an eye on any low growing stuff (branches, leafs or suckers) inside your screens and nip them off so trees put growth up into wood you want.

That's the only bad thing about the window screen. I recently removed all of mine and trimmed everything that had been growing under it. It was a good time to paint the trunks then while the screen was off.
Good advice - can I nip the branches inside the screen off this time of year or do I wait until dormancy??
I would nip them and get that energy going into making the tree the way you want now.
In new young trees the low stuff usually starts pretty early in spring as they leaf out and after a month or so of pinching or rubbing them off they will stop doing it, after a couple years it's almost a non issue on most trees.
Good advice - can I nip the branches inside the screen off this time of year or do I wait until dormancy??

I did mine just a couple weeks ago.
Quick update:

So I got around to spraying my trunks with the 50/50 white latex paint to water mixture just last weekend. I actually was able to get away with using one of those $10 1 gallon sprayers you use for weeds to apply the paint. It worked awesome with only a couple of clogs in the nozzle. It took me 15 minutes to hit all 60 trees with the mixture and I was done. I shot the paint right through the window screen as well.

All trees but my lone honey crisp on P18 appear to be thriving. 95% of the other trees are on B118. Maybe it's the rootstock on that tree but it didn't grow at all this year. We'll see what next year brings for it

I have another order of 40 fruit trees from cummins next spring coming and that should be it for fruit trees. I will probably buy 10 or so Chinese chestnuts for next year as well.
Well, I have finalized my 2018 Cummins Nursery order. Going to be another busy spring but this 'should' be the last large order as I am not even sure where all 50 of these trees will be going!! List of the apple and pear trees is below.

2018 tree list.JPG
This might have be of some sorten mentioned but space them far enough apart the first time and I would run irrigation also
What type of irrigation/watering system do you recommend?

That's a nice aggressive order silver yummies, your going to have a busy spring and summer with them.
I did mine with 1/2 supply and 1/8 I believe lines off it,then I cut hole in top of water tote so that my sump pumps would drop down in tank.These are the ones that a garden hose screws to then hose adapts into 1/2 inch irrigation tubing.I quit using the drippers in areas I had issues with them plugging.If I did 2 pumps then I could do 13 trees each direction from tank.That makes about 10 gallons per tree
Thanks all. With the 1000 gallon water tank I am covered for watering needs. Interesting setup you have going BD1.
Sort of treating this thread as an ongoing update to my land.....

Bought a couple lbs of chestnuts from Chestnut Ridge of IL back in October. Started cold stratification on 11-20-2017. Lost 6 nuts to mold overall. Just started them out in 18 cell trays tonight 1-31-2018. 16 hrs of light followed by 8 hrs dark under regular LED shop lights is my plan. 96 nuts got planted overall. Hoping to plant these on the edge of our CRP land and creek this spring.


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Update to my chestnuts. These grew like weeds and wasn’t prepared for all of the growth and such high success rate. I transplanted them into these larger containers and need spring to finally show up so I can harden them off outside and get them planted/tubed in their final resting spot.

My Cummins Nursery order will arrive in 2 weeks. Thankfully seeing some days in the upper 50s this week to melt the snow and take out the frost before they arrive. 6E083D3B-B397-4EA9-8E92-134D97660BA4.jpeg
Oh yeah ......... nice !!! ^^^^^^ Protect those babies !!
More of a running update here. Planted 29 more Apple trees and 6 more pear trees on April 28th. Planted 40 chestnuts today May 6th. Deer will be happy in another 5-10 years.
i know i have said this somewhere in this thread, but.......THAT's how you protect a tree!!!!!

Great looking orchard silver
Google updated their imagery just a few weeks ago. Here is the main orchard of 70+ apple trees in it with a 1 acre plot of a pollinator mix to the right/east of it. Brought the zero-turn over a few times this year to keep the vegetation down to a minimum around each tree. Another note - I've got 2 lbs (qty 60) of chestnuts cold stratifying in the fridge right now. Will grow them out the same way I did the first batch. The chestnuts I planted this spring in tree tubes all to be healthy when I checked them out this fall - hope they survive their 1st winter.

Orchard google.JPG