
You are right. In all cases, the most vibrant and healthy folks are able to fend off disease pretty well, regardless of the pathogen. Most recover well. It is always those that are otherwise sick, elderly, that are most at risk of hospitalization and death. COVID id no different in that respect.

My personal decision to fully vaccinate, isolate, mask, and generally follow guidelines was not primarily for self-protection. I've had good friends die from COVID and watch it destroy families. I don't value those with health issues any less than healthy folks. In some cases they have some responsibility for their state and in others none. Either way, I did not want to be part of the disease vector path that was responsible for the hospitalization or death of any of my friends and family or the community in general.

That was my logic. I understand the skepticism when it comes to "the government" and "big business". There are bad actors there as there are in most all aspects of society. We all need to use the best judgement God gave us and support one another.

Thanks again for your well wishes. I only had 2 days of mild symptoms from COVID, but I had a simultaneous sinus infection and it is still hanging on a bit. I'm not out of the isolation period and will be masking according to the guidelines. I had a very weak positive antigen test today, so I'm expecting to test negative in a day or two. Antigens can hang around for a bit after the infection is clear.


Glad you are doing better though sinus infections are nasty. I'm totally supportive of anyone being able to freely make decisions based on what they think is best for their circumstance. For sure much of health and our quality of life lies between our ears and how we think. I applaud those who live thoughtfully. As the saying goes..."to thine own self be true"
The moral question is this. "Should we, as a country, take actions that reduce many deaths of the most vulnerable at the cost of the economic and other impacts we experienced?" At the core, many folks answered this question differently.
I see that as an individual question, not a political, economic, national or mandated question. Morals are slippery to define at a county level and tougher to mandate.
That was the problem. If it was just left up to your choice, I think many wouldnt have any issues. It is when others try , and succeeded in forcing others to take an experimental shot. Whether that be mandates by cities, states, businesses, employers, that is when a lot of people bucked the system. If you wanted the shot, good for you! If you didnt want the shot, and were willing to be the control group, good for you, but when you tried to force others to take the shot, F-YOU!
Why is it that every person wearing a mask on my flight out of ATL this morning was a short haired, dishwater blond, out of shape, middle aged white woman with b-eyes?
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Why is it that every person wearing a mask on my flight out of ATL this morning was a short haired, dishwater blond, out of shape, middle aged white woman with b-eyes?
Masks can only hide so much. Are masks still mandatory on flights? If not those eyes could have been for you not wearing a mask!

I take about 8 flights a month and 99.9% of people don’t mask. But 99.9% of those that do, are covidian Karen’s.

Oh man, I paused from entering a pretty full elevator in a hotel last week. One guy said come on in there is room. Karen in the back said yeah, you look vaccinated.

I can’t tell you the pleasure I took in announcing I wasn’t vaccinated as the door closed me in there with her…
The moral question is this. "Should we, as a country, take actions that reduce many deaths of the most vulnerable at the cost of the economic and other impacts we experienced?" At the core, many folks answered this question differently.
For the record I blame Bill for shutting down the Covid page 😁

Moral questions will definitely vary depending on the individual, and that is what freedom is. The freedom to choose, the freedom to think, make decisions (including medical decisions) and act for yourself. The vaccines don’t prevent infection and therefore don’t stop transmission so in general none of my rights should be restricted because I’m not harming anyone else with my decision.

I think you’re asking if the US “should take actions to reduce deaths of the most venerable”. I think that is asking if one feels it’s acceptable for the Government to take people’s rights to protect themselves and my answer is a definite no. That’s not what freedom looks like. They should be VERY transparent about all information, give you the facts and let you decide what is best for you and your family.

Stress is directly proportional to health and they intentionally inflated the death rates from the get go. We knew this in early 2020 and we knew it from the CDC’s own data and the numbers haven’t changed. The ones still at risk are 65 and older and on average had on average of 4 pre-existing health conditions and Baker is accurate in his description of the main contributors. I could give leeway until we had tests because they were guessing. But once they have tests it’s obvious they can more accurately report who is dying from Covid and who is coming into the hospital with a gunshot wound and tests positive. But they didn’t. They still don’t today. It’s not that hard to do and the fact that they don’t today should say more about this situation. I don’t know if people aren’t seeing the information or they are ignoring it when people show them. Knowing they bloated the numbers, which only effect brings fear, doesn’t exactly make me trust what followed which was lockdowns and restricted rights of everyone when were were finally allowed to get out of the house.

Then came the cure to getting our freedoms back, the vaccines. They told us they were ”95% effective”. “Safe and effective” is what they said. People waited in lines to get the jab. Months later they were reluctant about admitting the jabs might not be effective. They already knew this, the CDC knew from the vaccine trials that they weren’t going to make you immune to getting Covid but still claimed it. Then the CDC says it likely still stops transmission and definitely reduces severity of getting Covid ie hospitalizations, until they had to admit it doesn’t stop transmission. Does that sound like it is “safe and effective”? At this point I don’t feel these people should have a job, let alone in charge of the information that is going to dictate how free I can be.

For the record I don’t judge anyone for making their decision to get vaccinated. That is your choice and I’m elated that you got what you wanted. But that wasn’t reciprocated. For personal reasons I didn’t want to and I was openly shamed for making that decision. I was told “this is going to be a long, dark winter of death” by the guy that is going to be Biden’s chief of Staff. I was hammered for “being the problem” of not getting Covid under control media was saying and my vaxxed friends personally showed their disgust in me and going as far as unfriending me. People in my position were enticed with a $5million lottery by Cuomo to get the jab btw the same guy made a law that said I had to “sit at a bar (can’t play pool or dance etc) and I had to eat a meal” if I wanted to have a couple beers. Cuomo realized bars were selling “Cuomo chips” for $1 so he amended the law to clarify that chips aren’t a meal and even “chicken wings aren’t a meal, you have to have soup and sandwich or something similar”. Does that sound like someone I should trust with my Constitutional rights? Is it immoral if I don’t feel I should comply with that guy? That’s freedom after all. Were it actually a pandemic I would probably have a different view but in reality, it wasn’t.

I encourage everyone to see things for themselves, do your own research, look at the data yourself and come to your own conclusions. The media outlets aren’t trustworthy anymore and far too many people get their information there. We are 3 years in and finally, FINALLY, even CNN shows some honesty. I couldn’t find it on CNN’s site but aired last week.


Does this qualify as "the science" too?
What is discussed is science; unfortunately someone put an inaccurate spin on it. If you check the source you cited, you will see a tentative statement has been cast as an absolute conclusion.
your statement ... "Phizer's Covid booster and flu shot on the same day "raises risk of STROKE."
You also might be interested in the credibility of your source ...
What the article actually says ... Getting Pfizer's Covid booster and flu vaccine on the same day may raise the risk of a STROKE, FDA says

Someone - you, or perhaps another site you visit is responsible for the misleading information - removed the words MAY raise and conveniently inserted "raises" to state/declare/opine the possible interaction of 2 virus vaccines increasing your chance for a stroke.
The number of cases where folks got both shots on the same day (N = 555,000) and suffered a stroke within 3 weeks included 130 persons or 0.00234234%. And while this number is extremely small in relation to the number of persons getting both shots in a single day, SCIENCE demands follow up studies so that - if a suspected causal relationship exists - folks (Drs and consumers) can be advised to avoid double-dipping on the same day. Then again, it may have been a spurious correlation.
When information is not presented accurately, folks quickly reach conclusions that are not justified.
And now they want blanket amnesty for all they did and how they treated people? Suddenly, it’s time for us all to come together and forgive / forget……or else you’re labeled divisive or un-American?

F that!!!
I see that as an individual question, not a political, economic, national or mandated question. Morals are slippery to define at a county level and tougher to mandate.
It is political because it is a balance of one persons freedoms impacting the freedoms of others. I do agree it is an individual moral question and everyone has to answer for themselves, but those answers go into our political system via voting. It is our political system that tries (if not always the way I like) to balance between the freedoms of individuals when they are in conflict.

The system sure ain't perfect, but as attributed to Churchill....except for all the others.
There's lots still left to talk about, but the nation needs to get back on one team, cause there are new problems stemming from old problems.

New Zealand is the test ground for what will come here with hunting down the non-compliant.
ICD 10 codes are rolling out across the health care grid, and that info will be fed into the NWO and all their policing orgs.

We haven't rectified the fact our government built this virus with the chinese.
We never found out what Charles Lieber (Mr. injectable self assembling nano-bots) was doing in Wuhan during the creation of the virus.

We're no longer testing any new shots, and we're not discussing the bi-valent, tri-valent, and quadrivalent cocktails they're coming up with.
We don't know what's in the first ones, we'll never know what's in the rest as they are now rolling out faster than anyone can keep up with.
We have to decide if we're going to acknowledge there are problems with the shots and get to work to try to help people that are silently terrified wondering when they're gonna suddenly face plant. A lot of people i care about took that shot, and I want to know someone is working to figure out how to undo it.

We have to decide if those already vax injured exist, or if we'll leave them to suffer in the shadows like so many other victims of the federal government like the american indian, veterans, drug addicts, brown border kids sold into sex slavery by homeland security etc.

These are all very uncomfortable realities, but if we care about the country and each other, these are conversations we need to have.
The moral question is this. "Should we, as a country, take actions that reduce many deaths of the most vulnerable at the cost of the economic and other impacts we experienced?" At the core, many folks answered this question differently.
The moral question is this. "Should we, as a country, take actions that reduce many deaths of the most vulnerable at the cost of the economic and other impacts we experienced?" At the core, many folks answered this question differently.

Oh man, I paused from entering a pretty full elevator in a hotel last week. One guy said come on in there is room. Karen in the back said yeah, you look vaccinated.

I can’t tell you the pleasure I took in announcing I wasn’t vaccinated as the door closed me in there with her…
I wish only that I could "like" Bills post 1000 times! F'ing awesome man!!!
What is discussed is science; unfortunately someone put an inaccurate spin on it. If you check the source you cited, you will see a tentative statement has been cast as an absolute conclusion.
your statement ... "Phizer's Covid booster and flu shot on the same day "raises risk of STROKE."
You also might be interested in the credibility of your source ...
What the article actually says ... Getting Pfizer's Covid booster and flu vaccine on the same day may raise the risk of a STROKE, FDA says

Someone - you, or perhaps another site you visit is responsible for the misleading information - removed the words MAY raise and conveniently inserted "raises" to state/declare/opine the possible interaction of 2 virus vaccines increasing your chance for a stroke.
The number of cases where folks got both shots on the same day (N = 555,000) and suffered a stroke within 3 weeks included 130 persons or 0.00234234%. And while this number is extremely small in relation to the number of persons getting both shots in a single day, SCIENCE demands follow up studies so that - if a suspected causal relationship exists - folks (Drs and consumers) can be advised to avoid double-dipping on the same day. Then again, it may have been a spurious correlation.
When information is not presented accurately, folks quickly reach conclusions that are not justified.
Please refrain from making false claims about me. I did not make any statements. I asked a question. That kind of dishonesty has no place in a healthy discussion between adults.
I wonder if there is forum out there on the internet called Covid Talk in which they occasionally have 10 page threads arguing about habitat management? 😄 👍
Did you post this question on every other non habitat related thread on here?