As this thread has proven, a topic can get really deep and then veer off in different directions. All I know is: all my Dr would tell me in the beginning was quoting whatever the CDC said, so I was going to wait.
Wife works for a school system, so shot was mandatory. Took the first Phizer shot, and was in the emergency room 2 times within the next week with heartrate over 120, blood pressure 225/150. Never any heart issues before that shot, and not going to bore everyone with the other side effects. After that, her doctors, my Dr, and every nurse we knew personally (10+) were very vocal about not getting the shot.
Some of these nurses lost their jobs over refusing to get the shot. At the same time, news stories of hospitals and morgue overloaded w/ dead bodies, etc.. how the hell is a person expected to make the right decision for themselves? I manage over 50 ppl, and can make spreadsheets and reports with the best of them, but, I don't need fancy reports to try and tell me what my eyeballs already see. Pretty easy decision for me after watching what my wife went thru.