I though this thread died with mental masturbation.
your source is from Dec. I saw it scrolling on the bottom the screen last week.It would be great if you could post a link to the CDC guidance on this. From what I know, their guidance for kids is here: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/vaccine-safety-children-teens.html with some recent specifics here: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/clinical-considerations/covid-19-vaccines-us.html
your source is from Dec. I saw it scrolling on the bottom the screen last week.
LOL, what an idiotic study. A better study would be a completely blind study asking all physicians weather or not they got the shot and how many of those got it because they want it or because they had to to keep their job. That would tell you something of value. But it would have to be totally anonymous due to the shot gestapo coming after whoever doesn't fall in line.![]()
The 1 In 10 U.S. Doctors With Reservations About Vaccines Could Be Undermining The Fight Against COVID-19
Researchers studying vaccine hesitancy found the same factors thought to encourage hesitancy in the general public – like having right-leaning political views – might also motivate physician opposition.today.tamu.edu
Conformation bias I'm sure3 more football and soccer players have died this week. I guess by now, rather than make excuses,,, find out if these young athletes had the shot or not ?
Plus this young man… very sad !
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Don't know who that would be. If you read my posts, you will see that I identified confirmation bias on both sides and described how science uses hypotheses and testing to support or reject them and never results in absolute truth.Even funnier how some take this so-called research" as God's honest truth and don't question anything . All the while telling everyone else that anything they post is confirmation bias, anecdotal, or not science enough for them.
Funny how some weigh anecdotal stories as much as peer reviewed research...![]()
I must have missed the move with the subtitles. ;)Oh I know. To jacks credit he teed it up with his passive aggressive subtitles.
I have no idea. I don't know anything about his situation and the facts in his case.So you think the young man made the right decision to get vaccinated?
First and foremost, Jack I'm glad you are doing better. I haven't read all the posts but hopefully you didn't get too sick and recovery was speedy. That said, you must have known you would unleash the predictably polarized debate on this topic.
Like everyone else I have an opinion and responded to covid in the way I thought best . I have zero interest in trying to convince anyone of anything. Just true to what I believe. I also " follow the science". However the last place I would ever look for guidance on health and fitness is the federal govt. { Or the medical community which focuses on symptoms not core issues } The science I have studied for most of my life focuses on the practices that elevate human health to the highest standards. To my knowledge, from the onset of covid no-one in the govt. ever suggested taking personal steps and responsibility for enhancing their own heath thru nutrition, lifestyle, breath work etc as a preventative step. Rather the totality of guidance was pharmaceutical and of course...wear a mask . Neither of these approaches resonated with me in the least.
The facts are that very very few vibrantly healthy people had issues with covid at all. Very few! The facts are that the vast majority of hospitalizations and deaths from covid were folks with comorbidities, many with multiple commorbidities . Specifically hypertension ,cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and obesity at the top of the list. Said differently ...already unhealthy people. All of these and many others are directly related to lifestyle choices that could have been preventable and are representative of modern western lifestyle, and approach to health and nutrition. Yes. There is an incredible body of science supporting this.
Thus, in many ways I think covid is a terrific spotlight on shifts happening in society today. Do we want to trust the top down authoritative controlling institutions for our health ? { Economics, education, spirituality health...its a long list} Or do we want to take personal responsibility of our health with our daily lifestyle choices and research? In so many ways we are seeing the power center controlling institutions across many spectrums challenged and loosing favor replaced by decentralized bottom up consensus. With instant communication and information dysfunction becomes glaringly obvious, and as we habitat mgrs. know nature never tolerates dysfunction for very long. I believe major societal shifts are taking place right now which will have profound implications perhaps in our lifetime. And I think it's incredibly exciting and positive. just depends how chaotic it will be.
Lastly I look at the impact covid had on my very own family:
Wife and I . Unvaccinated. I got covid and was really tired for about 10 days. No other symptoms . Wife was puny for 3 days. We traveled constantly internationally and U.S. as always. Really didn't change lifestyle at all. No problems.
My eldest daughter and her husband 42 yrs old. Vibrantly healthy with an intense focus on nutrition and health. Unvaccinated. Live in Boulder. Daughter is a teacher and they told her to continue she had to be vaccinated and wear a mask. She quit started her own school and has a waiting list of students. Neither she nor her husband ever had covid to their knowledge.
Second daughter and husband , 40 yrs old. Vegan and not so healthy or active. Vaccinated, double boosted and totally paranoid of covid. Lives in Montreal. Teaches quantum physics. Has had covid twice with severe symptoms though no hospitalization . Quarantines her mail. Wears mask all the time.
Son and DIL. 38. Extremely healthy and fit. Very focused on nutrition . Just moved from outside Boston . Unvaccinated, no mask could care less. Nether they nor their 10 yr old son ever got covid that they know of.
Are those experiences scientifically correlated? No. But I bet a deep dive into the subject would support that genuinely healthy fit people on a nutrient dense diet fared quite well thru covid vs. those in a 'typical' state of health by western standards. I'll see if Fauci can expound on that.
Very early on in the pandemic Fauci said one thing that he was right on. The vast majority of people will come out of this just fine. That message was quickly forgotten by the powers that be. After that, for some reason things spiraled into the mess we all know today. Why Fauci flipped on the World we may never know.. Money would be my guess. immune compromised people know their risks and i not just with Covid either, Healthy people needn’t worry, and some people found out they’re not as healthy as they thought.