Crabapple timeline

Crab apples just seem to do their thing year after year, don't they?? No muss - no fuss ...... they just seem to produce.
Yes,. There's a few crab apple trees at the local golf course that are loaded year after year. Most of the crabs I have been noticing the last few years seem to be full to very full every year.
Crab apples just seem to do their thing year after year, don't they?? No muss - no fuss ...... they just seem to produce.
It seems to be a trend, but I seem to have a few trees resting every year.

I have two Kerr in locations over 1/4 mile apart and they have alternated resting the last two years.

The old Big Dog is resting, but my grafts are producing.

One Buckman Crab that Small Chunk grafted for me started producing. And an ABC from him as well as one of my grafts.
It seems to be a trend, but I seem to have a few trees resting every year.

I have two Kerr in locations over 1/4 mile apart and they have alternated resting the last two years.

The old Big Dog is resting, but my grafts are producing.

One Buckman Crab that Small Chunk grafted for me started producing. And an ABC from him as well as one of my grafts.
Extremes of drought and winter over the last few years with trees in different microclimates has probably caused this resting.

Going back two springs, a tree with 5 foot of snow around it wakes up at a different time than a tree with 3 foot of snow on a more south slope.

I have a friend who is about five miles away and he only has a handful of apples this year. They were loaded last year. I am sure he does no thinning.
First fruit on Violi’s. I feel that heavy pruning for two years and perhaps a mild winter got it started fruiting.
I have a neighbor some apples and he told me they were the best apples he has ever eaten. Kindercrisp.

Red Baron are ripe and falling. Haralred is close to being ripe. Limbs are breaking from the fruit load. Liberty and Nova EayGro are ripe.

Chestnut crab is well past halfway point of dropping apples.

I grabbed a Sweet Dog yesterday and it tasted pretty good. Also ate one of my first Honeygold from a franken tree.

All of the fruit is bigger this year with the better rainfall and heat units.
I have a couple really big crabapple trees that haven't produced at all the last couple years. Is there anything a guy can try to get them growing apples again or are they just done producing?
I have a couple really big crabapple trees that haven't produced at all the last couple years. Is there anything a guy can try to get them growing apples again or are they just done producing?
Prune heavily this winter, but not more than 1/3 of tree.
In October 2022 I bought a mix of crabapple and apple trees from Morse Nursery. This spring the two Nova Scotia crabs blossomed for the first time; one quite heavily. I terminated all but one pollinated flower. The one remaining crabapple was a gorgeous candy apple red and grew to golf ball size before falling on September 16th. I'm unsure if this will be its normal drop time as my township was unusually dry July-September. Its taste was pleasant but bland and unremarkable.
Haralred is loaded and starting to drop. The ladder is holding some limbs up.

I am trying to talk someone to stop and pick apples.

We are making cider tomorrow and I picked two bags of these, but have multiple bags of other apples in the freezer.
What do yuo do for thinning?

I read that they used to use sevin as a thining chemical.

Thinking of buying one of those spinning surgical hose mechanical thinners .

I just clip off fruit with a small scissors.
What do yuo do for thinning?

I read that they used to use sevin as a thining chemical.

Thinking of buying one of those spinning surgical hose mechanical thinners .

I just thin what I can reach with a small scissors or hand pull fruit off of a fruit culture. I should spend more time on fruit tree care, but…. There are 🐠 to catch!
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Haralred is loaded and starting to drop. The ladder is holding some limbs up.

I am trying to talk someone to stop and pick apples.

We are making cider tomorrow and I picked two bags of these, but have multiple bags of other apples in the freezer.
Cider making has been delayed due to the heat!
This is my first taste of Mn1734. I like it, but it would probably be better in another week or ten days.

St Edmunds Russet slipped by on me and I should have picked them about ten days ago. I like that apple and might be able to salvage 2 or 3 apples.
Don't see much about mn1734 on here. Good to know. I have one planted... somewhere. But still too young to do much.

Another of my one off trees Harrison cider finally got old enough and has some fruit this year after several years of just a few small clusters. Has a bit of sooty blotch but they are all hanging tight yet. When it looks like a few have fallen I should check them

The ranetka seedlings a couple have all dropped in last couple weeks while several others are still hanging tough. The best of them slow drops from Labor day into mid October