I didn’t figure you would see any problem with governments or businesses mandating this vaccine into other peoples bodies, being you still think it somehow works, and is the savior to you getting COVID.
I do have an issue with any forces vaccination. A private employer has the right to fire an employee without cause for almost any reason, with few exceptions. I don't see this any different. If an employer decides that an employee who refuses to vaccinate impacts his business to the point he wants to terminate the employee it is fine. At the same time, if an employee, sees an employers policies as too onerous for them, they have every right to quit and get a job elsewhere.
Government is not a private employer and they do have more restrictions on termination, but the same principles apply in my mind. The only potential for forced vaccination was with the military and that has always been the case, long before COVID.
If folks believe any mandates violated their rights, I would have expected them to skip the vaccine, and take the employer to court for wrongful termination. I would expect those cases to work their way through the system maybe even to SCOTUS.
To my way of thinking, when we make choices of conscience, whatever they are, we need to be willing to accept the consequences. If one feels they don't want the vaccine, they should not be forced to take it. However, if and employer wants to terminate an employee who doesn't vaccinate, he should be free to do that as well. That is my opinion, and I understand others my think differently.
As for the vaccine, I think it had the greatest value early in the pandemic, reducing severe illness and helping keep the hospital system from overloading. At this point, I think, whether through vaccination, or contracting the disease, we largely have fairly strong "herd immunity" . I think as new variants emerge that evade the vaccine to some extent, future versions of the vaccine will play an important role for those who are at higher risk or those who interact with high risk folks and want to protect them. It is kind of like the many methods we use for habitat work. The vaccine is one tool that, when employed property with the right expectations, can be valuable in achieving our objectives. Like in habitat we all have different objectives and different situations.