Crabapple timeline

Is your little Pillsbury Crab still holding any fruit Bur?
It looks like it could be a nice Crab for Grouse & Turkeys.

Still holding.

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I like that little crab and I may hit you up for a few scions one of these years.
I like that little crab and I may hit you up for a few scions one of these years.

That tree is not very big. I might have clipped one small branch off of it today.

My buddy says the mother tree is full of fruit and there are lots of deer tracks under it. Let me know if you want scion for another year.

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Yesterday, I started pruning and gathering scion.

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Sandbur, Your trees look to have some nice scions. This being the first year we ever cut scions from our tree it didn’t have as much one year growth as yours show. Do you regularly fertilize the trees or is the better growth just the result of last years scion removal?
Yesterday, I started pruning and gathering scion.

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Sandbur, Your trees look to have some nice scions. This being the first year we ever cut scions from our tree it didn’t have as much one year growth as yours show. Do you regularly fertilize the trees or is the better growth just the result of last years scion removal?

Several factors. I am on light soil and we had plentiful rain last summer.
Some trees I pruned a year ago had lots of water sprouts and that is what I harvested for scion. I know some say water sprouts may not be the best scion (slower to bloom???)

I fertilize and prune just certain trees and other trees are pretty much on their own. I just ordered and received a case of fruit tree spikes.

Some trees are very short on scion.

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I like that little crab and I may hit you up for a few scions one of these years.

That tree is not very big. I might have clipped one small branch off of it today.

My buddy says the mother tree is full of fruit and there are lots of deer tracks under it. Let me know if you want scion for another year.

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You should give Golden Hornet a try. It holds late, has a similar sized fruit, and has been very hardy for me.

One year ago, I had -41 for a brief period and-38 for hours. Golden Hornet still had fruit this last summer.

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Bur - How big are Golden Hornet's crab apples??
Bur - How big are Golden Hornet's crab apples??
They are small. Maybe 3/4 of an inch. They don’t taste horrible. I think their draw for a deer apple is they have a very long and late bloom time and it puts on massive numbers of fruit.
You should give Golden Hornet a try. It holds late, has a similar sized fruit, and has been very hardy for me.

One year ago, I had -41 for a brief period and-38 for hours. Golden Hornet still had fruit this last summer.

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Thanks Bur, I've done a little reading on them and have considered them. Have you seen Grouse or other birds eating them ?
You should give Golden Hornet a try. It holds late, has a similar sized fruit, and has been very hardy for me.

One year ago, I had -41 for a brief period and-38 for hours. Golden Hornet still had fruit this last summer.

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Thanks Bur, I've done a little reading on them and have considered them. Have you seen Grouse or other birds eating them ?

Partridge tend to use the flowering crabs more often around here. Red splendor works and there are others.

I saw a row of Red Splendor seedlings with some nice variations in apple size.

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Partridge tend to use the flowering crabs more often around here. Red splendor works and there are others.

I saw a row of Red Splendor seedlings with some nice variations in apple size.

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I have read guys like Adirondack & Centurion for Partridge/Grouse and smaller birds as well. I think these are in the 1/4'' dia. range. I wonder how big is to big for birds to eat whole? I've see Wood Peckers, big and small, peck away at frozen apples but I'm not sure other birds do this. I guess if there hungry enough they will.

I've transitioned from planting Apple varieties to planting Crabs for wildlife. While most of my plantings are geared toward deer I like variety and try to plant things that will benefit all wildlife, game and non game species.
Partridge tend to use the flowering crabs more often around here. Red splendor works and there are others.

I saw a row of Red Splendor seedlings with some nice variations in apple size.

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I have read guys like Adirondack & Centurion for Partridge/Grouse and smaller birds as well. I think these are in the 1/4'' dia. range. I wonder how big is to big for birds to eat whole? I've see Wood Peckers, big and small, peck away at frozen apples but I'm not sure other birds do this. I guess if there hungry enough they will.

I've transitioned from planting Apple varieties to planting Crabs for wildlife. While most of my plantings are geared toward deer I like variety and try to plant things that will benefit all wildlife, game and non game species.

My first plantings were 25 Manchurian flowering crabs and some flowering crabs from neighbors and my wife’s grandma.

Then her other Grandma gave us seedlings from edible crabs and larger apples. That got me started. She was Grandma Appleseed and had 40 plus year old apple trees on quite a few farms.

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I collected and mailed scion to (14) people today. Most of you should have it by the end of the week.

Those of you who had requests that I wasn’t sure I could fill should check your messages.

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I have read guys like Adirondack & Centurion for Partridge/Grouse and smaller birds as well. I think these are in the 1/4'' dia. range. I wonder how big is to big for birds to eat whole? I've see Wood Peckers, big and small, peck away at frozen apples but I'm not sure other birds do this. I guess if there hungry enough they will.

I've transitioned from planting Apple varieties to planting Crabs for wildlife. While most of my plantings are geared toward deer I like variety and try to plant things that will benefit all wildlife, game and non game species.


My Centurion fruits are more like 1/2". Maybe even 5/8"
Courthouse Crab is doing well again this year.

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Lookin' good, sandbur. Thanks for the updates. Are those some drops in the snow? What would the history be of a tree like this... just a seedling grown from a state dept?
Lookin' good, sandbur. Thanks for the updates. Are those some drops in the snow? What would the history be of a tree like this... just a seedling grown from a state dept?

Those are some drops. It appears to be a rootstock as the right side of the tree and rest of the row are flowering crabs.

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Lookin' good, sandbur. Thanks for the updates. Are those some drops in the snow? What would the history be of a tree like this... just a seedling grown from a state dept?

Those are some drops. It appears to be a rootstock as the right side of the tree and rest of the row are flowering crabs.

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