Someone asked me to show them where I claimed 95% of all Covid deaths had 4 or more comorbidities but at the time the CDC had moved the page and I couldn't find it because the link I had saved no longer worked and they moved the page. This post made me seek it out. I know what some are going to say so I will head it off.
As of today the CDC says we had 1,097,723 Covid deaths (as of 1-24-23) in the US, only 5% (54,886) of what they count as Covid deaths were Covid deaths, the other 95% of Covid deaths had "4 additional conditions or causes per death". This means in 3 years of Covid 54,886 otherwise healthy people died from Covid. Now, my earlier post showed the policy the CDC handed out to individual states told them to count anyone that tested positive for Covid and died is counted as a Covid death. That is what the Coroner of Grand Colorado was trying to change with the murder suicide and they refused stating "this is how we are told to count them".
I would like to point out this clearly shows what us "conspiracy" guys kept saying about Covid deaths being mainly concerning in the upper age group and people with other illnesses. It is beyond belief that they are pushing the jabs on school age kids and as young as 5 years old.
They fired nurses that they called hero's for 2 years for not getting the jab.
They discharged people from the military that didn't get the jab. I understand as a member of the military you are owned by them and do as they say but these kind of policies were draconian considering mRNA has never been used on any scale to know the short or long term effects of that delivery system.
Remember vaccine passports being popular in big cities? You couldn't participate in society unless you got the jab.
Here in NY they told us we could go to a bar but we had to order and eat food there too. At what point can the government tell me when and where I can eat?
Remember the police arresting Preachers and patrons for going to church services? The Constitutional right of Freedom of Religion went right out the window.
Remember they shut down gyms and small businesses but places like Walmart were fine? Herd everyone to shop at one place to stop the spread, what sense does that even make?!?
Remember when they censored Dr's and nurses that were speaking out against the BS going on that got censored and lost their certifications? The Constitutional Right to free speech went right out the window.
Trumps campaign speeches were "superspreader" events but BLM can burn cities?
The US has become dependent on their TV to tell them what rights they have, or should have, we are no longer free. Democrat and Republicans are wings of the same bird.
Remote teaching failed our kids miserably and we can't just get that back. Again, they weren't at risk. Suicide rates jumped tremendously as did drug overdoses in our youth.
In recent times one of our recent Omicron strains they named "the Cracken"? Because that isn't obvious fear mongering?
This is off the top of my head, there are so many of these I can type... but I am leaving work and I think (hope) you get the point.
Tabulated data on provisional COVID-19 deaths by age, sex, race and Hispanic origin, and comorbidities. Also includes an index of state-level and county-level mortality data available for download.